Providence Salumu Chapter 18. Monad transformers

Chapter 18. Monad transformers

Table of Contents

Motivation: boilerplate avoidance
A simple monad transformer example
Common patterns in monads and monad transformers
Stacking multiple monad transformers
Hiding our work
Moving down the stack
When explicit lifting is necessary
Understanding monad transformers by building one
Creating a monad transformer
More typeclass instances
Replacing the Parse type with a monad stack
Transformer stacking order is important
Putting monads and monad transformers into perspective
Interference with pure code
Overdetermined ordering
Runtime overhead
Unwieldy interfaces
Pulling it all together

Motivation: boilerplate avoidance

Monads provide a powerful way to build computations with effects. Each of the standard monads is specialised to do exactly one thing. In real code, we often need to be able to use several effects at once.

Recall the Parse type that we developed in Chapter 10, Code case study: parsing a binary data format, for instance. When we introduced monads, we mentioned that this type was a state monad in disguise. Our monad is more complex than the standard State monad, because it uses the Either type to allow the possibility of a parsing failure. In our case, if a parse fails early on, we want to stop parsing, not continue in some broken state. Our monad combines the effect of carrying state around with the effect of early exit.

The normal State monad doesn't let us escape in this way; it only carries state. It uses the default implementation of fail: this calls error, which throws an exception that we can't catch in pure code. The State monad thus appears to allow for failure, without that capability actually being any use. (Once again, we recommend that you almost always avoid using fail!)

It would be ideal if we could somehow take the standard State monad and add failure handling to it, without resorting to the wholesale construction of custom monads by hand. The standard monads in the mtl library don't allow us to combine them. Instead, the library provides a set of monad transformers[37] to achieve the same result.

A monad transformer is similar to a regular monad, but it's not a standalone entity: instead, it modifies the behaviour of an underlying monad. Most of the monads in the mtl library have transformer equivalents. By convention, the transformer version of a monad has the same name, with a T stuck on the end. For example, the transformer equivalent of State is StateT; it adds mutable state to an underlying monad. The WriterT monad transformer makes it possible to write data when stacked on top of another monad.

A simple monad transformer example

Before we introduce monad transformers, let's look at a function written using techniques we are already familiar with. The function below recurses into a directory tree, and returns a list of the number of entries it finds at each level of the tree.

-- file: ch18/CountEntries.hs
module CountEntries (listDirectory, countEntriesTrad) where

import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Monad (forM, liftM)

listDirectory :: FilePath -> IO [String]
listDirectory = liftM (filter notDots) . getDirectoryContents
    where notDots p = p /= "." && p /= ".."

countEntriesTrad :: FilePath -> IO [(FilePath, Int)]
countEntriesTrad path = do
  contents <- listDirectory path
  rest <- forM contents $ \name -> do
            let newName = path </> name
            isDir <- doesDirectoryExist newName
            if isDir
              then countEntriesTrad newName
              else return []
  return $ (path, length contents) : concat rest

We'll now look at using the writer monad to achieve the same goal. Since this monad lets us record a value wherever we want, we don't need to explicitly build up a result.

As our function must execute in the IO monad so that it can traverse directories, we can't use the Writer monad directly. Instead, we use WriterT to add the recording capability to IO. We will find the going easier if we look at the types involved.

The normal Writer monad has two type parameters, so it's more properly written Writer w a. The first parameter w is the type of the values to be recorded, and a is the usual type that the Monad typeclass requires. Thus Writer [(FilePath, Int)] a is a writer monad that records a list of directory names and sizes.

The WriterT transformer has a similar structure, but it adds another type parameter m: this is the underlying monad whose behaviour we are augmenting. The full signature of WriterT is WriterT w m a.

Because we need to traverse directories, which requires access to the IO monad, we'll stack our writer on top of the IO monad. Our combination of monad transformer and underlying monad will thus have the type WriterT [(FilePath, Int)] IO a. This stack of monad transformer and monad is itself a monad.

