Something I like to do when learning a new programming language is to code a familiar project. This lets me gauge my progress and make comparisons with languages I’m more comfortable with. One of my favorite “familiar” projects is a solver for the 15-puzzle. If you’re not familiar with the 15-puzzle, it’s a classic grid based game with 4 rows and 4 columns containing a total of 15 tiles. The tiles are labeled 1-15 and there is one blank space. The object is to put the tiles in ascending order by repeatedly sliding a tile into the blank space. See 15 puzzle.

45 move puzzle
There’s a reason the 15 puzzle has become a favorite coding exercise of mine. Its solution is a particularly nice example of the interplay between algorithms and data structures. In particular, we use the A* algorithm which relies on a priority queue.
While studying Haskell and working on the diagrams project I decided that I could take my 15 puzzle solution to the next level, by using diagrams to animate it.
We start by getting the imports out of the way.
> module Main where
> import Data.Array.Unboxed
> import Data.List (elemIndex)
> import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
> import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe)
> import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as PQ
> import Diagrams.Prelude
> import Diagrams.Backend.Rasterific.CmdLine
> import System.Environment
Creating the animated GIF
Next, lets write the diagrams code to draw and animate a solution assuming we have already solved a 15 puzzle. The solution takes the form [Board]
where Board
is a matrix of tiles. Each tile is a number between 1 and 15.
> type Board = UArray (Int, Int) Int
First we need to draw a single Board
, i.e convert it to a diagram. Our strategy is to map a function that draws each tile onto the board, then concatenate the tile diagrams into a diagram of the puzzle board. diagrams has built in functions for vertically and horizontally concatenating lists of diagrams so we start by converting the Board
to a list.
> fromBoard :: Board -> [[Int]]
> fromBoard b = [row i | i <- [1..n]]
> where
> row i = [b ! (i, j) | j <- [1..n]]
> n = dim b
The number of rows and columns in the puzzle is the upper bound of the array since we are using 1 (not 0) as the starting indices for our array.
> dim :: Board -> Int
> dim = snd . snd . bounds
Assuming we have a function drawTile
that makes a number into a tile diagrams we can now create a diagram from a game board.
> boardDia :: Board -> Diagram B R2
> boardDia b = bg gray
> . frame 0.1
> . vcat' (with & sep .~ 0.075)
> . map (hcat' (with & sep .~ 0.075))
> . (map . map) drawTile $ fromBoard b
Here is drawTile
> drawTile :: Int -> Diagram B R2
> drawTile 0 = square 1 # lw none
> drawTile s = text (show s)
> # fontSize (Local 1)
> # fc white
> # scale 0.5
> # bold
> <> roundedRect 1 1 0.2
> # fc darkred
Now we need to assemble a bunch of board diagrams into a GIF. All we need to do is pass a list of diagrams and delay times [(Diagram B R2, Int)]
to the mainWith
function, choose a .gif file extension when we run the program and diagrams will make an animated GIF.
> dias :: [Board] -> [Diagram B R2]
> dias bs = map boardDia bs
We show each board for 1 second and pause for 3 seconds before repeating the GIF loop.
> times :: Int -> [Int]
> times n = replicate (n-1) 100 ++ [300]
> gifs :: [Board] -> [(Diagram B R2, Int)]
> gifs bs = zip (dias bs) (times . length $ bs)
Here is an example main program that solves a puzzle read in from a text file. The format of the puzzle file has as first line a single integer representing the dimension of the puzzle and each additional line a string of integers representing a row of the starting puzzle board. For example the puzzle at the top of the post has file:
9 2 8 11
0 5 13 7
15 1 4 10
3 14 6 12
To run the program type the the following at the command line and then enter the path to your puzzle file: ./Puzzle -o my_solution.gif -w 300
Of course we still need to write, solve
, mkGameState
, and boards
> main = do
> putStrLn "Enter the name of the file containing the puzzle:"
> txt <- readFile =<< getLine
> let game = fromString txt
> ([n], brd) = case game of
> [] -> error "Invalid puzzle file"
> x:xs -> (x, concat xs)
> let p = solve . mkGameState n $ brd
> mainWith $ gifs (boards p)
> fromString :: String -> [[Int]]
> fromString s = (map . map) read ws
> where ws = map words (lines s)
The A* algorithm
We are going to search for a solution using the A* algorithm. We will keep track of the state of the game in an algebraic data type called GameState
The game state includes the board, the number of moves up until this point and a previous state (unless this it the start state). We also cache the location of the blank tile and the manhattan distance to the goal state; so that we only need to calculate these things once.
