Providence Salumu Chapter 14. Monads

Chapter 14. Monads

Table of Contents

Revisiting earlier code examples
Maybe chaining
Implicit state
Looking for shared patterns
The Monad typeclass
And now, a jargon moment
Using a new monad: show your work!
Information hiding
Controlled escape
Leaving a trace
Using the Logger monad
Mixing pure and monadic code
Putting a few misconceptions to rest
Building the Logger monad
Sequential logging, not sequential evaluation
The writer monad
The Maybe monad
Executing the Maybe monad
Maybe at work, and good API design
The list monad
Understanding the list monad
Putting the list monad to work
Desugaring of do blocks
Monads as a programmable semicolon
Why go sugar-free?
The state monad
Almost a state monad
Reading and modifying the state
Will the real state monad please stand up?
Using the state monad: generating random values
A first attempt at purity
Random values in the state monad
Running the state monad
What about a bit more state?
Monads and functors
Another way of looking at monads
The monad laws, and good coding style


In Chapter 7, I/O, we talked about the IO monad, but we intentionally kept the discussion narrowly focused on how to communicate with the outside world. We didn't discuss what a monad is.

We've already seen in Chapter 7, I/O that the IO monad is easy to work with. Notational differences aside, writing code in the IO monad isn't much different from coding in any other imperative language.

When we had practical problems to solve in earlier chapters, we introduced structures that, as we will soon see, are actually monads. We aim to show you that a monad is often an obvious and useful tool to help solve a problem. We'll define a few monads in this chapter, to show how easy it is.

Revisiting earlier code examples

Maybe chaining

Let's take another look at the parseP5 function that we wrote in Chapter 10, Code case study: parsing a binary data format.

-- file: ch10/PNM.hs
matchHeader :: L.ByteString -> L.ByteString -> Maybe L.ByteString

-- "nat" here is short for "natural number"
getNat :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Int, L.ByteString)

getBytes :: Int -> L.ByteString
         -> Maybe (L.ByteString, L.ByteString)

parseP5 s =
  case matchHeader (L8.pack "P5") s of
    Nothing -> Nothing
    Just s1 ->
      case getNat s1 of
        Nothing -> Nothing
        Just (width, s2) ->
          case getNat (L8.dropWhile isSpace s2) of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just (height, s3) ->
              case getNat (L8.dropWhile isSpace s3) of
                Nothing -> Nothing
                Just (maxGrey, s4)
                  | maxGrey > 255 -> Nothing
                  | otherwise ->
                      case getBytes 1 s4 of
                        Nothing -> Nothing
                        Just (_, s5) ->
                          case getBytes (width * height) s5 of
                            Nothing -> Nothing
                            Just (bitmap, s6) ->
                              Just (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap, s6)

When we introduced this function, it threatened to march off the right side of the page if it got much more complicated. We brought the staircasing under control using the (>>?) function.

-- file: ch10/PNM.hs
(>>?) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
Nothing >>? _ = Nothing
Just v  >>? f = f v

We carefully chose the type of (>>?) to let us chain together functions that return a Maybe value. So long as the result type of one function matches the parameter of the next, we can chain functions returning Maybe together indefinitely. The body of (>>?) hides the details of whether the chain of functions we build is short-circuited somewhere, due to one returning Nothing, or completely evaluated.

Implicit state

Useful as (>>?) was for cleaning up the structure of parseP5, we had to incrementally consume pieces of a string as we parsed it. This forced us to pass the current value of the string down our chain of Maybes, wrapped up in a tuple. Each function in the chain put a result into one element of the tuple, and the unconsumed remainder of the string into the other.

-- file: ch10/PNM.hs
parseP5_take2 :: L.ByteString -> Maybe (Greymap, L.ByteString)
parseP5_take2 s =
    matchHeader (L8.pack "P5") s       >>?
    \s -> skipSpace ((), s)           >>?
    (getNat . snd)                    >>?
    skipSpace                         >>?
    \(width, s) ->   getNat s         >>?
    skipSpace                         >>?
    \(height, s) ->  getNat s         >>?
    \(maxGrey, s) -> getBytes 1 s     >>?
    (getBytes (width * height) . snd) >>?
    \(bitmap, s) -> Just (Greymap width height maxGrey bitmap, s)

skipSpace :: (a, L.ByteString) -> Maybe (a, L.ByteString)
skipSpace (a, s) = Just (a, L8.dropWhile isSpace s)

Once again, we were faced with a pattern of repeated behaviour: consume some string, return a result, and return the remaining string for the next function to consume. However, this pattern was more insidious: if we wanted to pass another piece of information down the chain, we'd have to modify nearly every element of the chain, turning each two-tuple into a three-tuple!

We addressed this by moving the responsibility for managing the current piece of string out of the individual functions in the chain, and into the function that we used to chain them together.

-- file: ch10/Parse.hs
(==>) :: Parse a -> (a -> Parse b) -> Parse b

firstParser ==> secondParser  =  Parse chainedParser
  where chainedParser initState   =
          case runParse firstParser initState of
            Left errMessage ->
                Left errMessage
            Right (firstResult, newState) ->
                runParse (secondParser firstResult) newState

We also hid the details of the parsing state in the ParseState type. Even the getState and putState functions don't inspect the parsing state, so any modification to ParseState will have no effect on any existing code.

Looking for shared patterns

When we look at the above examples in detail, they don't seem to have much in common. Obviously, they're both concerned with chaining functions together, and with hiding details to let us write tidier code. However, let's take a step back and consider them in less detail.

First, let's look at the type definitions.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
data Maybe a = Nothing
             | Just a
-- file: ch10/Parse.hs
newtype Parse a = Parse {
      runParse :: ParseState -> Either String (a, ParseState)

The common feature of these two types is that each has a single type parameter on the left of the definition, which appears somewhere on the right. These are thus generic types, which know nothing about their payloads.

Next, we'll examine the chaining functions that we wrote for the two types.

ghci> :type (>>?)
(>>?) :: Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
ghci> :type (==>)
(==>) :: Parse a -> (a -> Parse b) -> Parse b

These functions have strikingly similar types. If we were to turn those type constructors into a type variable, we'd end up with a single more abstract type.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
chain :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b

Finally, in each case we have a function that takes a “plain” value, and “injects” it into the target type. For Maybe, this function is simply the value constructor Just, but the injector for Parse is more complicated.

-- file: ch10/Parse.hs
identity :: a -> Parse a
identity a = Parse (\s -> Right (a, s))

Again, it's not the details or complexity that we're interested in, it's the fact that each of these types has an “injector” function, which looks like this.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
inject :: a -> m a

It is exactly these three properties, and a few rules about how we can use them together, that define a monad in Haskell. Let's revisit the above list in condensed form.

  • A type constructor m.

  • A function of type m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b for chaining the output of one function into the input of another.

