Providence Salumu Chapter 28. Software transactional memory

Chapter 28. Software transactional memory

Table of Contents

The basics
Some simple examples
STM and safety
Retrying a transaction
What happens when we retry?
Choosing between alternatives
Using higher order code with transactions
I/O and STM
Communication between threads
A concurrent web link checker
Checking a link
Worker threads
Finding links
Command line parsing
Pattern guards
Practical aspects of STM
Getting comfortable with giving up control
Using invariants

In the traditional threaded model of concurrent programming, when we share data among threads, we keep it consistent using locks, and we notify threads of changes using condition variables. Haskell's MVar mechanism improves somewhat upon these tools, but it still suffers from all of the same problems.

These problems frequently affect even the smallest concurrent programs, but the difficulties they pose become far worse in larger code bases, or under heavy load.

For instance, a program with a few big locks is somewhat tractable to write and debug, but contention for those locks will clobber us under heavy load. If we react with finer-grained locking, it becomes far harder to keep our software working at all. The additional book-keeping will hurt performance even when loads are light.

The basics

Software transactional memory (STM) gives us a few simple, but powerful, tools with which we can address most of these problems. We execute a block of actions as a transaction using the atomically combinator. Once we enter the block, other threads cannot see any modifications we make until we exit, nor can our thread see any changes made by other threads. These two properties mean that our execution is isolated.

Upon exit from a transaction, exactly one of the following things will occur.

  • If no other thread concurrently modified the same data as us, all of our modifications will simultaneously become visible to other threads.

  • Otherwise, our modifications are discarded without being performed, and our block of actions is automatically restarted.

This all-or-nothing nature of an atomically block is referred to as atomic, hence the name of the combinator. If you have used databases that support transactions, you should find that working with STM feels quite familiar.

Some simple examples

In a multi-player role playing game, a player's character will have some state such as health, possessions, and money. To explore the world of STM, let's start with a few simple functions and types based around working with some character state for a game. We will refine our code as we learn more about the API.

The STM API is provided by the stm package, and its modules are in the Control.Concurrent.STM hierarchy.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad

data Item = Scroll
          | Wand
          | Banjo
            deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

newtype Gold = Gold Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num)

newtype HitPoint = HitPoint Int
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Num)

type Inventory = TVar [Item]
type Health = TVar HitPoint
type Balance = TVar Gold

data Player = Player {
      balance :: Balance,
      health :: Health,
      inventory :: Inventory

The TVar parameterized type is a mutable variable that we can read or write inside an atomically block. For simplicity, we represent a player's inventory as a list of items. Notice, too, that we use newtype declarations so that we cannot accidentally confuse wealth with health.

To perform a basic transfer of money from one Balance to another, all we have to do is adjust the values in each TVar.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
basicTransfer qty fromBal toBal = do
  fromQty <- readTVar fromBal
  toQty   <- readTVar toBal
  writeTVar fromBal (fromQty - qty)
  writeTVar toBal   (toQty + qty)

Let's write a small function to try this out.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
transferTest = do
  alice <- newTVar (12 :: Gold)
  bob   <- newTVar 4
  basicTransfer 3 alice bob
  liftM2 (,) (readTVar alice) (readTVar bob)

If we run this in ghci, it behaves as we should expect.

ghci> :load GameInventory
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( GameInventory.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> atomically transferTest
Loading package array- ... linking ... done.
Loading package stm- ... linking ... done.
(Gold 9,Gold 7)

The properties of atomicity and isolation guarantee that if another thread sees a change in bob's balance, they will also be able to see the modification of alice's balance.

Even in a concurrent program, we strive to keep as much of our code as possible purely functional. This makes our code easier both to reason about and to test. It also gives the underlying STM engine less work to do, since the data involved is not transactional. Here's a pure function that removes an item from the list we use to represent a player's inventory.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
removeInv :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Maybe [a]
removeInv x xs =
    case takeWhile (/= x) xs of
      (_:ys) -> Just ys
      []     -> Nothing

The result uses Maybe so that we can tell whether the item was actually present in the player's inventory.

