Providence Salumu
Table of Contents
In this chapter, we'll discuss a common task: parsing a binary file. We will use this task for two purposes. Our first is indeed to talk a little about parsing, but our main goal is to talk about program organisation, refactoring, and “boilerplate removal”. We will demonstrate how you can tidy up repetitious code, and set the stage for our discussion of monads in Chapter 14, Monads.
The file formats that we will work with come from the netpbm suite, an ancient and venerable collection of programs and file formats for working with bitmap images. These file formats have the dual advantages of wide use and being fairly easy, though not completely trivial, to parse. Most importantly for our convenience, netpbm files are not compressed.
The name of netpbm's greyscale file format is PGM (“portable grey map”). It is actually not one format, but two; the “plain” (or “P2”) format is encoded as ASCII, while the more common “raw” (“P5”) format is mostly binary.
A file of either format starts with a header, which in turn
begins with a “magic” string describing the format.
For a plain file, the string is P2
, and for
raw, it's P5
. The magic string is followed by
white space, then by three numbers: the width, height, and
maximum grey value of the image. These numbers are represented
as ASCII decimal numbers, separated by white space.
After the maximum grey value comes the image data. In a raw file, this is a string of binary values. In a plain file, the values are represented as ASCII decimal numbers separated by single space characters.
A raw file can contain a sequence of images, one after the other, each with its own header. A plain file contains only one image.
For our first try at a parsing function, we'll only worry about raw PGM files. We'll write our PGM parser as a pure function. It's not responsible for obtaining the data to parse, just for the actual parsing. This is a common approach in Haskell programs. By separating the reading of the data from what we subsequently do with it, we gain flexibility in where we take the data from.
We'll use the ByteString type to store our greymap data, because it's compact. Since the header of a PGM file is ASCII text, but its body is binary, we import both the text- and binary-oriented ByteString modules.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import Data.Char (isSpace)
For our purposes, it doesn't matter whether we use a lazy or strict ByteString, so we've somewhat arbitrarily chosen the lazy kind.
We'll use a straightforward data type to represent PGM images.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs data Greymap = Greymap { greyWidth :: Int , greyHeight :: Int , greyMax :: Int , greyData :: L.ByteString } deriving (Eq)
Normally, a Haskell Show instance should
produce a string representation that we can read back by calling
. However, for a bitmap graphics file,
this would potentially produce huge text strings, for example if
we were to show
a photo. For this reason,
we're not going to let the compiler automatically derive a
Show instance for us: we'll write our own,
and intentionally simplify it.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs instance Show Greymap where show (Greymap w h m _) = "Greymap " ++ show w ++ "x" ++ show h ++ " " ++ show m
Because our Show instance intentionally avoids
printing the bitmap data, there's no point in writing a
Read instance, as we can't reconstruct a valid
Greymap from the result of
Here's an obvious type for our parsing function.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs parseP5 :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Greymap, L.ByteString)
This will take a ByteString, and if the parse succeeds, it will return a single parsed Greymap, along with the string that remains after parsing. That residual string will
Our parsing function has to consume a little bit of its input at a time. First, we need to assure ourselves that we're really looking at a raw PGM file; then we need to parse the numbers from the remainder of the header; then we consume the bitmap data. Here's an obvious way to express this, which we will use as a base for later improvements.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs matchHeader :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Maybe L.ByteString -- "nat" here is short for "natural number" getNat :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Int, L.ByteString) getBytes :: Int -> L.ByteString -> Maybe (L.ByteString, L.ByteString) parseP5 s = case matchHeader (L8.pack "P5") s of Nothing -> Nothing Just s1 -> case getNat s1 of Nothing -> Nothing Just (width, s2) -> case getNat (L8.dropWhile isSpace s2) of Nothing -> Nothing Just (height, s3) -> case getNat (L8.dropWhile isSpace s3) of Nothing -> Nothing Just (maxGrey, s4) | maxGrey > 255 -> Nothing | otherwise -> case getBytes 1 s4 of Nothing -> Nothing Just (_, s5) -> case getBytes (width * height) s5 of Nothing -> Nothing Just (bitmap, s6) -> Just (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap, s6)
This is a very literal piece of code, performing
all of the parsing in one long staircase of case
Each function returns the residual ByteString left
over after it has consumed all it needs from its input string.