  • A function of type a -> m a for injecting a normal value into the chain, i.e. it wraps a type a with the type constructor m.

The properties that make the Maybe type a monad are its type constructor Maybe a, our chaining function (>>?), and the injector function Just.

For Parse, the corresponding properties are the type constructor Parse a, the chaining function (==>), and the injector function identity.

We have intentionally said nothing about how the chaining and injection functions of a monad should behave, and that's because this almost doesn't matter. In fact, monads are ubiquitous in Haskell code precisely because they are so simple. Many common programming patterns have a monadic structure: passing around implicit data, or short-circuiting a chain of evaluations if one fails, to choose but two.

The Monad typeclass

We can capture the notions of chaining and injection, and the types that we want them to have, in a Haskell typeclass. The standard Prelude already defines just such a typeclass, named Monad.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
class Monad m where
    -- chain
    (>>=)  :: m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
    -- inject
    return :: a -> m a

Here, (>>=) is our chaining function. We've already been introduced to it in the section called “Sequencing”. It's often referred to as “bind”, as it binds the result of the computation on the left to the parameter of the one on the right.

Our injection function is return. As we noted in the section called “The True Nature of Return”, the choice of the name return is a little unfortunate. That name is widely used in imperative languages, where it has a fairly well understood meaning. In Haskell, its behaviour is much less constrained. In particular, calling return in the middle of a chain of functions won't cause the chain to exit early. A useful way to link its behavior to its name is that it returns a pure value (of type a) into a monad (of type m a).

While (>>=) and return are the core functions of the Monad typeclass, it also defines two other functions. The first is (>>). Like (>>=), it performs chaining, but it ignores the value on the left.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
    (>>) :: m a -> m b -> m b
    a >> f = a >>= \_ -> f

We use this function when we want to perform actions in a certain order, but don't care what the result of one is. This might seem pointless: why would we not care what a function's return value is? Recall, though, that we defined a (==>&) combinator earlier to express exactly this. Alternatively, consider a function like print, which provides a placeholder result that we do not need to inspect.

ghci> :type print "foo"
print "foo" :: IO ()

If we use plain (>>=), we have to provide as its right hand side a function that ignores its argument.

ghci> print "foo" >>= \_ -> print "bar"

But if we use (>>), we can omit the needless function.

ghci> print "baz" >> print "quux"

As we showed above, the default implementation of (>>) is defined in terms of (>>=).

The second non-core Monad function is fail, which takes an error message and does something to make the chain of functions fail.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
    fail :: String -> m a
    fail = error
[Warning]Beware of fail

Many Monad instances don't override the default implementation of fail that we show here, so in those monads, fail uses error. Calling error is usually highly undesirable, since it throws an exception that callers either cannot catch or will not expect.

Even if you know that right now you're executing in a monad that has fail do something more sensible, we still recommend avoiding it. It's far too easy to cause yourself a problem later when you refactor your code and forget that a previously safe use of fail might be dangerous in its new context.

To revisit the parser that we developed in Chapter 10, Code case study: parsing a binary data format, here is its Monad instance.

-- file: ch10/Parse.hs
instance Monad Parse where
    return = identity
    (>>=) = (==>)
    fail = bail

And now, a jargon moment

There are a few terms of jargon around monads that you may not be familiar with. These aren't formal terms, but they're in common use, so it's helpful to know about them.

  • Monadic” simply means “pertaining to monads”. A monadic type is an instance of the Monad typeclass; a monadic value has a monadic type.

  • When we say that a type “is a monad”, this is really a shorthand way of saying that it's an instance of the Monad typeclass. Being an instance of Monad gives us the necessary monadic triple of type constructor, injection function, and chaining function.

  • In the same way, a reference to “the Foo monad” implies that we're talking about the type named Foo, and that it's an instance of Monad.

  • An “action” is another name for a monadic value. This use of the word probably originated with the introduction of monads for I/O, where a monadic value like print "foo" can have an observable side effect. A function with a monadic return type might also be referred to as an action, though this is a little less common.

Using a new monad: show your work!

In our introduction to monads, we showed how some pre-existing code was already monadic in form. Now that we are beginning to grasp what a monad is, and we've seen the Monad typeclass, let's build a monad with foreknowledge of what we're doing. We'll start out by defining its interface, then we'll put it to use. Once we have those out of the way, we'll finally build it.

Pure Haskell code is wonderfully clean to write, but of course it can't perform I/O. Sometimes, we'd like to have a record of decisions we made, without writing log information to a file. Let's develop a small library to help with this.

Recall the globToRegex function that we developed in the section called “Translating a glob pattern into a regular expression”. We will modify it so that it keeps a record of each of the special pattern sequences that it translates. We are revisiting familiar territory for a reason: it lets us compare non-monadic and monadic versions of the same code.

To start off, we'll wrap our result type with a Logger type constructor.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex :: String -> Logger String

Information hiding

We'll intentionally keep the internals of the Logger module abstract.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
module Logger
    , Log
    , runLogger
    , record
    ) where

Hiding the details like this has two benefits: it grants us considerable flexibility in how we implement our monad, and more importantly, it gives users a simple interface.

Our Logger type is purely a type constructor. We don't export the value constructor that a user would need to create a value of this type. All they can use Logger for is writing type signatures.

The Log type is just a synonym for a list of strings, to make a few signatures more readable. We use a list of strings to keep the implementation simple.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
type Log = [String]

Instead of giving our users a value constructor, we provide them with a function, runLogger, that evaluates a logged action. This returns both the result of an action and whatever was logged while the result was being computed.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
runLogger :: Logger a -> (a, Log)

Controlled escape

The Monad typeclass doesn't provide any means for values to escape their monadic shackles. We can inject a value into a monad using return. We can extract a value from a monad using (>>=) but the function on the right, which can see an unwrapped value, has to wrap its own result back up again.

Most monads have one or more runLogger-like functions. The notable exception is of course IO, which we usually only escape from by exiting a program.

A monad execution function runs the code inside the monad and unwraps its result. Such functions are usually the only means provided for a value to escape from its monadic wrapper. The author of a monad thus has complete control over how whatever happens inside the monad gets out.

Some monads have several execution functions. In our case, we can imagine a few alternatives to runLogger: one might only return the log messages, while another might return just the result and drop the log messages.

Leaving a trace

When executing inside a Logger action, user code calls record to record something.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
record :: String -> Logger ()

Since recording occurs in the plumbing of our monad, our action's result supplies no information.

Usually, a monad will provide one or more helper functions like our record. These are our means for accessing the special behaviors of that monad.

Our module also defines the Monad instance for the Logger type. These definitions are all that a client module needs in order to be able to use this monad.

Here is a preview, in ghci, of how our monad will behave.

ghci> let simple = return True :: Logger Bool
ghci> runLogger simple

When we run the logged action using runLogger, we get back a pair. The first element is the result of our code; the second is the list of items logged while the action executed. We haven't logged anything, so the list is empty. Let's fix that.

ghci> runLogger (record "hi mom!" >> return 3.1337)
(3.1337,["hi mom!"])

