Providence Salumu Template Haskell Is Not Scary

To Overcome

Template Haskell Is Not Scary

A Beginner Tutorial

This tutorial is aimed at people who are beginner-intermediate Haskellers looking to learn the basics of Template Haskell.

I learned about the power and utility of metaprogramming in Ruby. Ruby metaprogramming is done by constructing source code with string concatenation and having the interpreter run it. There are also some methods that can be used to define methods, constants, variables, etc.

In my Squirrell Ruby library designed to make encapsulating SQL queries a bit easier, I have a few bits of metaprogramming to allow for some conveniences when defining classes. The idea is that you can define a query class like this:

class PermissionExample
  include Squirrell

  requires :user_id
  permits :post_id

  def raw_sql
FROM users
  INNER JOIN posts ON = posts.user_id
WHERE = #{user_id} #{has_post?}

  def has_post?
    post_id ? "AND = #{post_id}" : ""

and by specifying requires with the symbols you want to require, it will define an instance variable and an attribute reader for you, and raise errors if you don’t pass the required parameter. Accomplishing that was pretty easy. Calling requires does some bookkeeping with required parameters and then calls this method with the arguments passed:

def define_readers(args)
  args.each do |arg|
    attr_reader arg

Which you can kinda read like a macro: take the arguments, and call attr_reader with each. The magic happens later, where I overrode the initialize method:

def initialize(args = {})
  return self if args.empty?

  Squirrell.requires[self.class].each do |k|

    unless args.keys.include? k
      fail MissingParameterError, "Missing required parameter: #{k}"

    instance_variable_set "@#{k}", args.delete(k)

  fail UnusedParameter, "Unspecified parameters: #{args}" if args.any?

We loop over the arguments provided to new, and if any required ones are missing, error. Otherwise, we set the instance variable associated with the argument, and remove it from the hash.

Another approach involves taking a string, and evaluating it in the context of whatever class you’re in:

def lolwat(your_method, your_string)
  class_eval "def #{your_method}; puts #{your_string}; end"

This line of code defines a method with your choice of name and string to print in the context of whatever class is running.

wait this isn’t haskell what am i doing here

Metaprogramming in Ruby is mostly based on a textual approach to code. You use Ruby to generate a string of Ruby code, and then you have Ruby evaluate the code.

If you’re coming from this sort of background (as I was), then Template Haskell will strike you as different and weird. You’ll think “Oh, I know, I’ll just use quasi quoters and it’ll all work just right.” Nope. You have to think very differently about metaprogramming in Template Haskell. You’re not going to be putting strings together that happen to make valid code. This is Haskell, we’re going to have some compile time checking!

Constructing an AST

In Ruby, we built a string, which the Ruby interpreter then parsed, turned into an abstract syntax tree, and interpreted. In Haskell, we’ll skip the string step. We’ll build the abstract syntax tree directly using standard data constructors. GHC will verify that we’re doing everything OK in the construction of the syntax tree, and then it’ll print the syntax tree into our source code before compiling the whole thing. So we get two levels of compile time checking – that we built a correct template, and that we used the template correctly.

One of the nastiest things about textual metaprogramming is that there’s no guarantee that your syntax is right – and it can be really hard to debug when doing more complicated stuff. Programming directly into an AST makes it a lot easier to verify the correctness of what we write. The quasiquoters are a convenience built around AST programming, but I’m of the opinion that you should learn the AST stuff first and then dive into the quoters when you have a good idea of how they work.

Alright, so let’s get into our first example. We’ve written a function bigBadMathProblem :: Int -> Double that takes a lot of time at runtime, and we want to write a lookup table for the most common values. Since we want to ensure that runtime speed is super fast, and we don’t mind waiting on the compiler, we’ll do this with Template Haskell. We’ll pass in a list of common numbers, run the function on each to precompute them, and then finally punt to the function if we didn’t cache the number.

Since we want to do something like the makeLenses function to generate a bunch of declarations for us, we’ll first look at the type of that in the lens library. Jumping to the lens docs, we can see that the type of makesLenses is Name -> DecsQ. Jumping to the Template Haskell docs, DecsQ is a type synonym for Q [Dec]. Q appears to be a monad for Template Haskell, and a Dec is the data type for a declaration. The constructor for making a function declaration is FunD. We can get started with this!

We’ll start by defining our function. It’ll take a list of commonly used values, apply the function to each, and store the result. Finally, we’ll need a clause that passes the value to the math function in the event we don’t have it cached.

precompute :: [Int] -> DecsQ
precompute xs = do
  -- .......
  return [FunD name clauses]

Since Q is a monad, and DecsQ is a type synonym for it, we know we can start off with do. And we know we’re going to be returning a function definition, which, according to the Dec documentation, has a field for the name of the function and the list of clauses. Now it’s up to us to generate the name and clauses. Names are easy, so we’ll do that first.