We pass each residual string along to the next step. We
deconstruct each result in turn, either returning
if the parsing step failed, or building up
a piece of the final result as we proceed. Here are the bodies
of the functions that we apply during parsing. Their types are
commented out because we already presented them above.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs -- L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Maybe L.ByteString matchHeader prefix str | prefix `L8.isPrefixOf` str = Just (L8.dropWhile isSpace (L.drop (L.length prefix) str)) | otherwise = Nothing -- L.ByteString -> Maybe (Int, L.ByteString) getNat s = case L8.readInt s of Nothing -> Nothing Just (num,rest) | num <= 0 -> Nothing | otherwise -> Just (fromIntegral num, rest) -- Int -> L.ByteString -> Maybe (L.ByteString, L.ByteString) getBytes n str = let count = fromIntegral n both@(prefix,_) = L.splitAt count str in if L.length prefix < count then Nothing else Just both
While our parseP5
works, the style in which we wrote it is somehow not pleasing.
Our code marches steadily to the right of the screen, and it's
clear that a slightly more complicated function would soon run
out of visual real estate. We repeat a pattern of
constructing and then deconstructing Maybe values,
only continuing if a particular value matches
. All of the similar case
expressions act as “boilerplate code”, busywork
that obscures what we're really trying to do. In short, this
function is begging for some abstraction and refactoring.
If we step back a little, we can see two patterns. First is
that many of the functions that we apply have similar types. Each
takes a ByteString as its last argument, and
returns Maybe something else. Secondly, every step
in the “ladder” of our parseP5
function deconstructs a Maybe value, and either
fails or passes the unwrapped result to a function.
We can quite easily write a function that captures this second pattern.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs (>>?) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b Nothing >>? _ = Nothing Just v >>? f = f v
The (>>?)
function acts
very simply: it takes a value as its left argument, and a
function as its right. If the value is not
, it applies the function to
whatever is wrapped in the Just
constructor. We
have defined our function as an operator so that we can use it
to chain functions together. Finally, we haven't provided a
fixity declaration for (>>?)
, so it
defaults to infixl 9
(left associative, strongest
operator precedence). In other words, a >>? b
>>? c
will be evaluated from left to right, as
(a >>? b) >>? c)
With this chaining function in hand, we can take a second try at our parsing function.
-- file: ch10/PNM.hs parseP5_take2 :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Greymap, L.ByteString) parseP5_take2 s = matchHeader (L8.pack "P5") s >>? \s -> skipSpace ((), s) >>? (getNat . snd) >>? skipSpace >>? \(width, s) -> getNat s >>? skipSpace >>? \(height, s) -> getNat s >>? \(maxGrey, s) -> getBytes 1 s >>? (getBytes (width * height) . snd) >>? \(bitmap, s) -> Just (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap, s) skipSpace :: (a, L.ByteString) -> Maybe (a, L.ByteString) skipSpace (a, s) = Just (a, L8.dropWhile isSpace s)
The key to understanding this function is to think about the
chaining. On the left hand side of each
is a Maybe value;
on the right is a function that returns a Maybe
value. Each left-and-right-sides expression is thus of type
Maybe, suitable for passing to the following
The other change that we've made to improve readability is
add a skipSpace
function. With these
changes, we've halved the number of lines of code compared to
our original parsing function. By removing the boilerplate
expressions, we've made the code easier to follow.
While we warned against overuse of anonymous functions in the section called “Anonymous (lambda) functions”, we use several in our chain of functions here. Because these functions are so small, we wouldn't improve readability by giving them names.
We're not yet out of the woods. Our code explicitly passes pairs around, using one element for an intermediate part of the parsed result and the other for the current residual ByteString. If we want to extend the code, for example to track the number of bytes we've consumed so that we can report the location of a parse failure, we already have eight different spots that we will need to modify, just to pass a three-tuple around.