Using the Logger monad

Here's how we kick off our glob-to-regexp conversion inside the Logger monad.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex cs =
    globToRegex' cs >>= \ds ->
    return ('^':ds)

There are a few coding style issues worth mentioning here. The body of the function starts on the line after its name. By doing this, we gain some horizontal white space. We've also “hung” the parameter of the anonymous function at the end of the line. This is common practice in monadic code.

Remember the type of (>>=): it extracts the value on the left from its Logger wrapper, and passes the unwrapped value to the function on the right. The function on the right must, in turn, wrap its result with the Logger wrapper. This is exactly what return does: it takes a pure value, and wraps it in the monad's type constructor.

ghci> :type (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> :type (globToRegex "" >>=)
(globToRegex "" >>=) :: (String -> Logger b) -> Logger b

Even when we write a function that does almost nothing, we must call return to wrap the result with the correct type.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex' :: String -> Logger String
globToRegex' "" = return "$"

When we call record to save a log entry, we use (>>) instead of (>>=) to chain it with the following action.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex' ('?':cs) =
    record "any" >>
    globToRegex' cs >>= \ds ->
    return ('.':ds)

Recall that this is a variant of (>>=) that ignores the result on the left. We know that the result of record will always be (), so there's no point in capturing it.

We can use do notation, which we first encountered in the section called “Sequencing”, to somewhat tidy up our code.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex' ('*':cs) = do
    record "kleene star"
    ds <- globToRegex' cs
    return (".*" ++ ds)

The choice of do notation versus explicit (>>=) with anonymous functions is mostly a matter of taste, though almost everyone's taste is to use do notation for anything longer than about two lines. There is one significant difference between the two styles, though, which we'll return to in the section called “Desugaring of do blocks”.

Parsing a character class mostly follows the same pattern that we've already seen.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex' ('[':'!':c:cs) =
    record "character class, negative" >>
    charClass cs >>= \ds ->
    return ("[^" ++ c : ds)
globToRegex' ('[':c:cs) =
    record "character class" >>
    charClass cs >>= \ds ->
    return ("[" ++ c : ds)
globToRegex' ('[':_) =
    fail "unterminated character class"

Mixing pure and monadic code

Based on the code we've seen so far, monads seem to have a substantial shortcoming: the type constructor that wraps a monadic value makes it tricky to use a normal, pure function on a value trapped inside a monadic wrapper. Here's a simple illustration of the apparent problem. Let's say we have a trivial piece of code that runs in the Logger monad and returns a string.

ghci> let m = return "foo" :: Logger String

If we want to find out the length of that string, we can't simply call length: the string is wrapped, so the types don't match up.

ghci> length m

    Couldn't match expected type `[a]'
           against inferred type `Logger String'
    In the first argument of `length', namely `m'
    In the expression: length m
    In the definition of `it': it = length m

What we've done so far to work around this is something like the following.

ghci> :type   m >>= \s -> return (length s)
m >>= \s -> return (length s) :: Logger Int

We use (>>=) to unwrap the string, then write a small anonymous function that calls length and rewraps the result using return.

This need crops up often in Haskell code. We won't be surprised to learn that a shorthand already exists: we use the lifting technique that we introduced for functors in the section called “Introducing functors”. Lifting a pure function into a functor usually involves unwrapping the value inside the functor, calling the function on it, and rewrapping the result with the same constructor.

We do exactly the same thing with a monad. Because the Monad typeclass already provides the (>>=) and return functions that know how to unwrap and wrap a value, the liftM function doesn't need to know any details of a monad's implementation.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
liftM :: (Monad m) => (a -> b) -> m a -> m b
liftM f m = m >>= \i ->
            return (f i)

When we declare a type to be an instance of the Functor typeclass, we have to write our own version of fmap specially tailored to that type. By contrast, liftM doesn't need to know anything of a monad's internals, because they're abstracted by (>>=) and return. We only need to write it once, with the appropriate type constraint.

The liftM function is predefined for us in the standard Control.Monad module.

To see how liftM can help readability, we'll compare two otherwise identical pieces of code. First, the familiar kind that does not use liftM.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
charClass_wordy (']':cs) =
    globToRegex' cs >>= \ds ->
    return (']':ds)
charClass_wordy (c:cs) =
    charClass_wordy cs >>= \ds ->
    return (c:ds)

Now we can eliminate the (>>=) and anonymous function cruft with liftM.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
charClass (']':cs) = (']':) `liftM` globToRegex' cs
charClass (c:cs) = (c:) `liftM` charClass cs

As with fmap, we often use liftM in infix form. An easy way to read such an expression is “apply the pure function on the left to the result of the monadic action on the right”.

The liftM function is so useful that Control.Monad defines several variants, which combine longer chains of actions. We can see one in the last clause of our globToRegex' function.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
globToRegex' (c:cs) = liftM2 (++) (escape c) (globToRegex' cs)

escape :: Char -> Logger String
escape c
    | c `elem` regexChars = record "escape" >> return ['\\',c]
    | otherwise           = return [c]
  where regexChars = "\\+()^$.{}]|"

The liftM2 function that we use above is defined as follows.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
liftM2 :: (Monad m) => (a -> b -> c) -> m a -> m b -> m c
liftM2 f m1 m2 =
    m1 >>= \a ->
    m2 >>= \b ->
    return (f a b)

It executes the first action, then the second, then combines their results using the pure function f, and wraps that result. In addition to liftM2, the variants in Control.Monad go up to liftM5.

Putting a few misconceptions to rest

We've now seen enough examples of monads in action to have some feel for what's going on. Before we continue, there are a few oft-repeated myths about monads that we're going to address. You're bound to encounter these assertions “in the wild”, so you might as well be prepared with a few good retorts.

  • Monads can be hard to understand. We've already shown that monads “fall out naturally” from several problems. We've found that the best key to understanding them is to explain several concrete examples, then talk about what they have in common.

  • Monads are only useful for I/O and imperative coding. While we use monads for I/O in Haskell, they're valuable for many other purposes besides. We've already used them for short-circuiting a chain of computations, hiding complicated state, and logging. Even so, we've barely scratched the surface.

  • Monads are unique to Haskell. Haskell is probably the language that makes the most explicit use of monads, but people write them in other languages, too, ranging from C++ to OCaml. They happen to be particularly tractable in Haskell, due to do notation, the power and inference of the type system, and the language's syntax.

  • Monads are for controlling the order of evaluation.

Building the Logger monad

The definition of our Logger type is very simple.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
newtype Logger a = Logger { execLogger :: (a, Log) }

It's a pair, where the first element is the result of an action, and the second is a list of messages logged while that action was run.