-- file: ch18/CountEntriesT.hs
module CountEntriesT (listDirectory, countEntries) where

import CountEntries (listDirectory)
import System.Directory (doesDirectoryExist)
import System.FilePath ((</>))
import Control.Monad (forM_, when)
import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
import Control.Monad.Writer (WriterT, tell)

countEntries :: FilePath -> WriterT [(FilePath, Int)] IO ()
countEntries path = do
  contents <- liftIO . listDirectory $ path
  tell [(path, length contents)]
  forM_ contents $ \name -> do
    let newName = path </> name
    isDir <- liftIO . doesDirectoryExist $ newName
    when isDir $ countEntries newName

This code is not terribly different from our earlier version. We use liftIO to expose the IO monad where necessary, and tell to record a visit to a directory.

To run our code, we must use one of WriterT's execution functions.

ghci> :type runWriterT
runWriterT :: WriterT w m a -> m (a, w)
ghci> :type execWriterT
execWriterT :: (Monad m) => WriterT w m a -> m w

These functions execute the action, then remove the WriterT wrapper and give a result that is wrapped in the underlying monad. The runWriterT function gives both the result of the action and whatever was recorded as it ran, while execWriterT throws away the result and just gives us what was recorded.

ghci> :type countEntries ".."
countEntries ".." :: WriterT [(FilePath, Int)] IO ()
ghci> :type execWriterT (countEntries "..")
execWriterT (countEntries "..") :: IO [(FilePath, Int)]
ghci> take 4 `liftM` execWriterT (countEntries "..")

We use a WriterT on top of IO because there is no IOT monad transformer. Whenever we use the IO monad with one or more monad transformers, IO will always be at the bottom of the stack.

Common patterns in monads and monad transformers

Most of the monads and monad transformers in the mtl library follow a few common patterns around naming and typeclasses.

To illustrate these rules, we will focus on a single straightforward monad: the reader monad. The reader monad's API is detailed by the MonadReader typeclass. Most mtl monads have similarly named typeclasses: MonadWriter defines the API of the writer monad, and so on.

-- file: ch18/Reader.hs
class (Monad m) => MonadReader r m | m -> r where
    ask   :: m r
    local :: (r -> r) -> m a -> m a

The type variable r represents the immutable state that the reader monad carries around. The Reader r monad is an instance of the MonadReader class, as is the ReaderT r m monad transformer. Again, this pattern is repeated by other mtl monads: there usually exist both a concrete monad and a transformer, each of which are instances of the typeclass that defines the monad's API.

Returning to the specifics of the reader monad, we haven't touched upon the local function before. It temporarily modifies the current environment using the r -> r function, and executes its action in the modified environment. To make this idea more concrete, here is a simple example.

-- file: ch18/LocalReader.hs
import Control.Monad.Reader

myName step = do
  name <- ask
  return (step ++ ", I am " ++ name)

localExample :: Reader String (String, String, String)
localExample = do
  a <- myName "First"
  b <- local (++"dy") (myName "Second")
  c <- myName "Third"
  return (a, b, c)

If we execute the localExample action in ghci, we can see that the effect of modifying the environment is confined to one place.

ghci> runReader localExample "Fred"
Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.
("First, I am Fred","Second, I am Freddy","Third, I am Fred")

When the underlying monad m is an instance of MonadIO, the mtl library provides an instance for ReaderT r m, and also for a number of other typeclasses. Here are a few.

-- file: ch18/Reader.hs
instance (Monad m) => Functor (ReaderT r m) where

instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (ReaderT r m) where

instance (MonadPlus m) => MonadPlus (ReaderT r m) where

Once again, most mtl monad transformers define instances like these, to make it easier for us to work with them.

Stacking multiple monad transformers

As we have already mentioned, when we stack a monad transformer on a normal monad, the result is another monad. This suggests the possibility that we can again stack a monad transformer on top of our combined monad, to give a new monad, and in fact this is a common thing to do. Under what circumstances might we want to create such a stack?

  • If we need to talk to the outside world, we'll have IO at the base of the stack. Otherwise, we will have some normal monad.

  • If we add a ReaderT layer, we give ourselves access to read-only configuration information.

  • Add a StateT layer, and we gain global state that we can modify.

  • Should we need the ability to log events, we can add a WriterT layer.

The power of this approach is that we can customise the stack to our exact needs, specifying which kinds of effects we want to support.

