Providence Salumu Chapter 16. Using Parsec

Chapter 16. Using Parsec

Table of Contents

First Steps with Parsec: Simple CSV Parsing
The sepBy and endBy Combinators
Choices and Errors
Error Handling
Extended Example: Full CSV Parser
Parsec and MonadPlus
Parsing an URL-encoded query string
Supplanting regular expressions for casual parsing
Parsing without variables
Applicative functors for parsing
Applicative parsing by example
Parsing JSON data
Parsing a HTTP request
Backtracking and its discontents
Parsing headers

The task of parsing a file, or data of various types, is a common one for programmers. We already learned about Haskell's support for regular expressions back in the section called “Regular expressions in Haskell”. Regular expressions are nice for many tasks, but they rapidly become unwieldy, or cannot be used at all, when dealing with a complex data format. For instance, we cannot use regular expressions to parse source code from most programming languages.

Parsec is a useful parser combinator library, with which we combine small parsing functions to build more sophisticated parsers. Parsec provides some simple parsing functions, as well as functions to tie them all together. It should come as no surprise that this parser library for Haskell is built around the notion of functions.

It's helpful to know where Parsec fits compared to the tools used for parsing in other languages. Parsing is sometimes divided into two stages: lexical analysis (the domain of tools like flex) and parsing itself (performed by programs such as bison). Parsec can perform both lexical analysis and parsing.

First Steps with Parsec: Simple CSV Parsing

Let's jump right in by writing some code for parsing a CSV file. CSV files are often used as a plain text representation of spreadsheets or databases. Each line is a record, and each field in the record is separated from the next by a comma. There are ways of dealing with fields that contain commas, but to start with, we won't worry about it.

This first example is much longer than it really needs to be. We will introduce more Parsec features in a little bit that will shrink the parser down to only four lines!

-- file: ch16/csv1.hs
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

{- A CSV file contains 0 or more lines, each of which is terminated
   by the end-of-line character (eol). -}
csvFile :: GenParser Char st [[String]]
csvFile = 
    do result <- many line
       return result

-- Each line contains 1 or more cells, separated by a comma
line :: GenParser Char st [String]
line = 
    do result <- cells
       eol                       -- end of line
       return result
-- Build up a list of cells.  Try to parse the first cell, then figure out 
-- what ends the cell.
cells :: GenParser Char st [String]
cells = 
    do first <- cellContent
       next <- remainingCells
       return (first : next)

-- The cell either ends with a comma, indicating that 1 or more cells follow,
-- or it doesn't, indicating that we're at the end of the cells for this line
remainingCells :: GenParser Char st [String]
remainingCells =
    (char ',' >> cells)            -- Found comma?  More cells coming
    <|> (return [])                -- No comma?  Return [], no more cells

-- Each cell contains 0 or more characters, which must not be a comma or
-- EOL
cellContent :: GenParser Char st String
cellContent = 
    many (noneOf ",\n")

-- The end of line character is \n
eol :: GenParser Char st Char
eol = char '\n'

parseCSV :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV input = parse csvFile "(unknown)" input

Let's take a look at the code for this example. We didn't use many shortcuts here, so remember that this will get shorter and simpler!

We've built it from the top down, so our first function is csvFile. The type of this function is GenParser Char st [[String]]. This means that the type of the input is a sequence of characters, which is exactly what a Haskell string is, since String is the same as [Char]. It also means that we will return a value of type [[String]]: a list of a list of strings. The st can be ignored for now.

Parsec programmers often omit type declarations, since we write so many small functions. Haskell's type inference can figure it out. We've listed the types for the first example here so you can get a better idea of what's going on. You can always use :t in ghci to inspect types as well.

The csvFile uses a do block. As this implies, Parsec is a monadic library: it defines its own special parsing monad[34], GenParser.

We start by running many line. many is a function that takes a function as an argument. It tries to repeatedly parse the input using the function passed to it. It gathers up the results from all that repeated parsing and returns a list of them. So, here, we are storing the results of parsing all lines in result. Then we look for the end-of-file indicator, called eof. Finally, we return the result. So, a CSV file is made up of many lines, then the end of file. We can often read out Parsec functions in plain English just like this.

Now we must answer the question: what is a line? We define the line function to do just that. Reading the function, we can see that a line consists of cells followed by the end of line character.

So what are cells? We defined them in the cells function. The cells of a line start with the content of the first cell, then continue with the content of the remaining cells, if any. The result is simply the first cell and the remaining cells assembled into a list.