We've wrapped the tuple in a newtype to make it a distinct type. The runLogger function extracts the tuple from its wrapper. The function that we're exporting to execute a logged action, runLogger, is just a synonym for execLogger.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
runLogger = execLogger

Our record helper function creates a singleton list of the message we pass it.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
record s = Logger ((), [s])

The result of this action is (), so that's the value we put in the result slot.

Let's begin our Monad instance with return, which is trivial: it logs nothing, and stores its input in the result slot of the tuple.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
instance Monad Logger where
    return a = Logger (a, [])

Slightly more interesting is (>>=), which is the heart of the monad. It combines an action and a monadic function to give a new result and a new log.

-- file: ch14/Logger.hs
    -- (>>=) :: Logger a -> (a -> Logger b) -> Logger b
    m >>= k = let (a, w) = execLogger m
                  n      = k a
                  (b, x) = execLogger n
              in Logger (b, w ++ x)

Let's spell out explicitly what is going on. We use runLogger to extract the result a from the action m, and we pass it to the monadic function k. We extract the result b from that in turn, and put it into the result slot of the final action. We concatenate the logs w and x to give the new log.

Sequential logging, not sequential evaluation

Our definition of (>>=) ensures that messages logged on the left will appear in the new log before those on the right. However, it says nothing about when the values a and b are evaluated: (>>=) is lazy.

Like most other aspects of a monad's behaviour, strictness is under the control of the monad's implementor. It is not a constant shared by all monads. Indeed, some monads come in multiple flavours, each with different levels of strictness.

The writer monad

Our Logger monad is a specialised version of the standard Writer monad, which can be found in the Control.Monad.Writer module of the mtl package. We will present a Writer example in the section called “Using typeclasses”.

The Maybe monad

The Maybe type is very nearly the simplest instance of Monad. It represents a computation that might not produce a result.

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
instance Monad Maybe where
    Just x >>= k  =  k x
    Nothing >>= _ =  Nothing

    Just _ >> k   =  k
    Nothing >> _  =  Nothing

    return x      =  Just x

    fail _        =  Nothing

When we chain together a number of computations over Maybe using (>>=) or (>>), if any of them returns Nothing, then we don't evaluate any of the remaining computations.

Note, though, that the chain is not completely short-circuited. Each (>>=) or (>>) in the chain will still match a Nothing on its left, and produce a Nothing on its right, all the way to the end. It's easy to forget this point: when a computation in the chain fails, the subsequent production, chaining, and consumption of Nothing values is cheap at runtime, but it's not free.

Executing the Maybe monad

A function suitable for executing the Maybe monad is maybe. (Remember that “executing” a monad involves evaluating it and returning a result that's had the monad's type wrapper removed.)

-- file: ch14/Maybe.hs
maybe :: b -> (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> b
maybe n _ Nothing  = n
maybe _ f (Just x) = f x

Its first parameter is the value to return if the result is Nothing. The second is a function to apply to a result wrapped in the Just constructor; the result of that application is then returned.

Since the Maybe type is so simple, it's about as common to simply pattern-match on a Maybe value as it is to call maybe. Each one is more readable in different circumstances.

Maybe at work, and good API design

Here's an example of Maybe in use as a monad. Given a customer's name, we want to find the billing address of their mobile phone carrier.

-- file: ch14/Carrier.hs
import qualified Data.Map as M

type PersonName = String
type PhoneNumber = String
type BillingAddress = String
data MobileCarrier = Honest_Bobs_Phone_Network
                   | Morrisas_Marvelous_Mobiles
                   | Petes_Plutocratic_Phones
                     deriving (Eq, Ord)

findCarrierBillingAddress :: PersonName
                          -> M.Map PersonName PhoneNumber
                          -> M.Map PhoneNumber MobileCarrier
                          -> M.Map MobileCarrier BillingAddress
                          -> Maybe BillingAddress

Our first version is the dreaded ladder of code marching off the right of the screen, with many boilerplate case expressions.

-- file: ch14/Carrier.hs
variation1 person phoneMap carrierMap addressMap =
    case M.lookup person phoneMap of
      Nothing -> Nothing
      Just number ->
          case M.lookup number carrierMap of
            Nothing -> Nothing
            Just carrier -> M.lookup carrier addressMap

The Data.Map module's lookup function has a monadic return type.

ghci> :module +Data.Map
ghci> :type Data.Map.lookup
Data.Map.lookup :: (Ord k, Monad m) => k -> Map k a -> m a

In other words, if the given key is present in the map, lookup injects it into the monad using return. Otherwise, it calls fail. This is an interesting piece of API design, though one that we think was a poor choice.

  • On the positive side, the behaviours of success and failure are automatically customised to our needs, based on the monad we're calling lookup from. Better yet, lookup itself doesn't know or care what those behaviours are.

    The case expressions above typecheck because we're comparing the result of lookup against values of type Maybe.

  • The hitch is, of course, that using fail in the wrong monad throws a bothersome exception. We have already warned against the use of fail, so we will not repeat ourselves here.

In practice, everyone uses Maybe as the result type for lookup. The result type of such a conceptually simple function provides generality where it is not needed: lookup should have been written to return Maybe.

Let's set aside the API question, and deal with the ugliness of our code. We can make more sensible use of Maybe's status as a monad.

-- file: ch14/Carrier.hs
variation2 person phoneMap carrierMap addressMap = do
  number <- M.lookup person phoneMap
  carrier <- M.lookup number carrierMap
  address <- M.lookup carrier addressMap
  return address

If any of these lookups fails, the definitions of (>>=) and (>>) mean that the result of the function as a whole will be Nothing, just as it was for our first attempt that used case explicitly.

This version is much tidier, but the return isn't necessary. Stylistically, it makes the code look more regular, and perhaps more familiar to the eyes of an imperative programmer, but behaviourally it's redundant. Here's an equivalent piece of code.

-- file: ch14/Carrier.hs
variation2a person phoneMap carrierMap addressMap = do
  number <- M.lookup person phoneMap
  carrier <- M.lookup number carrierMap
  M.lookup carrier addressMap

When we introduced maps, we mentioned in the section called “Partial application awkwardness” that the type signatures of functions in the Data.Map module often make them awkward to partially apply. The lookup function is a good example. If we flip its arguments, we can write the function body as a one-liner.

-- file: ch14/Carrier.hs
variation3 person phoneMap carrierMap addressMap =
    lookup phoneMap person >>= lookup carrierMap >>= lookup addressMap
  where lookup = flip M.lookup

The list monad

While the Maybe type can represent either no value or one, there are many situations where we might want to return some number of results that we do not know in advance. Obviously, a list is well suited to this purpose. The type of a list suggests that we might be able to use it as a monad, because its type constructor has one free variable. And sure enough, we can use a list as a monad.

Rather than simply present the Prelude's Monad instance for the list type, let's try to figure out what an instance ought to look like. This is easy to do: we'll look at the types of (>>=) and return, and perform some substitutions, and see if we can use a few familiar list functions.