As a small example of stacked monad transformers in action, here is a reworking of the countEntries function we developed earlier. We will modify it to recurse no deeper into a directory tree than a given amount, and to record the maximum depth it reaches.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State

data AppConfig = AppConfig {
      cfgMaxDepth :: Int
    } deriving (Show)

data AppState = AppState {
      stDeepestReached :: Int
    } deriving (Show)

We use ReaderT to store configuration data, in the form of the maximum depth of recursion we will perform. We also use StateT to record the maximum depth we reach during an actual traversal.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
type App = ReaderT AppConfig (StateT AppState IO)

Our transformer stack has IO on the bottom, then StateT, with ReaderT on top. In this particular case, it doesn't matter whether we have ReaderT or WriterT on top, but IO must be on the bottom.

Even a small stack of monad transformers quickly develops an unwieldy type name. We can use a type alias to reduce the lengths of the type signatures that we write.

[Note]Where's the missing type parameter?

You might have noticed that our type synonym doesn't have the usual type parameter a that we associate with a monadic type:

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
type App2 a = ReaderT AppConfig (StateT AppState IO) a

Both App and App2 work fine in normal type signatures. The difference arises when we try to construct another type from one of these. Say we want to add another monad transformer to the stack: the compiler will allow WriterT [String] App a, but reject WriterT [String] App2 a.

The reason for this is that Haskell does not allow us to partially apply a type synonym. The synonym App doesn't take a type parameter, so it doesn't pose a problem. However, because App2 takes a type parameter, we must supply some type for that parameter if we want to use App2 to create another type.

This restriction is limited to type synonyms. When we create a monad transformer stack, we usually wrap it with a newtype (as we will see below). As a result, we will rarely run into this problem in practice.

The execution function for our monad stack is simple.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
runApp :: App a -> Int -> IO (a, AppState)
runApp k maxDepth =
    let config = AppConfig maxDepth
        state = AppState 0
    in runStateT (runReaderT k config) state

Our application of runReaderT removes the ReaderT transformer wrapper, while runStateT removes the StateT wrapper, leaving us with a result in the IO monad.

Compared to earlier versions, the only complications we have added to our traversal function are slight: we track our current depth, and record the maximum depth we reach.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
constrainedCount :: Int -> FilePath -> App [(FilePath, Int)]
constrainedCount curDepth path = do
  contents <- liftIO . listDirectory $ path
  cfg <- ask
  rest <- forM contents $ \name -> do
            let newPath = path </> name
            isDir <- liftIO $ doesDirectoryExist newPath
            if isDir && curDepth < cfgMaxDepth cfg
              then do
                let newDepth = curDepth + 1
                st <- get
                when (stDeepestReached st < newDepth) $
                  put st { stDeepestReached = newDepth }
                constrainedCount newDepth newPath
              else return []
  return $ (path, length contents) : concat rest

Our use of monad transformers here is admittedly a little contrived. Because we're writing a single straightforward function, we're not really winning anything. What's useful about this approach, though, is that it scales to bigger programs.

We can write most of an application's imperative-style code in a monad stack similar to our App monad. In a real program, we'd carry around more complex configuration data, but we'd still use ReaderT to keep it read-only and hidden except when needed. We'd have more mutable state to manage, but we'd still use StateT to encapsulate it.

Hiding our work

We can use the usual newtype technique to erect a solid barrier between the implementation of our custom monad and its interface.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
newtype MyApp a = MyA {
      runA :: ReaderT AppConfig (StateT AppState IO) a
    } deriving (Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader AppConfig,
                MonadState AppState)

runMyApp :: MyApp a -> Int -> IO (a, AppState)
runMyApp k maxDepth =
    let config = AppConfig maxDepth
        state = AppState 0
    in runStateT (runReaderT (runA k) config) state

If we export the MyApp type constructor and the runMyApp execution function from a module, client code will not be able to tell that the internals of our monad is a stack of monad transformers.

The large deriving clause requires the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving language pragma. It seems somehow magical that the compiler can derive all of these instances for us. How does this work?

Earlier, we mentioned that the mtl library provides instances of a number of typeclasses for each monad transformer. For example, the IO monad implements MonadIO. If the underlying monad is an instance of MonadIO, mtl makes StateT an instance, too, and likewise for ReaderT.