Here is a transactional function to give an item to another player. It is slightly complicated by the need to determine whether the donor actually has the item in question.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
maybeGiveItem item fromInv toInv = do
  fromList <- readTVar fromInv
  case removeInv item fromList of
    Nothing      -> return False
    Just newList -> do
      writeTVar fromInv newList
      destItems <- readTVar toInv
      writeTVar toInv (item : destItems)
      return True

STM and safety

If we are to provide atomic, isolated transactions, it is critical that we cannot either deliberately or accidentally escape from an atomically block. Haskell's type system enforces this on our behalf, via the STM monad.

ghci> :type atomically
atomically :: STM a -> IO a

The atomically block takes an action in the STM monad, executes it, and makes its result available to us in the IO monad. This is the monad in which all transactional code executes. For instance, the functions that we have seen for manipulating TVar values operate in the STM monad.

ghci> :type newTVar
newTVar :: a -> STM (TVar a)
ghci> :type readTVar
readTVar :: TVar a -> STM a
ghci> :type writeTVar
writeTVar :: TVar a -> a -> STM ()

This is also true of the transactional functions we defined earlier.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
basicTransfer :: Gold -> Balance -> Balance -> STM ()
maybeGiveItem :: Item -> Inventory -> Inventory -> STM Bool

The STM monad does not let us perform I/O or manipulate non-transactional mutable state, such as MVar values. This lets us avoid operations that might violate the transactional guarantees.

Retrying a transaction

The API of our maybeGiveItem function is somewhat awkward. It only gives an item if the character actually possesses it, which is reasonable, but by returning a Bool, it complicates the code of its callers. Here is an item sale function that has to look at the result of maybeGiveItem to decide what to do next.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
maybeSellItem :: Item -> Gold -> Player -> Player -> STM Bool
maybeSellItem item price buyer seller = do
  given <- maybeGiveItem item (inventory seller) (inventory buyer)
  if given
    then do
      basicTransfer price (balance buyer) (balance seller)
      return True
    else return False

Not only do we have to check whether the item was given, we have to propagate an indication of success back to our caller. The complexity thus cascades outwards.

There is a more elegant way to handle transactions that cannot succeed. The STM API provides a retry action which will immediately terminate an atomically block that cannot proceed. As the name suggests, when this occurs, execution of the block is restarted from scratch, with any previous modifications unperformed. Here is a rewrite of maybeGiveItem to use retry.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
giveItem :: Item -> Inventory -> Inventory -> STM ()

giveItem item fromInv toInv = do
  fromList <- readTVar fromInv
  case removeInv item fromList of
    Nothing -> retry
    Just newList -> do
      writeTVar fromInv newList
      readTVar toInv >>= writeTVar toInv . (item :)

Our basicTransfer from earlier had a different kind of flaw: it did not check the sender's balance to see if they had sufficient money to transfer. We can use retry to correct this, while keeping the function's type the same.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
transfer :: Gold -> Balance -> Balance -> STM ()

transfer qty fromBal toBal = do
  fromQty <- readTVar fromBal
  when (qty > fromQty) $
  writeTVar fromBal (fromQty - qty)
  readTVar toBal >>= writeTVar toBal . (qty +)

Now that we are using retry, our item sale function becomes dramatically simpler.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
sellItem :: Item -> Gold -> Player -> Player -> STM ()
sellItem item price buyer seller = do
  giveItem item (inventory seller) (inventory buyer)
  transfer price (balance buyer) (balance seller)

Its behavior is slightly different from our earlier function. Instead of immediately returning False if the seller doesn't have the item, it will block (if necessary) until both the seller has the item and the buyer has enough money to pay for it.

The beauty of STM lies in the cleanliness of the code it lets us write. We can take two functions that work correctly, and use them to create a third that will also behave itself, all with minimal effort.

What happens when we retry?

The retry function doesn't just make our code cleaner: its underlying behavior seems nearly magical. When we call it, it doesn't restart our transaction immediately. Instead, it blocks our thread until one or more of the variables that we touched before calling retry is changed by another thread.

For instance, if we invoke transfer with insufficient funds, retry will automatically wait until our balance changes before it starts the atomically block again. The same happens with our new giveItem function: if the sender doesn't currently have the item in their inventory, the thread will block until they do.

Choosing between alternatives

We don't always want to restart an atomically action if it calls retry or fails due to concurrent modification by another thread. For instance, our new sellItem function will retry indefinitely as long as we are missing either the item or enough money, but we might prefer to just try the sale once.