The more obvious of the two functions is return. We know that it takes a type a, and wraps it in a type constructor m to give the type m a. We also know that the type constructor here is []. Substituting this type constructor for the type variable m gives us the type [] a (yes, this really is valid notation!), which we can rewrite in more familiar form as [a].

We now know that return for lists should have the type a -> [a]. There are only a few sensible possibilities for an implementation of this function. It might return the empty list, a singleton list, or an infinite list. The most appealing behaviour, based on what we know so far about monads, is the singleton list: it doesn't throw information away, nor does it repeat it infinitely.

-- file: ch14/ListMonad.hs
returnSingleton :: a -> [a]
returnSingleton x = [x]

If we perform the same substitution trick on the type of (>>=) as we did with return, we discover that it should have the type [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b]. This seems close to the type of map.

ghci> :type (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> :type map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]

The ordering of the types in map's arguments doesn't match, but that's easy to fix.

ghci> :type (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> :type flip map
flip map :: [a] -> (a -> b) -> [b]

We've still got a problem: the second argument of flip map has the type a -> b, whereas the second argument of (>>=) for lists has the type a -> [b]. What do we do about this?

Let's do a little more substitution and see what happens with the types. The function flip map can return any type b as its result. If we substitute [b] for b in both places where it appears in flip map's type signature, its type signature reads as a -> (a -> [b]) -> [[b]]. In other words, if we map a function that returns a list over a list, we get a list of lists back.

ghci> flip map [1,2,3] (\a -> [a,a+100])

Interestingly, we haven't really changed how closely our type signatures match. The type of (>>=) is [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b], while that of flip map when the mapped function returns a list is [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [[b]]. There's still a mismatch in one type term; we've just moved that term from the middle of the type signature to the end. However, our juggling wasn't in vain: we now need a function that takes a [[b]] and returns a [b], and one readily suggests itself in the form of concat.

ghci> :type concat
concat :: [[a]] -> [a]

The types suggest that we should flip the arguments to map, then concat the results to give a single list.

ghci> :type \xs f -> concat (map f xs)
\xs f -> concat (map f xs) :: [a] -> (a -> [a1]) -> [a1]

This is exactly the definition of (>>=) for lists.

-- file: ch14/ListMonad.hs
instance Monad [] where
    return x = [x]
    xs >>= f = concat (map f xs)

It applies f to every element in the list xs, and concatenates the results to return a single list.

With our two core Monad definitions in hand, the implementations of the non-core definitions that remain, (>>) and fail, ought to be obvious.

-- file: ch14/ListMonad.hs
    xs >> f = concat (map (\_ -> f) xs)
    fail _ = []

Understanding the list monad

The list monad is similar to a familiar Haskell tool, the list comprehension. We can illustrate this similarity by computing the Cartesian product of two lists. First, we'll write a list comprehension.

-- file: ch14/CartesianProduct.hs
comprehensive xs ys = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys]

For once, we'll use bracketed notation for the monadic code instead of layout notation. This will highlight how structurally similar the monadic code is to the list comprehension.

-- file: ch14/CartesianProduct.hs
monadic xs ys = do { x <- xs; y <- ys; return (x,y) }

The only real difference is that the value we're constructing comes at the end of the sequence of expressions, instead of the beginning as in the list comprehension. Also, the results of the two functions are identical.

ghci> comprehensive [1,2] "bar"
ghci> comprehensive [1,2] "bar" == monadic [1,2] "bar"

It's easy to be baffled by the list monad early on, so let's walk through our monadic Cartesian product code again in more detail. This time, we'll rearrange the function to use layout instead of brackets.

-- file: ch14/CartesianProduct.hs
blockyDo xs ys = do
    x <- xs
    y <- ys
    return (x, y)

For every element in the list xs, the rest of the function is evaluated once, with x bound to a different value from the list each time. Then for every element in the list ys, the remainder of the function is evaluated once, with y bound to a different value from the list each time.

What we really have here is a doubly nested loop! This highlights an important fact about monads: you cannot predict how a block of monadic code will behave unless you know what monad it will execute in.

We'll now walk through the code even more explicitly, but first let's get rid of the do notation, to make the underlying structure clearer. We've indented the code a little unusually to make the loop nesting more obvious.

-- file: ch14/CartesianProduct.hs
blockyPlain xs ys =
    xs >>=
    \x -> ys >>=
    \y -> return (x, y)

blockyPlain_reloaded xs ys =
    concat (map (\x ->
                 concat (map (\y ->
                              return (x, y))

If xs has the value [1,2,3], the two lines that follow are evaluated with x bound to 1, then to 2, and finally to 3. If ys has the value [True, False], the final line is evaluated six times: once with x as 1 and y as True; again with x as 1 and y as False; and so on. The return expression wraps each tuple in a single-element list.

Putting the list monad to work

Here is a simple brute force constraint solver. Given an integer, it finds all pairs of positive integers that, when multiplied, give that value (this is the constraint being solved).

-- file: ch14/MultiplyTo.hs
guarded :: Bool -> [a] -> [a]
guarded True  xs = xs
guarded False _  = []

multiplyTo :: Int -> [(Int, Int)]
multiplyTo n = do
  x <- [1..n]
  y <- [x..n]
  guarded (x * y == n) $
    return (x, y)

Let's try this in ghci.

ghci> multiplyTo 8
ghci> multiplyTo 100
ghci> multiplyTo 891

Desugaring of do blocks

Haskell's do syntax is an example of syntactic sugar: it provides an alternative way of writing monadic code, without using (>>=) and anonymous functions. Desugaring is the translation of syntactic sugar back to the core language.

The rules for desugaring a do block are easy to follow. We can think of a compiler as applying these rules mechanically and repeatedly to a do block until no more do keywords remain.

A do keyword followed by a single action is translated to that action by itself.

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
doNotation1 =
    do act
-- file: ch14/Do.hs
translated1 =

A do keyword followed by more than one action is translated to the first action, then (>>), followed by a do keyword and the remaining actions. When we apply this rule repeatedly, the entire do block ends up chained together by applications of (>>).

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
doNotation2 =
    do act1
       {- ... etc. -}
-- file: ch14/Do.hs
translated2 =
    act1 >>
    do act2
       {- ... etc. -}

finalTranslation2 =
    act1 >>
    act2 >>
    {- ... etc. -}

The <- notation has a translation that's worth paying close attention to. On the left of the <- is a normal Haskell pattern. This can be a single variable or something more complicated. A guard expression is not allowed.

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
doNotation3 =
    do pattern <- act1
       {- ... etc. -}
-- file: ch14/Do.hs
translated3 =
    let f pattern = do act2
                       {- ... etc. -}
        f _     = fail "..."
    in act1 >>= f

This pattern is translated into a let binding that declares a local function with a unique name (we're just using f as an example above). The action on the right of the <- is then chained with this function using (>>=).