This approach makes even a small body of code difficult to change. The problem lies with our use of pattern matching to pull values out of each pair: we have embedded the knowledge that we are always working with pairs straight into our code. As pleasant and helpful as pattern matching is, it can lead us in some undesirable directions if we do not use it carefully.
Let's do something to address the inflexibility of our new code. First, we will change the type of state that our parser uses.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs data ParseState = ParseState { string :: L.ByteString , offset :: Int64 -- imported from Data.Int } deriving (Show)
In our switch to an algebraic data type, we added
the ability to track both the current residual string and the
offset into the original string since we started parsing. The
more important change was our use of record syntax: we can now
avoid pattern matching on the pieces of
state that we pass around, and use the accessor functions
and offset
We have given our parsing state a name. When we name something, it can become easier to reason about. For example, we can now look at parsing as a kind of function: it consumes a parsing state, and produces both a new parsing state and some other piece of information. We can directly represent this as a Haskell type.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs simpleParse :: ParseState -> (a, ParseState) simpleParse = undefined
To provide more help to our users, we would like to report an error message if parsing fails. This only requires a minor tweak to the type of our parser.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs betterParse :: ParseState -> Either String (a, ParseState) betterParse = undefined
In order to future-proof our code, it is best if we do not
expose the implementation of our parser to our users. When we
explicitly used pairs for state earlier, we found ourselves in
trouble almost immediately, once we considered extending the
capabilities of our parser. To stave off a repeat of that
difficulty, we will hide the details of our parser type using a
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs newtype Parse a = Parse { runParse :: ParseState -> Either String (a, ParseState) }
Remember that the newtype
definition is just a
compile-time wrapper around a function, so it has no run-time
overhead. When we want to use the function, we will apply the
If we do not export the Parse
constructor from our module, we can ensure that nobody else will
be able to accidentally create a parser, nor will they be able
to inspect its internals via pattern matching.
Let's try to define a simple parser, the
identity parser. All it does is turn
whatever it is passed into the result of the parse. In this
way, it somewhat resembles the id
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs identity :: a -> Parse a identity a = Parse (\s -> Right (a, s))
This function leaves the parse state untouched, and uses its argument as the result of the parse. We wrap the body of the function in our Parse type to satisfy the type checker. How can we use this wrapped function to parse something?
The first thing we must do is peel off the
wrapper so that we can get at the
function inside. We do so using the
function. We also need to
construct a ParseState, then run our parsing
function on that parse state. Finally, we'd like to separate
the result of the parse from the final
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parse :: Parse a -> L.ByteString -> Either String a parse parser initState = case runParse parser (ParseState initState 0) of Left err -> Left err Right (result, _) -> Right result
Because neither the
parser nor the
function examines the parse state,
we don't even need to create an input string in order to try
our code.
:load Parse
[1 of 2] Compiling PNM ( PNM.hs, interpreted ) [2 of 2] Compiling Parse ( Parse.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: PNM, Parse.ghci>
:type parse (identity 1) undefined
parse (identity 1) undefined :: (Num t) => Either String tghci>
parse (identity 1) undefined
Loading package array- ... linking ... done. Loading package bytestring- ... linking ... done. Right 1ghci>
parse (identity "foo") undefined
Right "foo"
A parser that doesn't even inspect its input might not seem interesting, but we will shortly see that in fact it is useful. Meanwhile, we have gained confidence that our types are correct and that we understand the basic workings of our code.
Record syntax is useful for more than just accessor functions: we can use it to copy and partly change an existing value. In use, the notation looks like this.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs modifyOffset :: ParseState -> Int64 -> ParseState modifyOffset initState newOffset = initState { offset = newOffset }
This creates a new ParseState value identical
to initState
, but with its
field set to whatever value we specify for
let before = ParseState (L8.pack "foo") 0
let after = modifyOffset before 3
ParseState {string = Chunk "foo" Empty, offset = 0}ghci>
ParseState {string = Chunk "foo" Empty, offset = 3}
We can set as many fields as we want inside the curly braces, separating them using commas.