There is thus no magic going on: the top-level monad transformer in the stack is an instance of all of the type classes that we're rederiving with our deriving clause. This is a consequence of mtl providing a carefully coordinated set of typeclasses and instances that fit together well. There is nothing more going on than the usual automatic derivation that we can perform with newtype declarations.



Modify the App type synonym to swap the order of ReaderT and WriterT. What effect does this have on the runApp execution function?


Add the WriterT transformer to the App monad transformer stack. Modify runApp to work with this new setup.


Rewrite the constrainedCount function to record results using the WriterT transformer in your new App stack.

Moving down the stack

So far, our uses of monad transformers have been simple, and the plumbing of the mtl library has allowed us to avoid the details of how a stack of monads is constructed. Indeed, we already know enough about monad transformers to simplify many common programming tasks.

There are a few useful ways in which we can depart from the comfort of mtl. Most often, a custom monad sits at the bottom of the stack, or a custom monad transformer lies somewhere within the stack. To understand the potential difficulty, let's look at an example.

Suppose we have a custom monad transformer, CustomT.

-- file: ch18/CustomT.hs
newtype CustomT m a = ...

In the framework that mtl provides, each monad transformer in the stack makes the API of a lower level available by providing instances of a host of typeclasses. We could follow this pattern, and write a number of boilerplate instances.

-- file: ch18/CustomT.hs
instance MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (CustomT m) where

instance MonadIO m => MonadIO (CustomT m) where

If the underlying monad was an instance of MonadReader, we would write a MonadReader instance for CustomT in which each function in the API passes through to the corresponding function in the underlying instance. This would allow higher level code to only care that the stack as a whole is an instance of MonadReader, without knowing or caring about which layer provides the real implementation.

Instead of relying on all of these typeclass instances to work for us behind the scenes, we can be explicit. The MonadTrans typeclass defines a useful function named lift.

ghci> :m +Control.Monad.Trans
ghci> :info MonadTrans
class MonadTrans t where lift :: (Monad m) => m a -> t m a
  	-- Defined in Control.Monad.Trans

This function takes a monadic action from one layer down the stack, and turns it—in other words, lifts it—into an action in the current monad transformer. Every monad transformer is an instance of MonadTrans.

We use the name lift based on its similarity of purpose to fmap and liftM. In each case, we hoist something from a lower level of the type system to the level we're currently working in.

  • fmap elevates a pure function to the level of functors;

  • liftM takes a pure function to the level of monads;

  • and lift raises a monadic action from one level beneath in the transformer stack to the current one.

Let's revisit the App monad stack we defined earlier (before we wrapped it with a newtype).

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
type App = ReaderT AppConfig (StateT AppState IO)

If we want to access the AppState carried by the StateT, we would usually rely on mtl's typeclasses and instances to handle the plumbing for us.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
implicitGet :: App AppState
implicitGet = get

The lift function lets us achieve the same effect, by lifting get from StateT into ReaderT.

-- file: ch18/UglyStack.hs
explicitGet :: App AppState
explicitGet = lift get

Obviously, when we can let mtl do this work for us, we end up with cleaner code, but this is not always possible.

When explicit lifting is necessary

One case in which we must use lift is when we create a monad transformer stack in which instances of the same typeclass appear at multiple levels.

-- file: ch18/StackStack.hs
type Foo = StateT Int (State String)

If we try to use the put action of the MonadState typeclass, the instance we will get is that of StateT Int, because it's at the top of the stack.

-- file: ch18/StackStack.hs
outerPut :: Int -> Foo ()
outerPut = put

In this case, the only way we can access the underlying State monad's put is through use of lift.

-- file: ch18/StackStack.hs
innerPut :: String -> Foo ()
innerPut = lift . put

Sometimes, we need to access a monad more than one level down the stack, in which case we must compose calls to lift. Each composed use of lift gives us access to one deeper level.

-- file: ch18/StackStack.hs
type Bar = ReaderT Bool Foo

barPut :: String -> Bar ()
barPut = lift . lift . put

When we need to use lift, it can be good style to write wrapper functions that do the lifting for us, as above, and to use those. The alternative of sprinkling explicit uses of lift throughout our code tends to look messy. Worse, it hard-wires the details of the layout of our monad stack into our code, which will complicate any subsequent modifications.