The orElse combinator lets us perform a “backup” action if the main one fails.

ghci> :type orElse
orElse :: STM a -> STM a -> STM a

If sellItem fails, then orElse will invoke the return False action, causing our sale function to return immediately.

Using higher order code with transactions

Imagine that we'd like to be a little more ambitious, and buy the first item from a list that is both in the possession of the seller and affordable to us, but do nothing if we cannot afford something right now. We could of course write code to do this in a direct manner.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
crummyList :: [(Item, Gold)] -> Player -> Player
             -> STM (Maybe (Item, Gold))
crummyList list buyer seller = go list
    where go []                         = return Nothing
          go (this@(item,price) : rest) = do
              sellItem item price buyer seller
              return (Just this)
              go rest

This function suffers from the familiar problem of muddling together what we want to do with how we ought to do it. A little inspection suggests that there are two reusable patterns buried in this code.

The first of these is to make a transaction fail immediately, instead of retrying.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
maybeSTM :: STM a -> STM (Maybe a)
maybeSTM m = (Just `liftM` m) `orElse` return Nothing

Secondly, we want to try an action over successive elements of a list, stopping at the first that succeeds, or performing a retry if every one fails. Conveniently for us, STM is an instance of the MonadPlus typeclass.

-- file: ch28/STMPlus.hs
instance MonadPlus STM where
  mzero = retry
  mplus = orElse

The Control.Monad module defines the msum function as follows, which is exactly what we need.

-- file: ch28/STMPlus.hs
msum :: MonadPlus m => [m a] -> m a
msum =  foldr mplus mzero

We now have a few key pieces of machinery that will help us to write a much clearer version of our function.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
shoppingList :: [(Item, Gold)] -> Player -> Player
             -> STM (Maybe (Item, Gold))
shoppingList list buyer seller = maybeSTM . msum $ map sellOne list
    where sellOne this@(item,price) = do
            sellItem item price buyer seller
            return this

Since STM is an instance of the MonadPlus typeclass, we can generalize maybeSTM to work over any MonadPlus.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
maybeM :: MonadPlus m => m a -> m (Maybe a)
maybeM m = (Just `liftM` m) `mplus` return Nothing

This gives us a function that is useful in a greater variety of situations.

I/O and STM

The STM monad forbids us from performing arbitrary I/O actions because they can break the guarantees of atomicity and isolation that the monad provides. Of course the need to perform I/O still arises; we just have to treat it very carefully.

Most often, we will need to perform some I/O action as a result of a decision we made inside an atomically block. In these cases, the right thing to do is usually to return a piece of data from atomically, which will tell the caller in the IO monad what to do next. We can even return the action to perform, since actions are first class values.

-- file: ch28/STMIO.hs
someAction :: IO a

stmTransaction :: STM (IO a)
stmTransaction = return someAction

doSomething :: IO a
doSomething = join (atomically stmTransaction)

We occasionally need to perform an I/O operation from within STM. For instance, reading immutable data from a file that must exist does not violate the STM guarantees of isolation or atomicity. In these cases, we can use unsafeIOToSTM to execute an IO action. This function is exported by the low-level GHC.Conc module, so we must go out of our way to use it.

ghci> :m +GHC.Conc
ghci> :type unsafeIOToSTM
unsafeIOToSTM :: IO a -> STM a

The IO action that we execute must not start another atomically transaction. If a thread tries to nest transactions, the runtime system will throw an exception.

Since the type system can't help us to ensure that our IO code is doing something sensible, we will be safest if we limit our use of unsafeIOToSTM as much as possible. Here is a typical error that can arise with IO in an atomically block.

-- file: ch28/STMIO.hs
launchTorpedoes :: IO ()

notActuallyAtomic = do
  unsafeIOToSTM launchTorpedoes

If the mightRetry block causes our transaction to restart, we will call launchTorpedoes more than once. Indeed, we can't predict how many times it will be called, since the runtime system handles retries for us. The solution is not to perform these kinds of non-idempotent[61] I/O operations inside a transaction.