We can get a name from a string using mkName. This converts a string into an unqualified name. We’re going to choose lookupTable as the name of our lookup table, so we can just use that directly.

precompute xs = do
  let name = mkName "lookupTable"
  -- ...

Now, we need to apply each variable in xs to the function named bigBadMathProblem. This will go in the [Clause] field, so let’s look at what makes up a Clause. According to the documentation, a clause is a data constructor with three fields: a list of Pat patterns, a Body, and a list of Dec declarations. The body corresponds to the actual function definition, the Pat patterns correspond to the patterns we’re matching input arguments on, and the Dec declarations are what we might find in a where clause.

Let’s identify our patterns first. We’re trying to match on the Ints directly. Our desired output is going to look something like:

lookupTable 0 = 123.546
lookupTable 12 = 151626.4234
lookupTable 42 = 0.0
-- ...
lookupTable x = bigBadMathProblem x

So we need a way to get those Ints in our xs variable into a Pat pattern. We need some function Int -> Pat… Let’s check out the documentation for Pat and see how it works. The very first pattern is LitP, which takes an argument of type Lit. A Lit is a sum type that has a constructor for the primitive Haskell types. There’s one for IntegerL, which we can use.

So, we can get from Int -> Pat with the following function:

intToPat :: Int -> Pat
intToPat = LitP . IntegerL . toInteger

Which we can map over the initial list to get our [Pat]!

precompute xs = do
  let name = mkName "lookupTable"
      patterns = map intToPat xs
  -- ...
  return [FunD name clauses]

Our lookupTable function is only going to take a single argument, so we’ll want to map our integer Pats into Clause, going from our [Pat] -> [Clause]. That will get use the clauses variable that we need. From above, a clause is defined like:

data Clause = Clause [Pat] Body [Dec]

So, our [Pat] is simple – we only have one literal value we’re matching on. Body is defined to be either a GuardedB which uses pattern guards, or a NormalB which doesn’t. We could define our function in terms of a single clause with a GuardedB body, but that sounds like more work, so we’ll just use a NormalB body. The NormalB constructor takes an argument of type Exp. So let’s dig in to the Exp documentation!

There’s a lot here. Looking above, we really just want to have a single thing – a literal! The precomputed value. There’s a LitE constructor which takes a Lit type. The Lit type has a constructor for DoublePrimL which takes a Rational, so we’ll have to do a bit of conversion.

precomputeInteger :: Int -> Exp
precomputeInteger = LitE . DoublePrimL . toRational . bigBadMathProblem

We can get the Bodys for the Clauses by mapping this function over the list of arguments. The declarations will just be blank, so we’re ready to create our clauses!

precompute xs = do
  let name = mkName "lookupTable"
      patterns = map intToPat xs
      fnBodies = map precomputeInteger xs
      precomputedClauses = 
        zipWith (\body pattern -> Clause [pattern] (NormalB body) []) fnBodies patterns
  -- ......
  return [FunD name clauses]

There’s one thing left to do here. We need to create another clause with a variable x that we delegate to the function. Since we’re introducing a local variable, we don’t need to worry about being hygienic with our naming, so we can use mkName again. We will have to get a bit more complicated with our Body expression, since we’ve got an application to a function going on.

precompute xs = do
  let name = mkName "lookupTable"
      patterns = map intToPat xs
      fnBodies = map precomputeInteger xs
      precomputedClauses =
        zipWith (\body pattern -> Clause [pattern] (NormalB body) []) fnBodies patterns
      x' = mkName "x"
      lastClause = [Clause [VarP x'] (NormalB appBody) []]
  -- ...
      clauses = precomputedClauses ++ lastClause
  return [FunD name clauses]

Going back to the Exp type, we’re now looking for something that captures the idea of application. The Exp type has a data constructor AppE which takes two expressions and applies the second to the first. That’s precisely what we need! It also has a data constructor VarE which takes a Name argument. That’s all we need. Let’s do it.

precompute xs = do
  let name = mkName "lookupTable"
      patterns = map intToPat xs
      fnBodies = map precomputeInteger xs
      precomputedClauses = 
        zipWith (\body pattern -> Clause [pattern] body []) fnBodies patterns
      x' = mkName "x"
      lastClause = [Clause [VarP x'] (NormalB appBody) []]
      appBody = AppE (VarE (mkName "bigBadMathProblem")) (VarE x')
      clauses = precomputedClauses ++ lastClause
  return [FunD name clauses]

We did it! We wrangled up some Template Haskell and wrote ourselves a lookup table. Now, we’ll want to splice it into the top level of our program with the $() splice syntax:

$(precompute [1..1000])

As it happens, GHC is smart enough to know that a top level expression with the type Q [Dec] can be spliced without the explicit splicing syntax.

Creating Haskell expressions using the data constructors is really easy, if a little verbose. Let’s look at a little more complicated example.

Boilerplate Be Gone!