Let's focus now on writing a parser that does something meaningful. We're not going to get too ambitious yet: all we want to do is parse a single byte.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs -- import the Word8 type from Data.Word parseByte :: Parse Word8 parseByte = getState ==> \initState -> case L.uncons (string initState) of Nothing -> bail "no more input" Just (byte,remainder) -> putState newState ==> \_ -> identity byte where newState = initState { string = remainder, offset = newOffset } newOffset = offset initState + 1
There are a number of new functions in our definition.
The L8.uncons
function takes the
first element from a ByteString.
L8.uncons (L8.pack "foo")
Just ('f',Chunk "oo" Empty)ghci>
L8.uncons L8.empty
Our getState
function retrieves the
current parsing state, while putState
replaces it. The bail
terminates parsing and reports an error. The
function chains parsers
together. We will cover each of these functions
Our parseByte
doesn't take the parse state as an argument. Instead, it has
to call getState
to get a copy of the
state, and putState
to replace the
current state with a new one.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs getState :: Parse ParseState getState = Parse (\s -> Right (s, s)) putState :: ParseState -> Parse () putState s = Parse (\_ -> Right ((), s))
When reading these functions, recall that the left element of the tuple is the result of a Parse, while the right is the current ParseState. This makes it easier to follow what these functions are doing.
The getState
extracts the current parsing state, so that the caller can
access the string. The putState
replaces the current parsing state with a new one. This
becomes the state that will be seen by the next function in
the (==>)
These functions let us move explicit state
handling into the bodies of only those functions that need it.
Many functions don't need to know what the current state is,
and so they'll never call getState
. This lets us write more
compact code than our earlier parser, which had to pass tuples
around by hand. We will see the effect in some of the code
that follows.
We've packaged up the details of the parsing state into the ParseState type, and we work with it using accessors instead of pattern matching. Now that the parsing state is passed around implicitly, we gain a further benefit. If we want to add more information to the parsing state, all we need to do is modify the definition of ParseState, and the bodies of whatever functions need the new information. Compared to our earlier parsing code, where all of our state was exposed through pattern matching, this is much more modular: the only code we affect is code that needs the new information.
We carefully defined our Parse type to
accommodate the possibility of failure. The
combinator checks for a parse
failure and stops parsing if it runs into a failure. But we
haven't yet introduced the bail
which we use to report a parse error.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs bail :: String -> Parse a bail err = Parse $ \s -> Left $ "byte offset " ++ show (offset s) ++ ": " ++ err
After we call bail
will successfully pattern match
on the Left
constructor that it wraps the error
message with, and it will not invoke the next parser in the
chain. This will cause the error message to percolate back
through the chain of prior callers.
The (==>)
function serves a
similar purpose to our earlier
function: it is
“glue” that lets us chain functions
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs (==>) :: Parse a -> (a -> Parse b) -> Parse b firstParser ==> secondParser = Parse chainedParser where chainedParser initState = case runParse firstParser initState of Left errMessage -> Left errMessage Right (firstResult, newState) -> runParse (secondParser firstResult) newState
The body of (==>)
interesting, and ever so slightly tricky. Recall that the
Parse type represents really a function inside a
wrapper. Since (==>)
lets us chain
two Parse values to produce a third, it must
return a function, in a wrapper.
The function doesn't really “do” much: it
just creates a closure to remember the
values of firstParser
This closure will not be unwrapped and applied until we
apply parse
. At that point, it will be
applied with a ParseState. It will apply
and inspect its result. If
that parse fails, the closure will fail too. Otherwise, it
will pass the result of the parse and the new
ParseState to
This is really quite fancy and subtle stuff: we're effectively passing the ParseState down the chain of Parse values in a hidden argument. (We'll be revisiting this kind of code in a few chapters, so don't fret if that description seemed dense.)