Let's skip over remainingCells for a minute and look at cellContent. A cell contains any number of characters, but each character must not be a comma or end of line character. The noneOf function matches one item, so long as it isn't in the list of items that we pass. So, saying many (noneOf ",\n") defines a cell the way we want it.

Back in remainingCells, we have the first example of a choice in Parsec. The choice operator is <|>. This operator behaves like this: it will first try the parser on the left. If it consumed no input[35], it will try the parser on the right.

So, in remainingCells, our task is to come up with all the cells after the first. Recall that cellContent uses noneOf ",\n". So it will not consume the comma or end-of-line character from the input. If we see a comma after parsing a cell, it means that at least one more cell follows. Otherwise, we're done. So, our first choice in remainingCells is char ','. This parser simply matches the passed character in the input. If we found a comma, we want this function to return the remaining cells on the line. At this point, the "remaining cells" looks exactly like the start of the line, so we call cells recursively to parse them. If we didn't find a comma, we return the empty list, signifying no remaining cells on the line.

Finally, we must define what the end-of-line indicator is. We set it to char '\n', which will suit our purposes fine for now.

At the very end of the program, we define a function parseCSV that takes a String and parses it as a CSV file. This function is just a shortcut that calls Parsec's parse function, filling in a few parameters. parse returns Either ParseError [[String]] for the CSV file. If there was an error, the return value will be Left with the error; otherwise, it will be Right with the result.

Now that we understand this code, let's play with it a bit and see what it does.

ghci> :l csv1.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv1.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parseCSV ""
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Right []

That makes sense: parsing the empty string returns an empty list. Let's try parsing a single cell.

ghci> parseCSV "hi"
Left "(unknown)" (line 1, column 3):
unexpected end of input
expecting "," or "\n"

Look at that. Recall how we defined that each line must end with the end-of-line character, and we didn't give it. Parsec's error message helpfully indicated the line number and column number of the problem, and even told us what it was expecting! Let's give it an end-of-line character and continue experimenting.

ghci> parseCSV "hi\n"
Right [["hi"]]
ghci> parseCSV "line1\nline2\nline3\n"
Right [["line1"],["line2"],["line3"]]
ghci> parseCSV "cell1,cell2,cell3\n"
Right [["cell1","cell2","cell3"]]
ghci> parseCSV "l1c1,l1c2\nl2c1,l2c2\n"
Right [["l1c1","l1c2"],["l2c1","l2c2"]]
ghci> parseCSV "Hi,\n\n,Hello\n"
Right [["Hi",""],[""],["","Hello"]]

You can see that parseCSV is doing exactly what we wanted it to do. It's even handling empty cells and empty lines properly.

The sepBy and endBy Combinators

We promised you earlier that we could simplify our CSV parser significantly by using a few Parsec helper functions. There are two that will dramatically simplify this code.

The first tool is the sepBy function. This function takes two functions as arguments: the first function parses some sort of content, while the second function parses a separator. sepBy starts by trying to parse content, then separators, and alternates back and forth until it can't parse a separator. It returns a list of all the content that it was able to parse.

The second tool is endBy. It's similar to sepBy, but expects the very last item to be followed by the separator. That is, it continues parsing until it can't parse any more content.

So, we can use endBy to parse lines, since every line must end with the end-of-line character. We can use sepBy to parse cells, since the last cell will not end with a comma. Take a look at how much simpler our parser is now:

-- file: ch16/csv2.hs
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = many (noneOf ",\n")
eol = char '\n'

parseCSV :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV input = parse csvFile "(unknown)" input

This program behaves exactly the same as the first one. We can verify this by using ghci to re-run our examples from the earlier example. We'll get the same result from every one. Yet the program is much shorter and more readable. It won't be long before you can translate Parsec code like this into a file format definition in plain English. As you read over this code, you can see that:

  • A CSV file contains 0 or more lines, each of which is terminated by the end-of-line character.

  • A line contains 1 or more cells, separated by a comma.

  • A cell contains 0 or more characters, which must be neither the comma nor the end-of-line character.

  • The end-of-line character is the newline, \n.

Choices and Errors

Different operating systems use different characters to mark the end-of-line. Unix/Linux systems, plus Windows in text mode, use simply "\n". DOS and Windows systems use "\r\n", and Macs traditionally used "\r". We could add in support for "\n\r" too, just in case anybody uses that.

We could easily adapt our example to be able to handle all these types of line endings in a single file. We would need to make two modifications: adjust eol to recognize the different endings, and adjust the noneOf pattern in cell to ignore \r.