What's noteworthy about this translation is that if the pattern match fails, the local function calls the monad's fail implementation. Here's an example using the Maybe monad.

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
robust :: [a] -> Maybe a
robust xs = do (_:x:_) <- Just xs
               return x

The fail implementation in the Maybe monad simply returns Nothing. If the pattern match in the above function fails, we thus get Nothing as our result.

ghci> robust [1,2,3]
Just 2
ghci> robust [1]

Finally, when we write a let expression in a do block, we can omit the usual in keyword. Subsequent actions in the block must be lined up with the let keyword.

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
doNotation4 =
    do let val1 = expr1
           val2 = expr2
           {- ... etc. -}
           valN = exprN
       {- ... etc. -}
-- file: ch14/Do.hs
translated4 =
    let val1 = expr1
        val2 = expr2
        valN = exprN
    in do act1
          {- ... etc. -}

Monads as a programmable semicolon

Back in the section called “The offside rule is not mandatory”, we mentioned that layout is the norm in Haskell, but it's not required. We can write a do block using explicit structure instead of layout.

-- file: ch14/Do.hs
semicolon = do
    val1 <- act2;
    let { val2 = expr1 };
-- file: ch14/Do.hs
semicolonTranslated =
    act1 >>
    let f val1 = let val2 = expr1
                 in actN
        f _ = fail "..."
    in act2 >>= f

Even though this use of explicit structure is rare, the fact that it uses semicolons to separate expressions has given rise to an apt slogan: monads are a kind of “programmable semicolon”, because the behaviours of (>>) and (>>=) are different in each monad.

Why go sugar-free?

When we write (>>=) explicitly in our code, it reminds us that we're stitching functions together using combinators, not simply sequencing actions.

As long as you feel like a novice with monads, we think you should prefer to explicitly write (>>=) over the syntactic sugar of do notation. The repeated reinforcement of what's really happening seems, for many programmers, to help to keep things clear. (It can be easy for an imperative programmer to relax a little too much from exposure to the IO monad, and assume that a do block means nothing more than a simple sequence of actions.)

Once you're feeling more familiar with monads, you can choose whichever style seems more appropriate for writing a particular function. Indeed, when you read other people's monadic code, you'll see that it's unusual, but by no means rare, to mix both do notation and (>>=) in a single function.

The (=<<) function shows up frequently whether or not we use do notiation. It is a flipped version of (>>=).

ghci> :type (>>=)
(>>=) :: (Monad m) => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
ghci> :type (=<<)
(=<<) :: (Monad m) => (a -> m b) -> m a -> m b

It comes in handy if we want to compose monadic functions in the usual Haskell right-to-left style.

-- file: ch14/CartesianProduct.hs
wordCount = print . length . words =<< getContents

The state monad

We discovered earlier in this chapter that the Parse from Chapter 10, Code case study: parsing a binary data format was a monad. It has two logically distinct aspects. One is the idea of a parse failing, and providing a message with the details: we represented this using the Either type. The other involves carrying around a piece of implicit state, in our case the partially consumed ByteString.

This need for a way to read and write state is common enough in Haskell programs that the standard libraries provide a monad named State that is dedicated to this purpose. This monad lives in the Control.Monad.State module.

Where our Parse type carried around a ByteString as its piece of state, the State monad can carry any type of state. We'll refer to the state's unknown type as s.

What's an obvious and general thing we might want to do with a state? Given a state value, we inspect it, then produce a result and a new state value. Let's say the result can be of any type a. A type signature that captures this idea is s -> (a, s): take a state s, do something with it, and return a result a and possibly a new state s.

Almost a state monad

Let's develop some simple code that's almost the State monad, then we'll take a look at the real thing. We'll start with our type definition, which has exactly the obvious type we described above.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
type SimpleState s a = s -> (a, s)

Our monad is a function that transforms one state into another, yielding a result when it does so. Because of this, the state monad is sometimes called the state transformer monad.

Yes, this is a type synonym, not a new type, and so we're cheating a little. Bear with us for now; this simplifies the description that follows.

Earlier in this chapter, we said that a monad has a type constructor with a single type variable, and yet here we have a type with two parameters. The key here is to understand that we can partially apply a type just as we can partially apply a normal function. This is easiest to follow with an example.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
type StringState a = SimpleState String a

Here, we've bound the type variable s to String. The type StringState still has a type parameter a, though. It's now more obvious that we have a suitable type constructor for a monad. In other words, our monad's type constructor is SimpleState s, not SimpleState alone.

The next ingredient we need to make a monad is a definition for the return function.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
returnSt :: a -> SimpleState s a
returnSt a = \s -> (a, s)

All this does is take the result and the current state, and “tuple them up”. You may by now be used to the idea that a Haskell function with multiple parameters is just a chain of single-parameter functions, but just in case you're not, here's a more familiar way of writing returnSt that makes it more obvious how simple this function is.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
returnAlt :: a -> SimpleState s a
returnAlt a s = (a, s)

Our final piece of the monadic puzzle is a definition for (>>=). Here it is, using the actual variable names from the standard library's definition of (>>=) for State.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
bindSt :: (SimpleState s a) -> (a -> SimpleState s b) -> SimpleState s b
bindSt m k = \s -> let (a, s') = m s
                   in (k a) s'

Those single-letter variable names aren't exactly a boon to readability, so let's see if we can substitute some more meaningful names.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
-- m == step
-- k == makeStep
-- s == oldState

bindAlt step makeStep oldState =
    let (result, newState) = step oldState
    in  (makeStep result) newState

To understand this definition, remember that step is a function with the type s -> (a, s). When we evaluate this, we get a tuple, and we have to use this to return a new function of type s -> (a, s). This is perhaps easier to follow if we get rid of the SimpleState type synonyms from bindAlt's type signature, and examine the types of its parameters and result.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
bindAlt :: (s -> (a, s))        -- step
        -> (a -> s -> (b, s))   -- makeStep
        -> (s -> (b, s))        -- (makeStep result) newState

Reading and modifying the state

The definitions of (>>=) and return for the state monad simply act as plumbing: they move a piece of state around, but they don't touch it in any way. We need a few other simple functions to actually do useful work with the state.

-- file: ch14/SimpleState.hs
getSt :: SimpleState s s
getSt = \s -> (s, s)

putSt :: s -> SimpleState s ()
putSt s = \_ -> ((), s)

The getSt function simply takes the current state and returns it as the result, while putSt ignores the current state and replaces it with a new state.

Will the real state monad please stand up?

The only simplifying trick we played in the previous section was to use a type synonym instead of a type definition for SimpleState. If we had introduced a newtype wrapper at the same time, the extra wrapping and unwrapping would have made our code harder to follow.

In order to define a Monad instance, we have to provide a proper type constructor as well as definitions for (>>=) and return. This leads us to the real definition of State.

