In the previous episode we have looked at Template Haskell, and I promised to follow up with quasiquotation. So here we go.
Note: the examples are based on but are a result of my work with them, rather then verbatim quotes.
Apart from Template Haskell, I also assume at least basic familiarity with Parsec parsing.
Parsing Expressions
Let's start with a simple data type and parser for arithmetic expressions
{-# START_FILE Expr.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Expr(Exp(..),pExp,parse) where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import Control.Applicative((<$>),(*>),(<*))
data Exp = EInt Int
| EAdd Exp Exp
| ESub Exp Exp
| EMul Exp Exp
| EDiv Exp Exp
pExp :: Parser Exp
pExp = pTerm `chainl1` spaced addop
addop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
addop = fmap (const EAdd) (char '+')
<|> fmap (const ESub) (char '-')
pTerm = spaced pNum `chainl1` spaced mulop
mulop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
mulop = pOps [EMul,EDiv] ['*','/']
pNum :: Parser Exp
pNum = fmap (EInt . digitToInt) digit
pOps :: [a] -> [Char] -> Parser a
pOps fs cs = foldr1 (<|>) $ map pOp $ zip fs cs
whenP :: a -> Parser b -> Parser a
whenP = fmap . const
spaced :: Parser a -> Parser a
spaced p = spaces *> p <* spaces
pOp :: (a,Char) -> Parser a
pOp (f,s) = f `whenP` char s
parseExp :: Monad m => (String, Int, Int) -> String -> m Exp
parseExp (file, line, col) s =
case runParser p () "" s of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right e -> return e
p = do updatePosition file line col
e <- pExp
return e
updatePosition file line col = do
pos <- getPosition
setPosition $
(flip setSourceName) file $
(flip setSourceLine) line $
(flip setSourceColumn) col $
{-# START_FILE TestExpr.hs #-}
import Expr
test1 = parse pExp "test1" "1 - 2 - 3 * 4 "
main = print test1
Now let's say we need some expresion trees in our program. For this kind of expressions we could (almost) get by with class Num
instance Num Exp where
fromInteger = EInt . fromInteger
(+) = EAdd
(*) = EMul
(-) = ESub
testExp :: Exp
testExp = (2 + 2) * 3
...but it is neither extensible nor, in fact, nice.
Of course as soon as we have a parser ready we could use it to build expressions
testExp = parse pExp "testExp" "1+2*3"
...but then potential errors in the expression texts remain undetected until runtime, and also this is not flexible enough: what if we wanted a simplifier for expressions, along the lines of
simpl :: Exp -> Exp
simpl (EAdd (EInt 0) x) = x
what if we could instead write
simpl :: Exp -> Exp
simpl (0 + x) = x
turns out with quasiquotation we can do just that (albeit with a slightly different syntax), so to whet your appetite:
{-# START_FILE Simpl2.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import ExprQuote2
import Expr2
simpl :: Exp -> Exp
simpl [expr|0 + $x|] = x
main = print $ simpl [expr|0+2|]
{-# START_FILE ExprQuote2.hs #-}
-- Based on
module ExprQuote2 where
import Data.Generics
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Expr2
expr :: QuasiQuoter
expr = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = quoteExprExp
, quotePat = quoteExprPat
, quoteDec = undefined
, quoteType = undefined
quoteExprExp s = do
pos <- getPosition
exp <- parseExp pos s
dataToExpQ (const Nothing) exp
-- dataToExpQ :: Data a => (forall b. Data b => b -> Maybe (Q Exp)) -> a -> Q Exp
quoteExprPat s = do
pos <- getPosition
exp <- parseExp pos s
dataToPatQ (const Nothing `extQ` antiExprPat) exp
antiExprPat :: Exp -> Maybe (TH.Q TH.Pat)
antiExprPat (EMetaVar v) = Just $ TH.varP (TH.mkName v)
antiExprPat _ = Nothing
getPosition = fmap transPos TH.location where
transPos loc = (TH.loc_filename loc,
fst (TH.loc_start loc),
snd (TH.loc_start loc))