Communication between threads

As well as the basic TVar type, the stm package provides two types that are more useful for communicating between threads. A TMVar is the STM equivalent of an MVar: it can hold either Just a value, or Nothing. The TChan type is the STM counterpart of Chan, and implements a typed FIFO channel.

A concurrent web link checker

As a practical example of using STM, we will develop a program that checks an HTML file for broken links, that is, URLs that either point to bad web pages or dead servers. This is a good problem to address via concurrency: if we try to talk to a dead server, it will take up to two minutes before our connection attempt times out. If we use multiple threads, we can still get useful work done while one or two are stuck talking to slow or dead servers.

We can't simply create one thread per URL, because that may overburden either our CPU or our network connection if (as we expect) most of the links are live and responsive. Instead, we use a fixed number of worker threads, which fetch URLs to download from a queue.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving,
             PatternGuards #-}

import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Exception (catch, finally)
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Char (isControl)
import Data.List (nub)
import Network.URI
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import System.Console.GetOpt
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..), exitWith)
import System.IO (hFlush, hPutStrLn, stderr, stdout)
import Text.Printf (printf)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Set as S

-- This requires the HTTP package, which is not bundled with GHC
import Network.HTTP

type URL = B.ByteString

data Task = Check URL | Done

Our main function provides the top-level scaffolding for our program.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
main :: IO ()
main = do
    (files,k) <- parseArgs
    let n = length files

    -- count of broken links
    badCount <- newTVarIO (0 :: Int)

    -- for reporting broken links
    badLinks <- newTChanIO

    -- for sending jobs to workers
    jobs <- newTChanIO

    -- the number of workers currently running
    workers <- newTVarIO k

    -- one thread reports bad links to stdout
    forkIO $ writeBadLinks badLinks

    -- start worker threads
    forkTimes k workers (worker badLinks jobs badCount)

    -- read links from files, and enqueue them as jobs
    stats <- execJob (mapM_ checkURLs files)
                     (JobState S.empty 0 jobs)

    -- enqueue "please finish" messages
    atomically $ replicateM_ k (writeTChan jobs Done)

    waitFor workers

    broken <- atomically $ readTVar badCount

    printf fmt broken
               (linksFound stats)
               (S.size (linksSeen stats))
    fmt   = "Found %d broken links. " ++
            "Checked %d links (%d unique) in %d files.\n"

When we are in the IO monad, we can create new TVar values using the newTVarIO function. There are also counterparts for creating TMVar and TChan values.

Notice that we use the printf function to print a report at the end. Unlike its counterpart in C, the Haskell printf function can check its argument types, and their number, at runtime.

ghci> :m +Text.Printf
ghci> printf "%d and %d\n" (3::Int)
3 and *** Exception: Printf.printf: argument list ended prematurely
ghci> printf "%s and %d\n" "foo" (3::Int)
foo and 3

Try evaluating printf "%d" True at the ghci prompt, and see what happens.

Supporting main are several short functions.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
modifyTVar_ :: TVar a -> (a -> a) -> STM ()
modifyTVar_ tv f = readTVar tv >>= writeTVar tv . f

forkTimes :: Int -> TVar Int -> IO () -> IO ()
forkTimes k alive act =
  replicateM_ k . forkIO $
    (atomically $ modifyTVar_ alive (subtract 1))

The forkTimes function starts a number of identical worker threads, and decreases the “alive” count each time a thread exits. We use a finally combinator to ensure that the count is always decremented, no matter how the thread terminates.

Next, the writeBadLinks function prints each broken or dead link to stdout.

We use the forever combinator above, which repeats an action endlessly.

ghci> :m +Control.Monad
ghci> :type forever
forever :: (Monad m) => m a -> m ()

Our waitFor function uses check, which calls retry if its argument evaluates to False.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
waitFor :: TVar Int -> IO ()
waitFor alive = atomically $ do
  count <- readTVar alive
  check (count == 0)