We're by now thoroughly familiar with the
function, which applies a function to
every element of a list, returning a list of possibly a
different type.
map (+1) [1,2,3]
map show [1,2,3]
:type map show
map show :: (Show a) => [a] -> [String]
This map
-like activity can be useful in
other instances. For example, consider a binary tree.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs data Tree a = Node (Tree a) (Tree a) | Leaf a deriving (Show)
If we want to take a tree of strings and turn it into a tree containing the lengths of those strings, we could write a function to do this.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs treeLengths (Leaf s) = Leaf (length s) treeLengths (Node l r) = Node (treeLengths l) (treeLengths r)
Now that our eyes are attuned to looking for patterns that we can turn into generally useful functions, we can see a possible case of this here.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs treeMap :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b treeMap f (Leaf a) = Leaf (f a) treeMap f (Node l r) = Node (treeMap f l) (treeMap f r)
As we might hope, treeLengths
treeMap length
give the same
let tree = Node (Leaf "foo") (Node (Leaf "x") (Leaf "quux"))
treeLengths tree
Node (Leaf 3) (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 4))ghci>
treeMap length tree
Node (Leaf 3) (Node (Leaf 1) (Leaf 4))ghci>
treeMap (odd . length) tree
Node (Leaf True) (Node (Leaf True) (Leaf False))
Haskell provides a well-known typeclass to further
generalise treeMap
. This typeclass is
named Functor, and it defines one function,
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs class Functor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
We can think of fmap
as a kind of
lifting function, as we introduced in the section called “Avoiding boilerplate with lifting”. It takes a function over
ordinary values a -> b and lifts it to become a
function over containers f a -> f b, where
is the container type.
If we substitute Tree for the type variable
, for example, the type of
is identical to the type of
, and in fact we can use
as the implementation of
over Trees.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs instance Functor Tree where fmap = treeMap
We can also use map
as the
implementation of fmap
for lists.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs instance Functor [] where fmap = map
We can now use fmap
over different
container types.
fmap length ["foo","quux"]
fmap length (Node (Leaf "Livingstone") (Leaf "I presume"))
Node (Leaf 11) (Leaf 9)
The Prelude defines instances of Functor for several common types, notably lists and Maybe.
-- file: ch10/TreeMap.hs instance Functor Maybe where fmap _ Nothing = Nothing fmap f (Just x) = Just (f x)
The instance for Maybe makes it particularly
clear what an fmap
implementation needs to
do. The implementation must have a sensible behaviour for each
of a type's constructors. If a value is wrapped in
, for example, the fmap
implementation calls the function on the unwrapped value, then
rewraps it in Just
The definition of Functor imposes a few obvious
restrictions on what we can do with fmap
For example, we can only make instances of
from types that have exactly one
type parameter.
We can't write an fmap
for Either a b or (a, b), for example,
because these have two type parameters. We also can't write
one for Bool or Int, as they have no
type parameters.
In addition, we can't place any constraints on our type
definition. What does this mean? To illustrate, let's first
look at a normal data
definition and its Functor
-- file: ch10/ValidFunctor.hs data Foo a = Foo a instance Functor Foo where fmap f (Foo a) = Foo (f a)
When we define a new type, we can add a type
constraint just after the data
keyword as follows.
-- file: ch10/ValidFunctor.hs data Eq a => Bar a = Bar a instance Functor Bar where fmap f (Bar a) = Bar (f a)
This says that we can only put a type a
into a Foo if a
is a member of the Eq
typeclass. However, the constraint renders it impossible to
write a Functor
instance for
:load ValidFunctor
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ValidFunctor.hs, interpreted ) ValidFunctor.hs:13:12: Could not deduce (Eq a) from the context (Functor Bar) arising from a use of `Bar' at ValidFunctor.hs:13:12-16 Possible fix: add (Eq a) to the context of the type signature for `fmap' In the pattern: Bar a In the definition of `fmap': fmap f (Bar a) = Bar (f a) In the definition for method `fmap' ValidFunctor.hs:13:21: Could not deduce (Eq b) from the context (Functor Bar) arising from a use of `Bar' at ValidFunctor.hs:13:21-29 Possible fix: add (Eq b) to the context of the type signature for `fmap' In the expression: Bar (f a) In the definition of `fmap': fmap f (Bar a) = Bar (f a) In the definition for method `fmap' Failed, modules loaded: none.