This must be done carefully. Recall that our earlier definition of eol was simply char '\n'. There is a parser called string that we can use to match the multi-character patterns. Let's start by thinking of how we would add support for \n\r.

Our first attempt might look like this:

-- file: ch16/csv3.hs
-- This function is not correct!
eol = string "\n" <|> string "\n\r"

This isn't quite right. Recall that the <|> operator always tries the left alternative first. Looking for the single character \n will match both types of line endings, so it will look to the system that the following line begins with \r. Not what we want. Try it in ghci:

ghci> :m Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
ghci> let eol = string "\n" <|> string "\n\r"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
ghci> parse eol "" "\n"
Right "\n"
ghci> parse eol "" "\n\r"
Right "\n"

It may seem like the parser worked for both endings, but actually looking at it this way, we can't tell. If it left something un-parsed, we don't know, because we're not trying to consume anything else from the input. So let's look for the end-of-file after our end of line:

ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n\r"
Left (line 2, column 1):
unexpected "\r"
expecting end of input
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n"
Right ()

As expected, we got an error from the \n\r ending. So the next temptation may be to try it this way:

-- file: ch16/csv4.hs
-- This function is not correct!
eol = string "\n\r" <|> string "\n"

This also isn't right. Recall that <|> only attempts the option on the right if the option on the left consumed no input. But by the time we are able to see if there is a \r after the \n, we've already consumed the \n. This time, we fail on the other case in ghci:

ghci> :m Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
ghci> let eol = string "\n\r" <|> string "\n"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n\r"
Right ()
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n"
Left (line 1, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting "\n\r"

We've stumbled upon the lookahead problem. It turns out that, when writing parsers, it's often very convenient to be able to "look ahead" at the data that's coming in. Parsec supports this, but before showing you how to use it, let's see how you would have to write this to get along without it. You'd have to manually expand all the options after the \n like this:

-- file: ch16/csv5.hs
eol = 
    do char '\n'
       char '\r' <|> return '\n'

This function first looks for \n. If it is found, then it will look for \r, consuming it if possible. Since the return type of char '\r' is a Char, the alternative action is to simply return a Char without attempting to parse anything. Parsec has a function option that can also express this idiom as option '\n' (char '\r'). Let's test this with ghci.

ghci> :l csv5.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv5.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n\r"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Right ()
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n"
Right ()

This time, we got the right result! But we could have done it easier with Parsec's lookahead support.


Parsec has a function called try that is used to express lookaheads. try takes one function, a parser. It applies that parser. If the parser doesn't succeed, try behaves as if it hadn't consumed any input at all. So, when you use try on the left side of <|>, Parsec will try the option on the right even if the left side failed after consuming some input. try only has an effect if it is on the left of a <|>. Keep in mind, though, that many functions use <|> internally. Here's a way to add expanded end-of-line support to our CSV parser using try:

-- file: ch16/csv6.hs
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = many (noneOf ",\n\r")

eol =   try (string "\n\r")
    <|> try (string "\r\n")
    <|> string "\n"
    <|> string "\r"

parseCSV :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV input = parse csvFile "(unknown)" input

Here we put both of the two-character endings first, and run both tests under try. Both of them occur to the left of a <|>, so they will do the right thing. We could have put string "\n" within a try, but it wouldn't have altered any behavior since they look at only one character anyway. We can load this up and test the eol function in ghci.

ghci> :l csv6.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv6.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n\r"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Right ()
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\n"
Right ()
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\r\n"
Right ()
ghci> parse (eol >> eof) "" "\r"
Right ()

All four endings were handled properly. You can also test the full CSV parser with some different endings like this:

ghci> parseCSV "line1\r\nline2\nline3\n\rline4\rline5\n"
Right [["line1"],["line2"],["line3"],["line4"],["line5"]]

As you can see, this program even supports different line endings within a single file.

Error Handling

At the beginning of this chapter, you saw how Parsec could generate error messages that list the location where the error occurred as well as what was expected. As parsers get more complex, the list of what was expected can become cumbersome. Parsec provides a way for you to specify custom error messages in the event of parse failures.