Checking a link

Here is a naive function to check the state of a link. This code is similar to the podcatcher that we developed in Chapter 22, Extended Example: Web Client Programming, with a few small differences.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
getStatus :: URI -> IO (Either String Int)
getStatus = chase (5 :: Int)
    chase 0 _ = bail "too many redirects"
    chase n u = do
      resp <- getHead u
      case resp of
        Left err -> bail (show err)
        Right r ->
          case rspCode r of
            (3,_,_) ->
               case findHeader HdrLocation r of
                 Nothing -> bail (show r)
                 Just u' ->
                   case parseURI u' of
                     Nothing -> bail "bad URL"
                     Just url -> chase (n-1) url
            (a,b,c) -> return . Right $ a * 100 + b * 10 + c
    bail = return . Left

getHead :: URI -> IO (Result Response)
getHead uri = simpleHTTP Request { rqURI = uri,
                                   rqMethod = HEAD,
                                   rqHeaders = [],
                                   rqBody = "" }

We follow a HTTP redirect response just a few times, to avoid endless redirect loops. To determine whether a URL is valid, we use the HTTP standard's HEAD verb, which uses less bandwidth than a full GET.

This code has the classic “marching off the left of the screen” style that we have learned to be wary of. Here is a rewrite that offers greater clarity via the ErrorT monad transformer and a few generally useful functions.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
getStatusE = runErrorT . chase (5 :: Int)
    chase :: Int -> URI -> ErrorT String IO Int
    chase 0 _ = throwError "too many redirects"
    chase n u = do
      r <- embedEither show =<< liftIO (getHead u)
      case rspCode r of
        (3,_,_) -> do
            u'  <- embedMaybe (show r)  $ findHeader HdrLocation r
            url <- embedMaybe "bad URL" $ parseURI u'
            chase (n-1) url
        (a,b,c) -> return $ a*100 + b*10 + c

-- This function is defined in Control.Arrow.
left :: (a -> c) -> Either a b -> Either c b
left f (Left x)  = Left (f x)
left _ (Right x) = Right x

-- Some handy embedding functions.
embedEither :: (MonadError e m) => (s -> e) -> Either s a -> m a
embedEither f = either (throwError . f) return

embedMaybe :: (MonadError e m) => e -> Maybe a -> m a
embedMaybe err = maybe (throwError err) return

You might notice that, for once, we are explicitly using

Worker threads

Each worker thread reads a task off the shared queue. It either checks the given URL or exits.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
worker :: TChan String -> TChan Task -> TVar Int -> IO ()
worker badLinks jobQueue badCount = loop
    -- Consume jobs until we are told to exit.
    loop = do
        job <- atomically $ readTChan jobQueue
        case job of
            Done  -> return ()
            Check x -> checkOne (B.unpack x) >> loop

    -- Check a single link.
    checkOne url = case parseURI url of
        Just uri -> do
            code <- getStatus uri `catch` (return . Left . show) 
            case code of
                Right 200 -> return ()
                Right n   -> report (show n)
                Left err  -> report err
        _ -> report "invalid URL"

        where report s = atomically $ do
                           modifyTVar_ badCount (+1)
                           writeTChan badLinks (url ++ " " ++ s)

Finding links

We structure our link finding around a state monad transformer stacked on the IO monad. Our state tracks links that we have already seen (so we don't check a repeated link more than once), the total number of links we have encountered, and the queue to which we should add the links that we will be checking.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
data JobState = JobState { linksSeen :: S.Set URL,
                           linksFound :: Int,
                           linkQueue :: TChan Task }

newtype Job a = Job { runJob :: StateT JobState IO a }
    deriving (Monad, MonadState JobState, MonadIO)

execJob :: Job a -> JobState -> IO JobState
execJob = execStateT . runJob

Strictly speaking, for a small standalone program, we don't need the newtype wrapper, but we include it here as an example of good practice (it only costs a few lines of code, anyway).

The main function maps checkURLs over each input file, so checkURLs only needs to read a single file.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
checkURLs :: FilePath -> Job ()
checkURLs f = do
    src <- liftIO $ B.readFile f
    let urls = extractLinks src
    filterM seenURI urls >>= sendJobs
    updateStats (length urls)

updateStats :: Int -> Job ()
updateStats a = modify $ \s ->
    s { linksFound = linksFound s + a }

-- | Add a link to the set we have seen.
insertURI :: URL -> Job ()
insertURI c = modify $ \s ->
    s { linksSeen = S.insert c (linksSeen s) }

-- | If we have seen a link, return False.  Otherwise, record that we
-- have seen it, and return True.
seenURI :: URL -> Job Bool
seenURI url = do
    seen <- (not . S.member url) `liftM` gets linksSeen
    insertURI url
    return seen

sendJobs :: [URL] -> Job ()
sendJobs js = do
    c <- gets linkQueue
    liftIO . atomically $ mapM_ (writeTChan c . Check) js

Our extractLinks function doesn't attempt to properly parse a HTML or text file. Instead, it looks for strings that appear to be URLs, and treats them as “good enough”.