Understanding monad transformers by building one

To give ourselves some insight into how monad transformers in general work, we will create one and describe its machinery as we go. Our target is simple and useful. Surprisingly, though, it is missing from the mtl library: MaybeT.

This monad transformer modifies the behaviour of an underlying monad m a by wrapping its type parameter with Maybe, to give m (Maybe a). As with the Maybe monad, if we call fail in the MaybeT monad transformer, execution terminates early.

In order to turn m (Maybe a) into a Monad instance, we must make it a distinct type, via a newtype declaration.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
newtype MaybeT m a = MaybeT {
      runMaybeT :: m (Maybe a)

We now need to define the three standard monad functions. The most complex is (>>=), and its innards shed the most light on what we are actually doing. Before we delve into its operation, let us first take a look at its type.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
bindMT :: (Monad m) => MaybeT m a -> (a -> MaybeT m b) -> MaybeT m b

To understand this type signature, hark back to our discussion of multi-parameter typeclasses in the section called “Multi-parameter typeclasses”. The thing that we intend to make a Monad instance is the partial type MaybeT m: this has the usual single type parameter, a, that satisfies the requirements of the Monad typeclass.

The trick to understanding the body of our (>>=) implementation is that everything inside the do block executes in the underlying monad m, whatever that is.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
x `bindMT` f = MaybeT $ do
                 unwrapped <- runMaybeT x
                 case unwrapped of
                   Nothing -> return Nothing
                   Just y -> runMaybeT (f y)

Our runMaybeT function unwraps the result contained in x. Next, recall that the <- symbol desugars to (>>=): a monad transformer's (>>=) must use the underlying monad's (>>=). The final bit of case analysis determines whether we short circuit or chain our computation. Finally, look back at the top of the body: here, we must wrap the result with the MaybeT constructor, to once again hide the underlying monad.

The do notation above might be pleasant to read, but it hides the fact that we are relying on the underlying monad's (>>=) implementation. Here is a more idiomatic version of (>>=) for MaybeT that makes this clearer.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
x `altBindMT` f =
    MaybeT $ runMaybeT x >>= maybe (return Nothing) (runMaybeT . f)

Now that we understand what (>>=) is doing, our implementations of return and fail need no explanation, and neither does our Monad instance.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
returnMT :: (Monad m) => a -> MaybeT m a
returnMT a = MaybeT $ return (Just a)

failMT :: (Monad m) => t -> MaybeT m a
failMT _ = MaybeT $ return Nothing
instance (Monad m) => Monad (MaybeT m) where
  return = returnMT
  (>>=) = bindMT
  fail = failMT

Creating a monad transformer

To turn our type into a monad transformer, we must provide an instance of the MonadTrans class, so that a user can access the underlying monad.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
instance MonadTrans MaybeT where
    lift m = MaybeT (Just `liftM` m)

The underlying monad starts out with a type parameter of a: we “inject” the Just constructor so it will acquire the type that we need, Maybe a. We then hide the monad with our MaybeT constructor.

More typeclass instances

Once we have an instance for MonadTrans defined, we can use it to define instances for the umpteen other mtl typeclasses.

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
instance (MonadIO m) => MonadIO (MaybeT m) where
  liftIO m = lift (liftIO m)

instance (MonadState s m) => MonadState s (MaybeT m) where
  get = lift get
  put k = lift (put k)

-- ... and so on for MonadReader, MonadWriter, etc ...

Because several of the mtl typeclasses use functional dependencies, some of our instance declarations require us to considerably relax GHC's usual strict type checking rules. (If we were to forget any of these directives, the compiler would helpfully advise us which ones we needed in its error messages.)

-- file: ch18/MaybeT.hs
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses,
             UndecidableInstances #-}

Is it better to use lift explicitly, or to spend time writing these boilerplate instances? That depends on what we expect to do with our monad transformer. If we're going to use it in just a few restricted situations, we can get away with providing an instance for MonadTrans alone. In this case, a few more instances might still make sense, such as MonadIO. On the other hand, if our transformer is going to pop up in diverse situations throughout a body of code, spending a dull hour to write those instances might be a good investment.