-- file: ch14/State.hs
newtype State s a = State {
      runState :: s -> (a, s)

All we've done is wrap our s -> (a, s) type in a State constructor. By using Haskell's record syntax to define the type, we're automatically given a runState function that will unwrap a State value from its constructor. The type of runState is State s a -> s -> (a, s).

The definition of return is almost the same as for SimpleState, except we wrap our function with a State constructor.

-- file: ch14/State.hs
returnState :: a -> State s a
returnState a = State $ \s -> (a, s)

The definition of (>>=) is a little more complicated, because it has to use runState to remove the State wrappers.

-- file: ch14/State.hs
bindState :: State s a -> (a -> State s b) -> State s b
bindState m k = State $ \s -> let (a, s') = runState m s
                              in runState (k a) s'

This function differs from our earlier bindSt only in adding the wrapping and unwrapping of a few values. By separating the “real work” from the bookkeeping, we've hopefully made it clearer what's really happening.

We modify the functions for reading and modifying the state in the same way, by adding a little wrapping.

-- file: ch14/State.hs
get :: State s s
get = State $ \s -> (s, s)

put :: s -> State s ()
put s = State $ \_ -> ((), s)

Using the state monad: generating random values

We've already used Parse, our precursor to the state monad, to parse binary data. In that case, we wired the type of the state we were manipulating directly into the Parse type.

The State monad, by contrast, accepts any type of state as a parameter. We supply the type of the state, to give e.g. State ByteString.

The State monad will probably feel more familiar to you than many other monads if you have a background in imperative languages. After all, imperative languages are all about carrying around some implicit state, reading some parts, and modifying others through assignment, and this is just what the state monad is for.

So instead of unnecessarily cheerleading for the idea of using the state monad, we'll begin by demonstrating how to use it for something simple: pseudorandom value generation. In an imperative language, there's usually an easily available source of uniformly distributed pseudorandom numbers. For example, in C, there's a standard rand function that generates a pseudorandom number, using a global state that it updates.

Haskell's standard random value generation module is named System.Random. It allows the generation of random values of any type, not just numbers. The module contains several handy functions that live in the IO monad. For example, a rough equivalent of C's rand function would be the following:

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
import System.Random

rand :: IO Int
rand = getStdRandom (randomR (0, maxBound))

(The randomR function takes an inclusive range within which the generated random value should lie.)

The System.Random module provides a typeclass, RandomGen, that lets us define new sources of random Int values. The type StdGen is the standard RandomGen instance. It generates pseudorandom values. If we had an external source of truly random data, we could make it an instance of RandomGen and get truly random, instead of merely pseudorandom, values.

Another typeclass, Random, indicates how to generate random values of a particular type. The module defines Random instances for all of the usual simple types.

Incidentally, the definition of rand above reads and modifies a built-in global random generator that inhabits the IO monad.

A first attempt at purity

After all of our emphasis so far on avoiding the IO monad wherever possible, it would be a shame if we were dragged back into it just to generate some random values. Indeed, System.Random contains pure random number generation functions.

The traditional downside of purity is that we have to get or create a random number generator, then ship it from the point we created it to the place where it's needed. When we finally call it, it returns a new random number generator: we're in pure code, remember, so we can't modify the state of the existing generator.

If we forget about immutability and reuse the same generator within a function, we get back exactly the same “random” number every time.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
twoBadRandoms :: RandomGen g => g -> (Int, Int)
twoBadRandoms gen = (fst $ random gen, fst $ random gen)

Needless to say, this has unpleasant consequences.

ghci> twoBadRandoms `fmap` getStdGen
Loading package old-locale- ... linking ... done.
Loading package old-time- ... linking ... done.
Loading package random- ... linking ... done.
Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.

The random function uses an implicit range instead of the user-supplied range used by randomR. The getStdGen function retrieves the current value of the global standard number generator from the IO monad.

Unfortunately, correctly passing around and using successive versions of the generator does not make for palatable reading. Here's a simple example.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
twoGoodRandoms :: RandomGen g => g -> ((Int, Int), g)
twoGoodRandoms gen = let (a, gen') = random gen
                         (b, gen'') = random gen'
                     in ((a, b), gen'')

Now that we know about the state monad, though, it looks like a fine candidate to hide the generator. The state monad lets us manage our mutable state tidily, while guaranteeing that our code will be free of other unexpected side effects, such as modifying files or making network connections. This makes it easier to reason about the behavior of our code.

Random values in the state monad

Here's a state monad that carries around a StdGen as its piece of state.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
type RandomState a = State StdGen a

The type synonym is of course not necessary, but it's handy. It saves a little keyboarding, and if we wanted to swap another random generator for StdGen, it would reduce the number of type signatures we'd need to change.

Generating a random value is now a matter of fetching the current generator, using it, then modifying the state to replace it with the new generator.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
getRandom :: Random a => RandomState a
getRandom =
  get >>= \gen ->
  let (val, gen') = random gen in
  put gen' >>
  return val

We can now use some of the monadic machinery that we saw earlier to write a much more concise function for giving us a pair of random numbers.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
getTwoRandoms :: Random a => RandomState (a, a)
getTwoRandoms = liftM2 (,) getRandom getRandom



Rewrite getRandom to use do notation.

Running the state monad

As we've already mentioned, each monad has its own specialised evaluation functions. In the case of the state monad, we have several to choose from.

  • runState returns both the result and the final state.

  • evalState returns only the result, throwing away the final state.

  • execState throws the result away, returning only the final state.

The evalState and execState functions are simply compositions of fst and snd with runState, respectively. Thus, of the three, runState is the one most worth remembering.

Here's a complete example of how to implement our getTwoRandoms function.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
runTwoRandoms :: IO (Int, Int)
runTwoRandoms = do
  oldState <- getStdGen
  let (result, newState) = runState getTwoRandoms oldState
  setStdGen newState
  return result

The call to runState follows a standard pattern: we pass it a function in the state monad and an initial state. It returns the result of the function and the final state.

The code surrounding the call to runState merely obtains the current global StdGen value, then replaces it afterwards so that subsequent calls to runTwoRandoms or other random generation functions will pick up the updated state.

What about a bit more state?

It's a little hard to imagine writing much interesting code in which there's only a single state value to pass around. When we want to track multiple pieces of state at once, the usual trick is to maintain them in a data type. Here's an example: keeping track of the number of random numbers we are handing out.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
data CountedRandom = CountedRandom {
      crGen :: StdGen
    , crCount :: Int

type CRState = State CountedRandom

getCountedRandom :: Random a => CRState a
getCountedRandom = do
  st <- get
  let (val, gen') = random (crGen st)
  put CountedRandom { crGen = gen', crCount = crCount st + 1 }
  return val

This example happens to consume both elements of the state, and construct a completely new state, every time we call into it. More frequently, we're likely to read or modify only part of a state. This function gets the number of random values generated so far.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
getCount :: CRState Int
getCount = crCount `liftM` get

This example illustrates why we used record syntax to define our CountedRandom state. It gives us accessor functions that we can glue together with get to read specific pieces of the state.