Let's look at what happens when our current CSV parser encounters an error:

ghci> parseCSV "line1"
Left "(unknown)" (line 1, column 6):
unexpected end of input
expecting ",", "\n\r", "\r\n", "\n" or "\r"

That's a pretty long, and technical, error message. We could make an attempt to resolve this by using the monad fail function like so:

-- file: ch16/csv7.hs
eol =   try (string "\n\r")
    <|> try (string "\r\n")
    <|> string "\n"
    <|> string "\r"
    <|> fail "Couldn't find EOL"

Under ghci, we can see the result:

ghci> :l csv7.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv7.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parseCSV "line1"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Left "(unknown)" (line 1, column 6):
unexpected end of input
expecting ",", "\n\r", "\r\n", "\n" or "\r"
Couldn't find EOL

We added to the error result, but didn't really help clean up the output. Parsec has an <?> operator that is designed for just these situations. It is similar to <|> in that it first tries the parser on its left. Instead of trying another parser in the event of a failure, it presents an error message. Here's how we'd use it:

-- file: ch16/csv8.hs
eol =   try (string "\n\r")
    <|> try (string "\r\n")
    <|> string "\n"
    <|> string "\r"
    <?> "end of line"

Now, when you generate an error, you'll get more helpful output:

ghci> :l csv8.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv8.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parseCSV "line1"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Left "(unknown)" (line 1, column 6):
unexpected end of input
expecting "," or end of line

That's pretty helpful! The general rule of thumb is that you put a human description of what you're looking for to the right of <?>.

Extended Example: Full CSV Parser

Our earlier CSV examples have had an important flaw: they weren't able to handle cells that contain a comma. CSV generating programs typically put quotation marks around such data. But then you have another problem: what to do if a cell contains a quotation mark and a comma. In these cases, the embedded quotation marks are doubled up.

Here is a full CSV parser. You can use this from ghci, or if you compile it to a standalone program, it will parse a CSV file on standard input and convert it to a different format on output.

-- file: ch16/csv9.hs
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec

csvFile = endBy line eol
line = sepBy cell (char ',')
cell = quotedCell <|> many (noneOf ",\n\r")

quotedCell = 
    do char '"'
       content <- many quotedChar
       char '"' <?> "quote at end of cell"
       return content

quotedChar =
        noneOf "\""
    <|> try (string "\"\"" >> return '"')

eol =   try (string "\n\r")
    <|> try (string "\r\n")
    <|> string "\n"
    <|> string "\r"
    <?> "end of line"

parseCSV :: String -> Either ParseError [[String]]
parseCSV input = parse csvFile "(unknown)" input

main =
    do c <- getContents
       case parse csvFile "(stdin)" c of
            Left e -> do putStrLn "Error parsing input:"
                         print e
            Right r -> mapM_ print r

That's a full-featured CSV parser in just 21 lines of code, plus an additional 10 lines for the parseCSV and main utility functions.

Let's look at the changes in this program from the previous versions. First, a cell may now be either a bare cell or a "quoted" cell. We give the quotedCell option first, because we want to follow that path if the first character in a cell is the quote mark.

The quotedCell begins and ends with a quote mark, and contains zero or more characters. These characters can't be copied directly, though, because they may contain embedded, doubled-up, quote marks themselves. So we define a custom quotedChar to process them.

When we're processing characters inside a quoted cell, we first say noneOf "\"". This will match and return any single character as long as it's not the quote mark. Otherwise, if it is the quote mark, we see if we have two of them in a row. If so, we return a single quote mark to go on our result string.

Notice that try in quotedChar on the right side of <|>. Recall that I said that try only has an effect if it is on the left side of <|>. This try does occur on the left side of a <|>, but on the left of one that must be within the implementation of many.

This try is important. Let's say we are parsing a quoted cell, and are getting towards the end of it. There will be another cell following. So we will expect to see a quote to end the current cell, followed by a comma. When we hit quotedChar, we will fail the noneOf test and proceed to the test that looks for two quotes in a row. We'll also fail that one because we'll have a quote, then a comma. If we hadn't used try, we'd crash with an error at this point, saying that it was expecting the second quote, because the first quote was already consumed. Since we use try, this is properly recognized as not a character that's part of the cell, so it terminates the many quotedChar expression as expected. Lookahead has once again proven very useful, and the fact that it is so easy to add makes it a remarkable tool in Parsec.