Replacing the Parse type with a monad stack

Now that we have developed a monad transformer that can exit early, we can use it to bail if, for example, a parse fails partway through. We could thus replace the Parse type that we developed in the section called “Implicit state” with a monad customised to our needs.

-- file: ch18/MaybeTParse.hs
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

module MaybeTParse
    , evalParse
    ) where

import MaybeT
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Int (Int64)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L

data ParseState = ParseState {
      string :: L.ByteString
    , offset :: Int64
    } deriving (Show)

newtype Parse a = P {
      runP :: MaybeT (State ParseState) a
    } deriving (Monad, MonadState ParseState)

evalParse :: Parse a -> L.ByteString -> Maybe a
evalParse m s = evalState (runMaybeT (runP m)) (ParseState s 0)



Our Parse monad is not a perfect replacement for its earlier counterpart. Because we are using Maybe instead of Either to represent a result, we can't report any useful information if a parse fails.

Create an EitherT sometype monad transformer, and use it to implement a more capable Parse monad that can report an error message if parsing fails.


If you like to explore the Haskell libraries for fun, you may have run across an existing Monad instance for the Either type in the Control.Monad.Error module. We suggest that you do not use that as a guide. Its design is too restrictive: it turns Either String into a monad, when you could use a type parameter instead of String.

Hint: If you follow this suggestion, you'll probably need to use the FlexibleInstances language extension in your definition.

Transformer stacking order is important

From our early examples using monad transformers like ReaderT and StateT, it might be easy to conclude that the order in which we stack monad transformers doesn't matter.

When we stack StateT on top of State, it should be clearer that order can indeed make a difference. The types StateT Int (State String) and StateT String (State Int) might carry around the same information, but we can't use them interchangeably. The ordering determines when we need to use lift to get at one or the other piece of state.

Here's a case that more dramatically demonstrates the importance of ordering. Suppose we have a computation that might fail, and we want to log the circumstances under which it does so.

-- file: ch18/MTComposition.hs
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Writer
import MaybeT

problem :: MonadWriter [String] m => m ()
problem = do
  tell ["this is where i fail"]
  fail "oops"

Which of these monad stacks will give us the information we need?

-- file: ch18/MTComposition.hs
type A = WriterT [String] Maybe

type B = MaybeT (Writer [String])

a :: A ()
a = problem

b :: B ()
b = problem

Let's try the alternatives in ghci.

ghci> runWriterT a
Loading package mtl- ... linking ... done.
ghci> runWriter $ runMaybeT b
(Nothing,["this is where i fail"])

This difference in results should not come as a surprise: just look at the signatures of the execution functions.

ghci> :t runWriterT
runWriterT :: WriterT w m a -> m (a, w)
ghci> :t runWriter . runMaybeT
runWriter . runMaybeT :: MaybeT (Writer w) a -> (Maybe a, w)

Our WriterT-on-Maybe stack has Maybe as the underlying monad, so runWriterT must give us back a result of type Maybe. In our test case, we only get to see the log of what happened if nothing actually went wrong!

Stacking monad transformers is analogous to composing functions. If we change the order in which we apply functions, and we then get different results, we are not surprised. So it is with monad transformers, too.

Putting monads and monad transformers into perspective

It's useful to step back from details for a few moments, and look at the weaknesses and strengths of programming with monads and monad transformers.

Interference with pure code

Probably the biggest practical irritation of working with monads is that a monad's type constructor often gets in our way when we'd like to use pure code. Many useful pure functions need monadic counterparts, simply to tack on a placeholder parameter m for some monadic type constructor.

ghci> :t filter
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ghci> :i filterM
filterM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m [a]
  	-- Defined in Control.Monad

However, the coverage is incomplete: the standard libraries don't always provide monadic versions of pure functions.

The reason for this lies in history. Eugenio Moggi introduced the idea of using monads for programming in 1988, around the time the Haskell 1.0 standard was being developed. Many of the functions in today's Prelude date back to Haskell 1.0, which was released in 1990. In 1991, Philip Wadler started writing for a wider functional programming audience about the potential of monads, at which point they began to see some use.

Not until 1996, and the release of Haskell 1.3, did the standard acquire support for monads. By this time, the language designers were already constrained by backwards compatibility: they couldn't change the signatures of functions in the Prelude, because it would have broken existing code.