Adding a constraint to a type definition is essentially never a good idea. It has the effect of forcing you to add type constraints to every function that will operate on values of that type. Let's say that we need a stack data structure that we want to be able to query to see whether its elements obey some ordering. Here's a naive definition of the data type.
-- file: ch10/TypeConstraint.hs data (Ord a) => OrdStack a = Bottom | Item a (OrdStack a) deriving (Show)
If we want to write a function that checks the
stack to see whether it is increasing (i.e. every element is
bigger than the element below it), we'll obviously need an
constraint to perform the pairwise
-- file: ch10/TypeConstraint.hs isIncreasing :: (Ord a) => OrdStack a -> Bool isIncreasing (Item a rest@(Item b _)) | a < b = isIncreasing rest | otherwise = False isIncreasing _ = True
However, because we wrote the type constraint on the type
definition, that constraint ends up infecting places where it
isn't needed: we need to add the Ord
constraint to push
, which does not care
about the ordering of elements on the stack.
-- file: ch10/TypeConstraint.hs push :: (Ord a) => a -> OrdStack a -> OrdStack a push a s = Item a s
Try removing that Ord
constraint above, and
the definition of push
will fail to
This is why our attempt to write a Functor
instance for Bar failed earlier: it would have
required an Eq
constraint to somehow get
retroactively added to the signature of
Now that we've tentatively established that putting a type constraint on a type definition is a misfeature of Haskell, what's a more sensible alternative? The answer is simply to omit type constraints from type definitions, and instead place them on the functions that need them.
In this example, we can drop the Ord
constraints from OrdStack
. It needs to stay on
, which otherwise couldn't
call (<)
. We now have the
constraints where they actually matter. This has the further
benefit of making the type signatures better document the true
requirements of each function.
Most Haskell container types follow this
pattern. The Map type in the
module requires that its keys be
ordered, but the type itself does not have such a constraint.
The constraint is expressed on functions like
, where it's actually needed, and
not on size
, where ordering isn't
Quite often, you'll see fmap
as an operator.
(1+) `fmap` [1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6]
Perhaps strangely, plain old map
almost never used in this way.
One possible reason for the stickiness of the
-as-operator meme is that this use
lets us omit parentheses from its second argument. Fewer
parentheses leads to reduced mental juggling while reading a
fmap (1+) ([1,2,3] ++ [4,5,6])
If you really want to use
as an operator, the
module contains an operator
that is an alias for
. The $
in its name
appeals to the similarity between applying a function to its
arguments (using the ($)
operator) and
lifting a function into a functor. We will see that this
works well for parsing when we return to the code that we have
been writing.
You might hope that we could write a Functor instance for the type Either Int b, which has one type parameter.
-- file: ch10/EitherInt.hs instance Functor (Either Int) where fmap _ (Left n) = Left n fmap f (Right r) = Right (f r)
However, the type system of Haskell 98 cannot guarantee that checking the constraints on such an instance will terminate. A non-terminating constraint check may send a compiler into an infinite loop, so instances of this form are forbidden.
:load EitherInt
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( EitherInt.hs, interpreted ) EitherInt.hs:2:0: Illegal instance declaration for `Functor (Either Int)' (All instance types must be of the form (T a1 ... an) where a1 ... an are distinct type *variables* Use -XFlexibleInstances if you want to disable this.) In the instance declaration for `Functor (Either Int)' Failed, modules loaded: none.
GHC has a more powerful type system than the base Haskell 98 standard. It operates in Haskell 98 compatibility mode by default, for maximal portability. We can instruct it to allow more flexible instances using a special compiler directive.