We can test this program with ghci over some quoted cells.

ghci> :l csv9.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( csv9.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> parseCSV "\"This, is, one, big, cell\"\n"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
Right [["This, is, one, big, cell"]]
ghci> parseCSV "\"Cell without an end\n"
Left "(unknown)" (line 2, column 1):
unexpected end of input
expecting "\"\"" or quote at end of cell

Let's run it over a real CSV file. Here's one generated by a spreadsheet program:

"O'Reilly Socks",10
"Shirt with ""Haskell"" text",20
"Shirt, ""O'Reilly"" version",20
"Haskell Caps",15

Now, we can run this under our test program and watch:

$ runhaskell csv9.hs < test.csv
["O'Reilly Socks","10"]
["Shirt with \"Haskell\" text","20"]
["Shirt, \"O'Reilly\" version","20"]
["Haskell Caps","15"]

Parsec and MonadPlus

Parsec's GenParser monad is an instance of the MonadPlus typeclass that we introduced in the section called “Looking for alternatives”. The value mzero represents a parse failure, while mplus combines two alternative parses into one, using (<|>).

-- file: ch16/ParsecPlus.hs
instance MonadPlus (GenParser tok st) where
    mzero = fail "mzero"
    mplus = (<|>)

Parsing an URL-encoded query string

When we introduced application/x-www-form-urlencoded text in the section called “Golfing practice: association lists”, we mentioned that we'd write a parser for these strings. We can quickly and easily do this using Parsec.

Each key-value pair is separated by the & character.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_query :: CharParser () [(String, Maybe String)]
p_query = p_pair `sepBy` char '&'

Notice that in the type signature, we're using Maybe to represent a value: the HTTP specification is unclear about whether a key must have an associated value, and we'd like to be able to distinguish between “no value” and “empty value”.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_pair :: CharParser () (String, Maybe String)
p_pair = do
  name <- many1 p_char
  value <- optionMaybe (char '=' >> many p_char)
  return (name, value)

The many1 function is similar to many: it applies its parser repeatedly, returning a list of their results. While many will succeed and return an empty list if its parser never succeeds, many1 will fail if its parser never succeeds, and will otherwise return a list of at least one element.

The optionMaybe function modifies the behaviour of a parser. If the parser fails, optionMaybe doesn't fail: it returns Nothing. Otherwise, it wraps the parser's successful result with Just. This gives us the ability to distinguish between “no value” and “empty value”, as we mentioned above.

Individual characters can be encoded in one of several ways.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_char :: CharParser () Char
p_char = oneOf urlBaseChars
     <|> (char '+' >> return ' ')
     <|> p_hex

urlBaseChars = ['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']++['0'..'9']++"$-_.!*'(),"

p_hex :: CharParser () Char
p_hex = do
  char '%'
  a <- hexDigit
  b <- hexDigit
  let ((d, _):_) = readHex [a,b]
  return . toEnum $ d

Some characters can be represented literally. Spaces are treated specially, using a + character. Other characters must be encoded as a % character followed by two hexadecimal digits. The Numeric module's readHex parses a hex string as a number.

ghci> parseTest p_query "foo=bar&a%21=b+c"
Loading package parsec- ... linking ... done.
[("foo",Just "bar"),("a!",Just "b c")]

As appealing and readable as this parser is, we can profit from stepping back and taking another look at some of our building blocks.

Supplanting regular expressions for casual parsing

In many popular languages, people tend to put regular expressions to work for “casual” parsing. They're notoriously tricky for this purpose: hard to write, difficult to debug, nearly incomprehensible after a few months of neglect, and provide no error messages on failure.

If we can write compact Parsec parsers, we'll gain in readability, expressiveness, and error reporting. Our parsers won't be as short as regular expressions, but they'll be close enough to negate much of the temptation of regexps.

Parsing without variables

A few of our parsers above use do notation and bind the result of an intermediate parse to a variable, for later use. One such function is p_pair.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_pair :: CharParser () (String, Maybe String)
p_pair = do
  name <- many1 p_char
  value <- optionMaybe (char '=' >> many p_char)
  return (name, value)

We can get rid of the need for explicit variables by using the liftM2 combinator from Control.Monad.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_pair_app1 =
    liftM2 (,) (many1 p_char) (optionMaybe (char '=' >> many p_char))

This parser has exactly the same type and behaviour as p_pair, but it's one line long. Instead of writing our parser in a “procedural” style, we've simply switched to a programming style that emphasises that we're applying parsers and combining their results.

We can take this applicative style of writing a parser much further. In most cases, the extra compactness that we will gain will not come at any cost in readability, beyond the initial effort of coming to grips with the idea.

Applicative functors for parsing

The standard Haskell libraries include a module named Control.Applicative, which we already encountered in the section called “Infix use of fmap”. This module defines a typeclass named Applicative, which represents an applicative functor. This is a little bit more structured than a functor, but a little bit less than a monad. It also defines Alternative, which is similar to MonadPlus

As usual, we think that the best way to introduce applicative functors is by putting them to work. In theory, every monad is an applicative functor, but not every applicative functor is a monad. Because applicative functors were added to the standard Haskell libraries long after monads, we often don't get an Applicative instance for free: frequently, we have to declare the monad we're using to be Applicative or Alternative.