If we want to partially update a state, the code doesn't come out quite so appealingly.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
putCount :: Int -> CRState ()
putCount a = do
  st <- get
  put st { crCount = a }

Here, instead of a function, we're using record update syntax. The expression st { crCount = a } creates a new value that's an identical copy of st, except in its crCount field, which is given the value a. Because this is a syntactic hack, we don't get the same kind of flexibility as with a function. Record syntax may not exhibit Haskell's usual elegance, but it at least gets the job done.

There exists a function named modify that combines the get and put steps. It takes as argument a state transformation function, but it's hardly more satisfactory: we still can't escape from the clumsiness of record update syntax.

-- file: ch14/Random.hs
putCountModify :: Int -> CRState ()
putCountModify a = modify $ \st -> st { crCount = a }

Monads and functors

Functors and monads are closely related. The terms are borrowed from a branch of mathematics called category theory, but they did not make the transition completely unscathed.

In category theory, a monad is built from a functor. You might expect that in Haskell, the Monad typeclass would thus be a subclass of Functor, but it isn't defined as such in the standard Prelude. This is an unfortunate oversight.

However, authors of Haskell libraries use a workaround: when someone defines an instance of Monad for a type, they almost always write a Functor instance for it, too. You can expect that you'll be able to use the Functor typeclass's fmap function with any monad.

If we compare the type signature of fmap with those of some of the standard monad functions that we've already seen, we get a hint as to what fmap on a monad does.

ghci> :type fmap
fmap :: (Functor f) => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ghci> :module +Control.Monad
ghci> :type liftM
liftM :: (Monad m) => (a1 -> r) -> m a1 -> m r

Sure enough, fmap lifts a pure function into the monad, just as liftM does.

Another way of looking at monads

Now that we know about the relationship between functors and monads, If we look back at the list monad, we can see something interesting. Specifically, take a look at the definition of (>>=) for lists.

-- file: ch14/ListMonad.hs
instance Monad [] where
    return x = [x]
    xs >>= f = concat (map f xs)

Recall that f has type a -> [a]. When we call map f xs, we get back a value of type [[a]], which we have to “flatten” using concat.

Consider what we could do if Monad was a subclass of Functor. Since fmap for lists is defined to be map, we could replace map with fmap in the definition of (>>=). This is not very interesting by itself, but suppose we could go further.

The concat function is of type [[a]] -> [a]: as we mentioned, it flattens the nesting of lists. We could generalise this type signature from lists to monads, giving us the “remove a level of nesting” type m (m a) -> m a. The function that has this type is conventionally named join.

If we had definitions of join and fmap, we wouldn't need to write a definition of (>>=) for every monad, because it would be completely generic. Here's what an alternative definition of the Monad typeclass might look like, along with a definition of (>>=).

-- file: ch14/AltMonad.hs
import Prelude hiding ((>>=), return)

class Functor m => AltMonad m where
    join :: m (m a) -> m a
    return :: a -> m a

(>>=) :: AltMonad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
xs >>= f = join (fmap f xs)

Neither definition of a monad is “better”, since if we have join we can write (>>=), and vice versa, but the different perspectives can be refreshing.

Removing a layer of monadic wrapping can, in fact, be useful in realistic circumstances. We can find a generic definition of join in the Control.Monad module.

-- file: ch14/MonadJoin.hs
join :: Monad m => m (m a) -> m a
join x = x >>= id

Here are some examples of what it does.

ghci> join (Just (Just 1))
Just 1
ghci> join Nothing
ghci> join [[1],[2,3]]

The monad laws, and good coding style

In the section called “Thinking more about functors”, we introduced two rules for how functors should always behave.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
fmap id        ==   id 
fmap (f . g)   ==   fmap f . fmap g

There are also rules for how monads ought to behave. The three laws below are referred to as the monad laws. A Haskell implementation doesn't enforce these laws: it's up to the author of a Monad instance to follow them.

The monad laws are simply formal ways of saying “a monad shouldn't surprise me”. In principle, we could probably get away with skipping over them entirely. It would be a shame if we did, however, because the laws contain gems of wisdom that we might otherwise overlook.

[Tip]Reading the laws

You can read each law below as “the expression on the left of the == is equivalent to that on the right.

The first law states that return is a left identity for (>>=).

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
return x >>= f            ===   f x

Another way to phrase this is that there's no reason to use return to wrap up a pure value if all you're going to do is unwrap it again with (>>=). It's actually a common style error among programmers new to monads to wrap a value with return, then unwrap it with (>>=) a few lines later in the same function. Here's the same law written with do notation.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
do y <- return x
   f y                    ===   f x

This law has practical consequences for our coding style: we don't want to write unnecessary code, and the law lets us assume that the terse code will be identical in its effect to the more verbose version.

The second monad law states that return is a right identity for (>>=).

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
m >>= return              ===   m

This law also has style consequences in real programs, particularly if you're coming from an imperative language: there's no need to use return if the last action in a block would otherwise be returning the correct result. Let's look at this law in do notation.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
do y <- m
   return y               ===   m

Once again, if we assume that a monad obeys this law, we can write the shorter code in the knowledge that it will have the same effect as the longer code.

The final law is concerned with associativity.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
m >>= (\x -> f x >>= g)   ===   (m >>= f) >>= g

This law can be a little more difficult to follow, so let's look at the contents of the parentheses on each side of the equation. We can rewrite the expression on the left as follows.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
m >>= s
  where s x = f x >>= g

On the right, we can also rearrange things.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
t >>= g
  where t = m >>= f

We're now claiming that the following two expressions are equivalent.

-- file: ch14/MonadLaws.hs
m >>= s                   ===   t >>= g

What this means is if we want to break up an action into smaller pieces, it doesn't matter which sub-actions we hoist out to make new actions with, provided we preserve their ordering. If we have three actions chained together, we can substitute the first two and leave the third in place, or we can replace the second two and leave the first in place.

Even this more complicated law has a practical consequence. In the terminology of software refactoring, the “extract method” technique is a fancy term for snipping out a piece of inline code, turning it into a function, and calling the function from the site of the snipped code. This law essentially states that this technique can be applied to monadic Haskell code.

We've now seen how each of the monad laws offers us an insight into writing better monadic code. The first two laws show us how to avoid unnecessary use of return. The third suggests that we can safely refactor a complicated action into several simpler ones. We can now safely let the details fade, in the knowledge that our “do what I mean” intuitions won't be violated when we use properly written monads.

Incidentally, a Haskell compiler cannot guarantee that a monad actually follows the monad laws. It is the responsibility of a monad's author to satisfy—or, preferably, prove to—themselves that their code follows the laws.

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Copyright 2007, 2008 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.

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