Command line parsing

To parse our command line arguments, we use the System.Console.GetOpt module. It provides useful code for parsing arguments, but it is slightly involved to use.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
data Flag = Help | N Int
            deriving Eq

parseArgs :: IO ([String], Int)
parseArgs = do
    argv <- getArgs
    case parse argv of
        ([], files, [])                     -> return (nub files, 16)
        (opts, files, [])
            | Help `elem` opts              -> help
            | [N n] <- filter (/=Help) opts -> return (nub files, n)
        (_,_,errs)                          -> die errs
    parse argv = getOpt Permute options argv
    header     = "Usage: urlcheck [-h] [-n n] [file ...]"
    info       = usageInfo header options
    dump       = hPutStrLn stderr
    die errs   = dump (concat errs ++ info) >> exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    help       = dump info                  >> exitWith ExitSuccess

The getOpt function takes three arguments.

  • An argument ordering, which specifies whether options can be mixed with other arguments (Permute, which we use above) or must appear before them.

  • A list of option definitions. Each consists of a list of short names for the option, a list of long names for the option, a description of the option (e.g. whether it accepts an argument), and an explanation for users.

  • A list of the arguments and options, as returned by getArgs.

The function returns a triple which consists of the parsed options, the remaining arguments, and any error messages that arose.

We use the Flag algebraic data type to represent the options our program can accept.

-- file: ch28/Check.hs
options :: [OptDescr Flag]
options = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg Help)
                   "Show this help message",
            Option ['n'] []       (ReqArg (\s -> N (read s)) "N")
                   "Number of concurrent connections (default 16)" ]

Our options list describes each option that we accept. Each description must be able to create a Flag value. Take a look at our uses of NoArg and ReqArg above. These are constructors for the GetOpt module's ArgDescr type.

-- file: ch28/GetOpt.hs
data ArgDescr a = NoArg a
                | ReqArg (String -> a) String
                | OptArg (Maybe String -> a) String
  • The NoArg constructor accepts a parameter that will represent this option. In our case, if a user invokes our program with -h or --help, we will use the value Help.

  • The ReqArg constructor accepts a function that maps a required argument to a value. Its second argument is used when printing help. Here, we convert a string into an integer, and pass it to our Flag type's N constructor.

  • The OptArg constructor is similar to the ReqArg constructor, but it permits the use of options that can be used without arguments.

Pattern guards

We sneaked one last language extension into our definition of parseArgs. Pattern guards let us write more concise guard expressions. They are enabled via the PatternGuards language extension.

A pattern guard has three components: a pattern, a <- symbol, and an expression. The expression is evaluated and matched against the pattern. If it matches, any variables present in the pattern are bound. We can mix pattern guards and normal Bool guard expressions in a single guard by separating them with commas.

-- file: ch28/PatternGuard.hs
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}

testme x xs | Just y <- lookup x xs, y > 3 = y
            | otherwise                    = 0

In the above example, we return a value from the alist xs if its associated key x is present, provided the value is greater than 3. The above definition is equivalent to the following.

-- file: ch28/PatternGuard.hs
testme_noguards x xs = case lookup x xs of
                         Just y | y > 3 -> y
                         _              -> 0

Pattern guards let us “collapse” a collection of guards and case expressions into a single guard, allowing us to write more succinct and descriptive guards.

Practical aspects of STM

We have so far been quiet about the specific benefits that STM gives us. Most obvious is how well it composes: to add code to a transaction, we just use our usual monadic building blocks, (>>=) and (>>).

The notion of composability is critical to building modular software. If we take two pieces of code that individually work correctly, the composition of the two should also be correct. While normal threaded programming makes composability impossible, STM restores it as a key assumption that we can rely upon.