To do this for Parsec, we'll write a small module that we can import instead of the normal Parsec module.

-- file: ch16/ApplicativeParsec.hs
module ApplicativeParsec
      module Control.Applicative
    , module Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), ap)
-- Hide a few names that are provided by Applicative.
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding (many, optional, (<|>))

-- The Applicative instance for every Monad looks like this.
instance Applicative (GenParser s a) where
    pure  = return
    (<*>) = ap

-- The Alternative instance for every MonadPlus looks like this.
instance Alternative (GenParser s a) where
    empty = mzero
    (<|>) = mplus

For convenience, our module's export section exports all the names we imported from both the Applicative and Parsec modules. Because we hid Parsec's version of (<|>) when importing, the one that will be exported is from Control.Applicative, as we would like.

Applicative parsing by example

We'll begin by rewriting our existing form parser from the bottom up, beginning with p_hex, which parses a hexadecimal escape sequence. Here's the code in normal do-notation style.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
p_hex :: CharParser () Char
p_hex = do
  char '%'
  a <- hexDigit
  b <- hexDigit
  let ((d, _):_) = readHex [a,b]
  return . toEnum $ d

And here's our applicative version.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
a_hex = hexify <$> (char '%' *> hexDigit) <*> hexDigit
    where hexify a b = toEnum . fst . head . readHex $ [a,b]

Although the individual parsers are mostly untouched, the combinators that we're gluing them together with have changed. The only familiar one is (<$>), which we already know is a synonym for fmap.

From our definition of Applicative, we know that (<*>) is ap.

The remaining unfamiliar combinator is (*>), which applies its first argument, throws away its result, then applies the second and returns its result. In other words, it's similar to (>>).

[Tip]A handy tip about angle brackets

Before we continue, here's a useful aid for remembering what all the angle brackets are for in the combinators from Control.Applicative: if there's an angle bracket pointing to some side, the result from that side should be used.

For example, (*>) returns the result on its right; (<*>) returns results from both sides; and (<*), which we have not yet seen, returns the result on its left.

Although the concepts here should mostly be familiar from our earlier coverage of functors and monads, we'll walk through this function to explain what's happening. First, to get a grip on our types, we'll hoist hexify to the top level and give it a signature.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
hexify :: Char -> Char -> Char
hexify a b = toEnum . fst . head . readHex $ [a,b]

Parsec's hexDigit parser parses a single hexadecimal digit.

ghci> :type hexDigit
hexDigit :: CharParser st Char

Therefore, char '%' *> hexDigit has the same type, since (*>) returns the result on its right. (The CharParser type is nothing more than a synonym for GenParser Char.)

ghci> :type char '%' *> hexDigit
char '%' *> hexDigit :: GenParser Char st Char

The expression hexify <$> (char '%' *> hexDigit) is a parser that matches a “%” character followed by hex digit, and whose result is a function.

ghci> :type hexify <$> (char '%' *> hexDigit)
hexify <$> (char '%' *> hexDigit) :: GenParser Char st (Char -> Char)

Finally, (<*>) applies the parser on its left, then the parser on its right, and applies the function that's the result of the left parse to the value that's the result of the right.

If you've been able to follow this, then you understand the (<*>) and ap combinators: (<*>) is plain old ($) lifted to applicative functors, and ap the same thing lifted to monads.

ghci> :type ($)
($) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
ghci> :type (<*>)
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ghci> :type ap
ap :: (Monad m) => m (a -> b) -> m a -> m b

Next, we'll consider the p_char parser.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
p_char :: CharParser () Char
p_char = oneOf urlBaseChars
     <|> (char '+' >> return ' ')
     <|> p_hex

urlBaseChars = ['a'..'z']++['A'..'Z']++['0'..'9']++"$-_.!*'(),"

This remains almost the same in an applicative style, save for one piece of convenient notation.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
a_char = oneOf urlBaseChars
     <|> (' ' <$ char '+')
     <|> a_hex

Here, the (<$) combinator uses the value on the left if the parser on the right succeeds.

Finally, the equivalent of p_pair_app1 is almost identical.

-- file: ch16/FormParse.hs
p_pair_app1 =
    liftM2 (,) (many1 p_char) (optionMaybe (char '=' >> many p_char))

All we've changed is the combinator we use for lifting: the liftA functions act in the same ways as their liftM cousins.