Since then, the Haskell community has learned a lot about creating suitable abstractions, so that we can write code that is less affected by the pure/monadic divide. You can find modern distillations of these ideas in the Data.Traversable and Data.Foldable modules. As appealing as those modules are, we do not cover them in this book. This is in part for want of space, but also because if you're still following our book at this point, you won't have trouble figuring them out for yourself.

In an ideal world, would we make a break from the past, and switch over Prelude to use Traversable and Foldable types? Probably not. Learning Haskell is already a stimulating enough adventure for newcomers. The Foldable and Traversable abstractions are easy to pick up when we already understand functors and monads, but they would put early learners on too pure a diet of abstraction. For teaching the language, it's good that map operates on lists, not on functors.

Overdetermined ordering

One of the principal reasons that we use monads is that they let us specify an ordering for effects. Look again at a small snippet of code we wrote earlier.

-- file: ch18/MTComposition.hs
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.Writer
import MaybeT

problem :: MonadWriter [String] m => m ()
problem = do
  tell ["this is where i fail"]
  fail "oops"

Because we are executing in a monad, we are guaranteed that the effect of the tell will occur before the effect of fail. The problem is that we get this guarantee of ordering even when we don't necessarily want it: the compiler is not free to rearrange monadic code, even if doing so would make it more efficient.

Runtime overhead

Finally, when we use monads and monad transformers, we can pay an efficiency tax. For instance, the State monad carries its state around in a closure. Closures might be cheap in a Haskell implementation, but they're not free.

A monad transformer adds its own overhead to that of whatever is underneath. Our MaybeT transformer has to wrap and unwrap Maybe values every time we use (>>=). A stack of MaybeT on top of StateT over ReaderT thus has a lot of book-keeping to do for each (>>=).

A sufficiently smart compiler might make some or all of these costs vanish, but that degree of sophistication is not yet widely available.

There are relatively simple techniques to avoid some of these costs, though we lack space to do more than mention them by name. For instance, by using a continuation monad, we can avoid the constant wrapping and unwrapping in (>>=), only paying for effects when we use them. Much of the complexity of this approach has already been packaged up in libraries. This area of work is still under lively development as we write. If you want to make your use of monad transformers more efficient, we recommend looking on Hackage, or asking for directions on a mailing list or IRC.

Unwieldy interfaces

If we use the mtl library as a black box, all of its components mesh quite nicely. However, once we start developing our own monads and monad transformers, and using them with those provided by mtl, some deficiencies start to show.

For example, if we create a new monad transformer FooT and want to follow the same pattern as mtl, we'll have it implement a typeclass MonadFoo. If we really want to integrate it cleanly into the mtl, we'll have to provide instances for each of the dozen or so mtl type classes.

On top of that, we'll have to declare instances of MonadFoo for each of the mtl transformers. Most of those instances will be almost identical, and quite dull to write. If we want to keep integrating new monad transformers into the mtl framework, the number of moving parts we must deal with increases with the square of the number of new transformers!

In fairness, this problem only matters to a tiny number of people. Most users of mtl don't need to develop new transformers at all, so they are not affected.

This weakness of mtl's design lies with the fact that it was the first library of monad transformers that was developed. Given that its designers were plunging into the unknown, they did a remarkable job of producing a powerful library that is easy for most users to understand and work with.

A newer library of monads and transformers, monadLib, corrects many of the design flaws in mtl. If at some point you turn into a hard core hacker of monad transformers, it is well worth looking at.

The quadratic instances definition is actually a problem with the approach of using monad transformers. There have been many other approaches put forward for composing monads that don't have this problem, but none of them seem as convenient to the end user as monad transformers. Fortunately, there simply aren't that many foundational, generically useful monad transformers.

Pulling it all together

Monads are not by any means the end of the road when it comes to working with effects and types. What they are is the most practical resting point we have reached so far. Language researchers are always working on systems that try to provide similar advantages, without the same compromises.

Although we must make compromises when we use them, monads and monad transformers still offer a degree of flexibility and control that has no precedent in an imperative language. With just a few declarations, we can rewire something as fundamental as the semicolon to give it a new meaning.

[37] The name mtl stands for “monad transformer library”.

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Copyright 2007, 2008 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.

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