The STM monad prevents us from accidentally performing non-transactional I/O actions. We don't need to worry about lock ordering, since our code contains no locks. We can forget about lost wakeups, since we don't have condition variables. If an exception is thrown, we can either catch it using catchSTM, or be bounced out of our transaction, leaving our state untouched. Finally, the retry and orElse functions give us some beautiful ways to structure our code.

Code that uses STM will not deadlock, but it is possible for threads to starve each other to some degree. A long-running transaction can cause another transaction to retry often enough that it will make comparatively little progress. To address a problem like this, make your transactions as short as you can, while keeping your data consistent.

Getting comfortable with giving up control

Whether with concurrency or memory management, there will be times when we must retain control: some software must make solid guarantees about latency or memory footprint, so we will be forced to spend the extra time and effort managing and debugging explicit code. For many interesting, practical uses of software, garbage collection and STM will do more than well enough.

STM is not a complete panacea. It is useful to compare it with the use of garbage collection for memory management. When we abandon explicit memory management in favour of garbage collection, we give up control in return for safer code. Likewise, with STM, we abandon the low-level details, in exchange for code that we can better hope to understand.

Using invariants

STM cannot eliminate certain classes of bug. For instance, if we withdraw money from an account in one atomically block, return to the IO monad, then deposit it to another account in a different atomically block, our code will have an inconsistency. There will be a window of time in which the money is present in neither account.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
bogusTransfer qty fromBal toBal = do
  fromQty <- atomically $ readTVar fromBal
  -- window of inconsistency
  toQty   <- atomically $ readTVar toBal
  atomically $ writeTVar fromBal (fromQty - qty)
  -- window of inconsistency
  atomically $ writeTVar toBal   (toQty + qty)

bogusSale :: Item -> Gold -> Player -> Player -> IO ()
bogusSale item price buyer seller = do
  atomically $ giveItem item (inventory seller) (inventory buyer)
  bogusTransfer price (balance buyer) (balance seller)

In concurrent programs, these kinds of problems are notoriously difficult to find and reproduce. For instance, the inconsistency that we describe above will usually only occur for a brief period of time. Problems like this often refuse to show up during development, instead only occurring in the field, under heavy load.

The alwaysSucceeds function lets us define an invariant, a property of our data that must always be true.

ghci> :type alwaysSucceeds
alwaysSucceeds :: STM a -> STM ()

When we create an invariant, it will immediately be checked. To fail, the invariant must raise an exception. More interestingly, the invariant will subsequently be checked automatically at the end of every transaction. If it fails at any point, the transaction will be aborted, and the exception raised by the invariant will be propagated. This means that we will get immediate feedback as soon as one of our invariants is violated.

For instance, here are a few functions to populate our game world from the beginning of this chapter with players.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
newPlayer :: Gold -> HitPoint -> [Item] -> STM Player
newPlayer balance health inventory =
    Player `liftM` newTVar balance
              `ap` newTVar health
              `ap` newTVar inventory

populateWorld :: STM [Player]
populateWorld = sequence [ newPlayer 20 20 [Wand, Banjo],
                           newPlayer 10 12 [Scroll] ]

This function returns an invariant that we can use to ensure that the world's money balance is always consistent: the balance at any point in time should be the same as at the creation of the world.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
consistentBalance :: [Player] -> STM (STM ())
consistentBalance players = do
    initialTotal <- totalBalance
    return $ do
      curTotal <- totalBalance
      when (curTotal /= initialTotal) $
        error "inconsistent global balance"
  where totalBalance   = foldM addBalance 0 players
        addBalance a b = (a+) `liftM` readTVar (balance b)

Let's write a small function that exercises this.

-- file: ch28/GameInventory.hs
tryBogusSale = do
  players@(alice:bob:_) <- atomically populateWorld
  atomically $ alwaysSucceeds =<< consistentBalance players
  bogusSale Wand 5 alice bob

If we run it in ghci, it should detect the inconsistency caused by our incorrect use of atomically in the bogusTransfer function we wrote.

ghci> tryBogusSale
*** Exception: inconsistent global balance

[61] An idempotent action gives the same result every time it is invoked, no matter how many times this occurs.

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Copyright 2007, 2008 Bryan O'Sullivan, Don Stewart, and John Goerzen. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License. Icons by Paul Davey aka Mattahan.

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