-- file: ch16/FormApp.hs
a_pair :: CharParser () (String, Maybe String)
a_pair = liftA2 (,) (many1 a_char) (optionMaybe (char '=' *> many a_char))

Parsing JSON data

To give ourselves a better feel for parsing with applicative functors, and to explore a few more corners of Parsec, we'll write a JSON parser that follows the definition in RFC 4627.

At the top level, a JSON value must be either an object or an array.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_text :: CharParser () JValue
p_text = spaces *> text
     <?> "JSON text"
    where text = JObject <$> p_object
             <|> JArray <$> p_array

These are structurally similar, with an opening character, followed by one or more items separated by commas, followed by a closing character. We capture this similarity by writing a small helper function.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_series :: Char -> CharParser () a -> Char -> CharParser () [a]
p_series left parser right =
    between (char left <* spaces) (char right) $
            (parser <* spaces) `sepBy` (char ',' <* spaces)

Here, we finally have a use for the (<*) combinator that we introduced earlier. We use it to skip over any white space that might follow certain tokens. With this p_series function, parsing an array is simple.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_array :: CharParser () (JAry JValue)
p_array = JAry <$> p_series '[' p_value ']'

Dealing with a JSON object is hardly more complicated, requiring just a little additional effort to produce a name/value pair for each of the object's fields.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_object :: CharParser () (JObj JValue)
p_object = JObj <$> p_series '{' p_field '}'
    where p_field = (,) <$> (p_string <* char ':' <* spaces) <*> p_value

Parsing an individual value is a matter of calling an existing parser, then wrapping its result with the appropriate JValue constructor.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_value :: CharParser () JValue
p_value = value <* spaces
  where value = JString <$> p_string
            <|> JNumber <$> p_number
            <|> JObject <$> p_object
            <|> JArray <$> p_array
            <|> JBool <$> p_bool
            <|> JNull <$ string "null"
            <?> "JSON value"

p_bool :: CharParser () Bool
p_bool = True <$ string "true"
     <|> False <$ string "false"

The choice combinator allows us to represent this kind of ladder-of-alternatives as a list. It returns the result of the first parser to succeed.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_value_choice = value <* spaces
  where value = choice [ JString <$> p_string
                       , JNumber <$> p_number
                       , JObject <$> p_object
                       , JArray <$> p_array
                       , JBool <$> p_bool
                       , JNull <$ string "null"
                <?> "JSON value"

This leads us to the two most interesting parsers, for numbers and strings. We'll deal with numbers first, since they're simpler.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_number :: CharParser () Double
p_number = do s <- getInput
              case readSigned readFloat s of
                [(n, s')] -> n <$ setInput s'
                _         -> empty

Our trick here is to take advantage of Haskell's standard number parsing library functions, which are defined in the Numeric module. The readFloat function reads an unsigned floating point number, and readSigned takes a parser for an unsigned number and turns it into a parser for possibly signed numbers.

Since these functions know nothing about Parsec, we have to work with them specially. Parsec's getInput function gives us direct access to Parsec's unconsumed input stream. If readSigned readFloat succeeds, it returns both the parsed number and the rest of the unparsed input. We then use setInput to give this back to Parsec as its new unconsumed input stream.

Parsing a string isn't difficult, merely detailed.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_string :: CharParser () String
p_string = between (char '\"') (char '\"') (many jchar)
    where jchar = char '\\' *> (p_escape <|> p_unicode)
              <|> satisfy (`notElem` "\"\\")

We can parse and decode an escape sequence with the help of the choice combinator that we just met.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_escape = choice (zipWith decode "bnfrt\\\"/" "\b\n\f\r\t\\\"/")
    where decode c r = r <$ char c

Finally, JSON lets us encode a Unicode character in a string as “\u” followed by four hexadecimal digits.

-- file: ch16/JSONParsec.hs
p_unicode :: CharParser () Char
p_unicode = char 'u' *> (decode <$> count 4 hexDigit)
    where decode x = toEnum code
              where ((code,_):_) = readHex x

The only piece of functionality that applicative functors are missing, compared to monads, is the ability to bind a value to a variable, which we need here in order to be able to validate the value we're trying to decode.

This is the one place in our parser that we've needed to use a monadic function. This pattern extends to more complicated parsers, too: only infrequently do we need the extra bit of power that monads offer.

As we write this book, applicative functors are still quite new to Haskell, and people are only beginning to explore the possible uses for them beyond the realm of parsing.