-- file: ch10/EitherIntFlexible.hs {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} instance Functor (Either Int) where fmap _ (Left n) = Left n fmap f (Right r) = Right (f r)
The directive is embedded in the specially formatted
With our Functor instance in hand, let's try
out fmap
on Either
:load EitherIntFlexible
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( EitherIntFlexible.hs, interpreted ) Ok, modules loaded: Main.ghci>
fmap (== "cheeseburger") (Left 1 :: Either Int String)
Left 1ghci>
fmap (== "cheeseburger") (Right "fries" :: Either Int String)
Right False
We've made a few implicit assumptions about how functors ought to work. It's helpful to make these explicit and to think of them as rules to follow, because this lets us treat functors as uniform, well-behaved objects. We have only two rules to remember, and they're simple.
Our first rule is that a functor must preserve
identity. That is, applying fmap
to a value should give us back an identical
fmap id (Node (Leaf "a") (Leaf "b"))
Node (Leaf "a") (Leaf "b")
Our second rule is that functors must be
composable. That is, composing two uses
of fmap
should give the same result as
one fmap
with the same functions
(fmap even . fmap length) (Just "twelve")
Just Trueghci>
fmap (even . length) (Just "twelve")
Just True
Another way of looking at these two rules is that a functor must preserve shape. The structure of a collection should not be affected by a functor; only the values that it contains should change.
fmap odd (Just 1)
Just Trueghci>
fmap odd Nothing
If you're writing a Functor instance, it's useful to keep these rules in mind, and indeed to test them, because the compiler can't check the rules we've listed above. On the other hand, if you're simply using functors, the rules are “natural” enough that there's no need to memorise them. They just formalize a few intuitive notions of “do what I mean”. Here is a pseudocode representation of the expected behavior.
-- file: ch10/FunctorLaws.hs fmap id == id fmap (f . g) == fmap f . fmap g
For the types we have surveyed so far, the behaviour we
ought to expect of fmap
has been obvious.
This is a little less clear for Parse, due to its
complexity. A reasonable guess is that the function we're
ping should be applied to the current
result of a parse, and leave the parse state untouched.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs instance Functor Parse where fmap f parser = parser ==> \result -> identity (f result)
This definition is easy to read, so let's perform a few quick experiments to see if we're following our rules for functors.
First, we'll check that identity is preserved. Let's try
this first on a parse that ought to fail: parsing a byte
from an empty string (remember that
is fmap
parse parseByte L.empty
Left "byte offset 0: no more input"ghci>
parse (id <$> parseByte) L.empty
Left "byte offset 0: no more input"
Good. Now for a parse that should succeed.
let input = L8.pack "foo"
L.head input
parse parseByte input
Right 102ghci>
parse (id <$> parseByte) input
Right 102
By inspecting the results above, we can also see that our functor instance is obeying our second rule, that of preserving shape. Failure is preserved as failure, and success as success.
Finally, we'll ensure that composability is preserved.
parse ((chr . fromIntegral) <$> parseByte) input
Right 'f'ghci>
parse (chr <$> fromIntegral <$> parseByte) input
Right 'f'
On the basis of this brief inspection, our Functor instance appears to be well behaved.
All this talk of functors had a purpose: they often
let us write tidy, expressive code. Recall the
function that we introduced
earlier. In recasting our PGM parser to use our new parser
infrastructure, we'll often want to work with ASCII characters
instead of Word8 values.
While we could write a parseChar
function that has a similar structure to
, we can now avoid this code
duplication by taking advantage of the functor nature of
Parse. Our functor takes the result of a parse and
applies a function to it, so what we need is a function that
turns a Word8 into a Char.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs w2c :: Word8 -> Char w2c = chr . fromIntegral -- import Control.Applicative parseChar :: Parse Char parseChar = w2c <$> parseByte
We can also use functors to write a compact
“peek” function. This returns Nothing
if we're at the end of the input string. Otherwise, it returns
the next character without consuming it (i.e. it inspects, but
doesn't disturb, the current parsing state).