Notice that GameState
recursively contains the game state that preceded it (wrapped in a Maybe
) , except for the start state whose previous
field will contain Nothing
. This will allow us recreate all of the intermediate boards from the final solved board so that we can animate the game. We use the boards
function to create the list containing each board from start to finish.
> data GameState = GameState
> { board :: Board
> , dist :: Int
> , blank :: (Int, Int)
> , moves :: Int
> , previous :: Maybe GameState
> } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
> boards :: GameState -> [Board]
> boards p = reverse $ brds p
> where
> brds q = case previous q of
> Nothing -> [board q]
> Just r -> board q : brds r
The possible moves.
> data Direction = North | East | South | West
We create a priority queue Frontier
whose priorities are the sum of the moves made so far to reach the game state and the manhattan distance to the goal state. This is an admissible heuristic function which guarantees that the solution we find will take the minimum number of moves. The initial Frontier
contains only the start state. Then we recusively pop the minimum game state from the queue and check to see if it is the goal, if it is we are done, if not we calculate the states reachable by a legal game move (neighbors
) and add them to the queue. Here’s the code.
> type Frontier = PQ.MinPQueue Int GameState
Manhattan distance of a tile with value v
at position (i, j)
, for a game of dimension n
> manhattan :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int
> manhattan v n i j = if v == 0 then 0 else rowDist + colDist
> where
> rowDist = abs (i-1 - ((v-1) `div` n))
> colDist = abs (j-1 - ((v-1) `mod` n))
Manhattan distance of entire board.
> totalDist :: Board -> Int
> totalDist b = sum [manhattan (b ! (i, j)) n i j | i <- [1..n], j <- [1..n]]
> where n = dim b
Create a start state from a list of tiles.
> mkGameState :: Int -> [Int] -> GameState
> mkGameState n xs = GameState b d z 0 Nothing
> where
> b = listArray ((1, 1), (n, n)) xs
> d = totalDist b
> Just z' = elemIndex 0 xs
> z = (1 + z' `div` n, 1 + z' `mod` n)
Update the game state after switching the position of the blank and tile (i, j)
> update :: GameState -> Int -> Int -> GameState
> update p i j = p { board = b
> , dist = totalDist b
> , blank = (i, j)
> , moves = moves p + 1
> , previous = Just p }
> where
> b = b' // [(blank p, b' ! (i, j)), ((i, j), 0)]
> b' = board p
Find the the board that can be reached from the current state by moving in the specified direction, being careful not to move off the board.
> neighbor :: GameState -> Direction -> Maybe GameState
> neighbor p dir = case dir of
> North -> if i <= 1 then Nothing else Just $ update p (i-1) j
> East -> if j >= n then Nothing else Just $ update p i (j+1)
> South -> if i >= n then Nothing else Just $ update p (i+1) j
> West -> if j <= 1 then Nothing else Just $ update p i (j-1)
> where
> (i, j) = blank p
> n = dim . board $ p
All of the states that can be reached in one move from the current state.
> neighbors :: GameState -> [GameState]
> neighbors p = mapMaybe (neighbor p) [North, East, South, West]
Finally, solve the puzzle.
> solve :: GameState -> GameState
> solve p = go (PQ.fromList [(dist p, p)])
> where
> go fr = if dist puzzle == 0
> then puzzle
> else go fr2
> where
> -- Retrieve the game state with the lowest priority and > -- remove it from
> -- the frontier.
> ((_, puzzle), fr1) = PQ.deleteFindMin fr
> -- If the new board is the smae as the previous board then
> -- do not add it to the queue since it has already been > -- explored.
> ns = case previous puzzle of
> Nothing -> neighbors puzzle
> Just n -> filter (\x -> board x /= board n)
> (neighbors puzzle)
> -- The priority of a puzzle is the number of moves so far
> -- plus the manhattan distance.
> ps = zip [moves q + dist q | q <- ns] ns
> fr2 = foldr (uncurry PQ.insert) fr1 ps
You can find more puzzles in my github repo: puzzles. Happy solving !