Parsing a HTTP request

As another example of applicative parsing, we will develop a basic parser for HTTP requests.

-- file: ch16/HttpRequestParser.hs
module HttpRequestParser
    , Method(..)
    , p_request
    , p_query
    ) where

import ApplicativeParsec
import Numeric (readHex)
import Control.Monad (liftM4)
import System.IO (Handle)

An HTTP request consists of a method, an identifier, a series of headers, and an optional body. For simplicity, we'll focus on just two of the six method types specified by the HTTP 1.1 standard. A POST method has a body; a GET has none.

-- file: ch16/HttpRequestParser.hs
data Method = Get | Post
          deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

data HttpRequest = HttpRequest {
      reqMethod :: Method
    , reqURL :: String
    , reqHeaders :: [(String, String)]
    , reqBody :: Maybe String
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

Because we're writing in an applicative style, our parser can be both brief and readable. Readable, that is, if you're becoming used to the applicative parsing notation.

-- file: ch16/HttpRequestParser.hs
p_request :: CharParser () HttpRequest
p_request = q "GET" Get (pure Nothing)
        <|> q "POST" Post (Just <$> many anyChar)
  where q name ctor body = liftM4 HttpRequest req url p_headers body
            where req = ctor <$ string name <* char ' '
        url = optional (char '/') *>
              manyTill notEOL (try $ string " HTTP/1." <* oneOf "01")
              <* crlf

Briefly, the q helper function accepts a method name, the type constructor to apply to it, and a parser for a request's optional body. The url helper does not attempt to validate a URL, because the HTTP specification does not specify what characters an URL contain. The function just consumes input until either the line ends or it reaches a HTTP version identifier.

Backtracking and its discontents

The try combinator has to hold onto input in case it needs to restore it, so that an alternative parser can be used. This practice is referred to as backtracking. Because try must save input, it is expensive to use. Sprinkling a parser with unnecessary uses of try is a very effective way to slow it down, sometimes to the point of unacceptable performance.

The standard way to avoid the need for backtracking is to tidy up a parser so that we can decide whether it will succeed or fail using only a single token of input. In this case, the two parsers consume the same initial tokens, so we turn them into a single parser.

ghci> let parser = (++) <$> string "HT" <*> (string "TP" <|> string "ML")
ghci> parseTest parser "HTTP"
ghci> parseTest parser "HTML"

Even better, Parsec gives us an improved error message if we feed it non-matching input.

ghci> parseTest parser "HTXY"
parse error at (line 1, column 3):
unexpected "X"
expecting "TP" or "ML"

Parsing headers

Following the first line of a HTTP request is a series of zero or more headers. A header begins with a field name, followed by a colon, followed by the content. If the lines that follow begin with spaces, they are treated as continuations of the current content.

-- file: ch16/HttpRequestParser.hs
p_headers :: CharParser st [(String, String)]
p_headers = header `manyTill` crlf
  where header = liftA2 (,) fieldName (char ':' *> spaces *> contents)
        contents = liftA2 (++) (many1 notEOL <* crlf)
                               (continuation <|> pure [])
        continuation = liftA2 (:) (' ' <$ many1 (oneOf " \t")) contents
        fieldName = (:) <$> letter <*> many fieldChar
        fieldChar = letter <|> digit <|> oneOf "-_"

crlf :: CharParser st ()
crlf = (() <$ string "\r\n") <|> (() <$ newline)

notEOL :: CharParser st Char
notEOL = noneOf "\r\n"


Our HTTP request parser is too simple to be useful in real deployments. It is missing vital functionality, and is not resistant to even the most basic denial of service attacks.


Make the parser honour the Content-Length field properly, if it is present.


A popular denial of service attack against naive web servers is simply to send unreasonably long headers. A single header might contain tens or hundreds of megabytes of garbage text, causing a server to run out of memory.

Restructure the header parser so that it will fail if any line is longer than 4096 characters. It must fail immediately when this occurs; it cannot wait until the end of a line eventually shows up.


Add the ability to honour the Transfer-Encoding: chunked header if it is present. See section 3.6.1 of RFC 2616 for details.


Another popular attack is to open a connection and either leave it idle or send data extremely slowly. Write a wrapper in the IO monad that will invoke the parser. Use the System.Timeout module to close the connection if the parser has not completed within 30 seconds.

[34] For more on monads, refer to Chapter 14, Monads

[35] For information on dealing with choices that may consume some input before failing, see the section called “Lookahead”.

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Copyright 2007, 2008 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.

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