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs peekByte :: Parse (Maybe Word8) peekByte = (fmap fst . L.uncons . string) <$> getState
The same lifting trick that let us define
lets us write a compact
definition for peekChar
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs peekChar :: Parse (Maybe Char) peekChar = fmap w2c <$> peekByte
Notice that peekByte
each make two calls to
, one of which is disguised as
. This is necessary because the
type Parse (Maybe a) is a functor within a functor.
We thus have to lift a function twice to “get it
into” the inner functor.
Finally, we'll write another generic combinator, which is
the Parse analogue of the familiar
: it consumes its input while its
predicate returns True
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parseWhile :: (Word8 -> Bool) -> Parse [Word8] parseWhile p = (fmap p <$> peekByte) ==> \mp -> if mp == Just True then parseByte ==> \b -> (b:) <$> parseWhile p else identity []
Once again, we're using functors in several places (doubled up, when necessary) to reduce the verbosity of our code. Here's a rewrite of the same function in a more direct style that does not use functors.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parseWhileVerbose p = peekByte ==> \mc -> case mc of Nothing -> identity [] Just c | p c -> parseByte ==> \b -> parseWhileVerbose p ==> \bs -> identity (b:bs) | otherwise -> identity []
The more verbose definition is likely easier to read when you are less familiar with functors. However, use of functors is sufficiently common in Haskell code that the more compact representation should become second nature (both to read and to write) fairly quickly.
With our new parsing code, what does the raw PGM parsing function look like now?
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parseRawPGM = parseWhileWith w2c notWhite ==> \header -> skipSpaces ==>& assert (header == "P5") "invalid raw header" ==>& parseNat ==> \width -> skipSpaces ==>& parseNat ==> \height -> skipSpaces ==>& parseNat ==> \maxGrey -> parseByte ==>& parseBytes (width * height) ==> \bitmap -> identity (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap) where notWhite = (`notElem` " \r\n\t")
This definition makes use of a few more helper functions that we present here, following a pattern that should by now be familiar.
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parseWhileWith :: (Word8 -> a) -> (a -> Bool) -> Parse [a] parseWhileWith f p = fmap f <$> parseWhile (p . f) parseNat :: Parse Int parseNat = parseWhileWith w2c isDigit ==> \digits -> if null digits then bail "no more input" else let n = read digits in if n < 0 then bail "integer overflow" else identity n (==>&) :: Parse a -> Parse b -> Parse b p ==>& f = p ==> \_ -> f skipSpaces :: Parse () skipSpaces = parseWhileWith w2c isSpace ==>& identity () assert :: Bool -> String -> Parse () assert True _ = identity () assert False err = bail err
The (==>&)
combinator chains
parsers like (==>)
, but the right hand
side ignores the result from the left. The
function lets us check a property,
and abort parsing with a useful error message if the property is
Notice how few of the functions that we have written make
any reference to the current parsing state. Most notably, where
our old parseP5
function explicitly passed
two-tuples down the chain of dataflow, all of the state
management in parseRawPGM
is hidden from
Of course, we can't completely avoid inspecting and
modifying the parsing state. Here's a case in point, the last
of the helper functions needed by
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs parseBytes :: Int -> Parse L.ByteString parseBytes n = getState ==> \st -> let n' = fromIntegral n (h, t) = L.splitAt n' (string st) st' = st { offset = offset st + L.length h, string = t } in putState st' ==>& assert (L.length h == n') "end of input" ==>& identity h
Our main theme in this chapter has been abstraction. We found passing explicit state down a chain of functions to be unsatisfactory, so we abstracted this detail away. We noticed some recurring needs as we worked out our parsing code, and abstracted those into common functions. Along the way, we introduced the notion of a functor, which offers a generalised way to map over a parameterised type.
We will revisit parsing in Chapter 16, Using Parsec, to discuss Parsec, a widely used and flexible parsing library. And in Chapter 14, Monads, we will return to our theme of abstraction, where we will find that much of the code that we have developed in this chapter can be further simplified by the use of monads.
For efficiently parsing binary data represented as a
ByteString, a number of packages are available via
the Hackage package database. At the time of writing, the most
popular is named binary
, which is easy to use and
offers high performance.