{-# START_FILE Expr2.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Expr2 where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import Control.Applicative((<$>),(*>),(<*))
-- show
data Exp = EInt Int
| EAdd Exp Exp
| ESub Exp Exp
| EMul Exp Exp
| EDiv Exp Exp
| EMetaVar String
pExp :: Parser Exp
-- /show
pExp = pTerm `chainl1` spaced addop
pTerm = spaced pFactor `chainl1` spaced mulop
pFactor = pNum <|> pMetaVar
addop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
addop = fmap (const EAdd) (char '+')
<|> fmap (const ESub) (char '-')
mulop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
mulop = pOps [EMul,EDiv] ['*','/']
pNum :: Parser Exp
pNum = fmap (EInt . digitToInt) digit
pMetaVar = char '$' >> EMetaVar <$> ident
small = lower <|> char '_'
large = upper
idchar = small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\''
ident = do { c <- small; cs <- many idchar; return (c:cs) }
pOps :: [a] -> [Char] -> Parser a
pOps fs cs = foldr1 (<|>) $ map pOp $ zip fs cs
whenP :: a -> Parser b -> Parser a
whenP = fmap . const
spaced :: Parser a -> Parser a
spaced p = spaces *> p <* spaces
pOp :: (a,Char) -> Parser a
pOp (f,s) = f `whenP` char s
test1 = parse pExp "test1" "1 - 2 - 3 * 4 "
test2 = parse pExp "test2" "$x - $y*$z"
parseExp :: Monad m => (String, Int, Int) -> String -> m Exp
parseExp (file, line, col) s =
case runParser p () "" s of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right e -> return e
p = do updatePosition file line col
e <- pExp
return e
updatePosition file line col = do
pos <- getPosition
setPosition $
(flip setSourceName) file $
(flip setSourceLine) line $
(flip setSourceColumn) col $
as we can see, a QuasiQuoter consists of quasiquoters for expressions, patterns, declarations and types (the last two remain undefined in our example). Let us start with the (perhaps simplest) quasiquoter for expressions:
quoteExprExp s = do
pos <- getPosition
exp <- parseExp pos s
dataToExpQ (const Nothing) exp
Quasiquoting Expressions
There are three steps:
- record the current position in Haskell file (for parse error reporting);
- parse the expression into our abstract syntax;
- convert our abstract syntax to its Template Haskell representation.
The first step is accomplished using Language.Haskell.TH.location and converting it to something usable by Parsec:
getPosition = fmap transPos TH.location where
transPos loc = (TH.loc_filename loc,
fst (TH.loc_start loc),
snd (TH.loc_start loc))
Parsing is done using our expression parser introduced at the beginning - nothing exciting here, but then comes the last part: generating Template Haskell, which seems like quite a task. Luckily we can save us some work using facilities for generic programming provided by Data.Data combined with an almost magical Template Haskell function dataToExpQ.
So far, we are halfway through to our goal: we can use the quasiquoter on the right hand side of function definitions:
testExp :: Exp
testExp = [expr|1+2*3|]
Quasiquoting patterns
To be able to write thins like
simpl [expr|0 + $x|] = x
we need to write a quasiquoter for patterns. However, let us start with something less ambitious - a quasiquoter for constant patterns, allowing us to write
{-# START_FILE TestExprQuote1.hs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
import ExprQuote1
import Expr
-- show
testExp :: Exp
testExp = [expr|1+2*3|]
f1 :: Exp -> String
f1 [expr| 1 + 2*3 |] = "Bingo!"
f1 _ = "Sorry, no bonus"
main = putStrLn $ f1 testExp
-- /show
This can be done similarly to the quasiquoter for expressions: record the current position in Haskell file (for parse error reporting); parse the expression into our abstract syntax; * convert our abstract syntax to its Template Haskell representation.
Only the last part needs to gbe slightly different - this time we need to construct Template Haskell pattern representation:
quoteExprPat :: String -> TH.Q TH.Pat
quoteExprPat s = do
pos <- getPosition
exp <- parseExp pos s
dataToPatQ (const Nothing) exp
The functions quoteExprExp
and quoteExprPat
differ in two respects:
- use
instead ofdataToExpQ
- the result type is different (obviously)
The quasiquotation mechanism we have seen so far allows us to translate domain-specific code into Haskell and inject
it into our program. Antiquotation, as the name suggests goes in the opposite direction: embeds Haskell entities (e.g. variables) in our DSL.
This sounds complicated, but isn't really. Think HTML templates:
The meaning is hopefully obvious - the value of program variable pageTitle
should be embedded in the indicated place. In our expression language we might want to write
twice :: Exp -> Exp
twice e = [expr| $e + $e |]
testTwice = twice [expr| 3 * 3|]
This is nothing revolutionary. Haskell however, uses variables not only in expressions, but also in patterns, and here the story becomes a little interesting.
Recall the pattern quasiquoter:
quoteExprPat :: String -> TH.Q TH.Pat
quoteExprPat s = do
pos <- getPosition
exp <- parseExp pos s
dataToPatQ (const Nothing) exp
You might have wondered about the const Nothing
previously, and that is exactly the place we may add own extensions to the standard Data
to Pat
Let us extend our expression syntax and parser with metavariables (variables from the metalanguage):
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Expr2 where
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char(digitToInt)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Data
import Control.Applicative((<$>),(*>),(<*))
-- show
data Exp = EInt Int
| EAdd Exp Exp
| ESub Exp Exp
| EMul Exp Exp
| EDiv Exp Exp
| EMetaVar String
pExp :: Parser Exp
pExp = pTerm `chainl1` spaced addop
pTerm = spaced pFactor `chainl1` spaced mulop
pFactor = pNum <|> pMetaVar
pMetaVar = char '$' >> EMetaVar <$> ident
-- /show
small = lower <|> char '_'
large = upper
idchar = small <|> large <|> digit <|> char '\''
ident = do { c <- small; cs <- many idchar; return (c:cs) }
addop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
addop = fmap (const EAdd) (char '+')
<|> fmap (const ESub) (char '-')
mulop :: Parser (Exp->Exp->Exp)
mulop = pOps [EMul,EDiv] ['*','/']
pNum :: Parser Exp
pNum = fmap (EInt . digitToInt) digit
pOps :: [a] -> [Char] -> Parser a
pOps fs cs = foldr1 (<|>) $ map pOp $ zip fs cs
whenP :: a -> Parser b -> Parser a
whenP = fmap . const
spaced :: Parser a -> Parser a
spaced p = spaces *> p <* spaces
pOp :: (a,Char) -> Parser a
pOp (f,s) = f `whenP` char s
test1 = parse pExp "test1" "1 - 2 - 3 * 4 "
test2 = parse pExp "test2" "$x - $y*$z"
parseExp :: Monad m => (String, Int, Int) -> String -> m Exp
parseExp (file, line, col) s =
case runParser p () "" s of
Left err -> fail $ show err
Right e -> return e
p = do updatePosition file line col
e <- pExp
return e
updatePosition file line col = do
pos <- getPosition
setPosition $
(flip setSourceName) file $
(flip setSourceLine) line $
(flip setSourceColumn) col $
The antiquoter is defined as an extension for the dataToPatQ
antiExprPat :: Exp -> Maybe (TH.Q TH.Pat)
antiExprPat (EMetaVar v) = Just $ TH.varP (TH.mkName v)
antiExprPat _ = Nothing
- metavariables are translated to
TH variables - for all the other cases we say
- allowingdataToPatQ
use its default rules
And that's it! Now we can write
eval [expr| $a + $b|] = eval a + eval b
eval [expr| $a * $b|] = eval a * eval b
eval (EInt n) = n
Extend the expression simplifier with more rules.
Add antiquotation to
Extend the expression quasiquoter to handle metavariables for numeric constants, allowing to implement simplification rules like
simpl [expr|$int:n$ + $int:m$|] = [expr| $int:m+n$ |]
(you are welcome to invent your own syntax in place of $int: ... $