We’re excited to be using the excellent users library with the persistent backend for the web application we’re working on (source code located here, if you’re curious). It handles all kinds of stuff for us, taking care of a bunch of boilerplate and user related code. It expects, as its first argument, a value that can be unwrapped and used to run a Persistent query. It also operates in the IO monad. Right now, our application is setup to use a custom monad AppM which is defined like:

type AppM = ReaderT Config (EitherT ServantErr IO)

So, to actually use the functions in the users library, we have to do this bit of fun business:

someFunc :: AppM [User]
someFunc = do
  connPool <- asks getPool
  let conn = Persistent (`runSqlPool` connPool)
  users <- liftIO (listUsers conn Nothing)
  return (map snd users)

That’s going to get annoying quickly, so we start writing functions specific to our monad that we can call instead of doing all that lifting and wrapping.

backend :: AppM Persistent
backend = do
  pool <- asks getPool
  return (Persistent (`runSqlPool` pool))

myListUsers :: Maybe (Int64, Int64) -> AppM [(LoginId, QLUser)]
myListUsers m = do
  b <- backend
  liftIO (listUsers b m)

myGetUserById :: LoginId -> AppM (Maybe QLUser)
myGetUserById l = do
  b <- backend
  liftIO (getUserById b l)

myUpdateUser :: LoginId -> (QLUser -> QLUser) -> AppM (Either UpdateUserError ())
myUpdateUser id fn = do
  b <- backend
  liftIO (updateUser b id fn)

ahh, totally mechanical code. just straight up boiler plate. This is exactly the sort of thing I’d have metaprogrammed in Ruby. So let’s metaprogram it in Haskell!

First, we’ll want to simplify the expression. Let’s use listUsers as the example. We’ll make it as simple as possible – no infix operators, no do notation, etc.

listUsersSimple m = (>>=) backend (\b -> liftIO (listUsers b m))

Nice. To make it a little easier on seeing the AST, we can take it one step further. Let’s explicitly show all function application by adding parentheses to make everything as explicit as possible.

listUsersExplicit m =
  ((>>=) backend) (\b -> liftIO ((listUsers b) m))

The general formula that we’re going for is:

derivedFunction arg1 arg2 ... argn =
  ((>>=) backend) 
    (\b -> liftIO ((...(((function b) arg1) arg2)...) argn))

We’ll start by creating our deriveReader function, which will take as its first argument the backend function name.

deriveReader :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveReader rd = 
  mapM (decForFunc rd)
    [ 'destroyUserBackend
    , 'housekeepBackend
    , 'getUserIdByName
    , 'getUserById
    , 'listUsers
    , 'countUsers
    , 'createUser
    , 'updateUser
    , 'updateUserDetails
    , 'authUser
    , 'deleteUser

This is our first bit of special syntax. The single quote in 'destroyUserBackend is a shorthand way of saying mkName "destroyUserBackend" Now, what we need is a function decForFunc, which has the signature Name -> Name -> Q Dec.

In order to do this, we’ll need to get some information about the function we’re trying to derive. Specifically, we need to know how many arguments the source function takes. There’s a whole section in the Template Haskell documentation about ‘Querying the Compiler’ which we can put to good use.

The reify function returns a value of type Info. For type class operations, it has the data constructor ClassOpI with arguments Name, Type, ParentName, and Fixity. None of these have the arity of the function directly…

I think it’s time to do a bit of exploratory coding in the REPL. We can fire up GHCi and start doing some Template Haskell with the following commands:

λ: :set -XTemplateHaskell 
λ: import Language.Haskell.TH

We can also do the following command, and it’ll print out all of the generated code that it makes:

λ: :set -ddump-splices

Now, let’s run reify on something simple and see the output!

λ: reify 'id

    No instance for (Show (Q Info)) arising from a use of print
    In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

Hmm.. No show instance. Fortunately, there’s a workaround that can print out stuff in the Q monad:

λ: $(stringE . show =<< reify 'id)
    [KindedTV a_1627463132 StarT] 
      (AppT ArrowT (VarT a_1627463132)) 
      (VarT a_1627463132)
  (Fixity 9 InfixL)"

I’ve formatted it a bit to make it a bit more legible. We’ve got the Name, the Type, a Nothing value that is always Nothing, and the fixity of the function. The Type seems pretty useful… Let’s look at the reify output for one of the class methods we’re trying to work with:

λ: $(stringE . show =<< reify 'Web.Users.Types.getUserById)
    [KindedTV b_1627432398 StarT] 
    [AppT (ConT Web.Users.Types.UserStorageBackend) (VarT b_1627432398)]
      [KindedTV a_1627482920 StarT]
      [AppT (ConT Data.Aeson.Types.Class.FromJSON) (VarT a_1627482920),AppT (ConT Data.Aeson.Types.Class.ToJSON) (VarT a_1627482920)]
          (VarT b_1627432398)
                (ConT Web.Users.Types.UserId)
                (VarT b_1627432398)
            (ConT GHC.Types.IO) 
              (ConT GHC.Base.Maybe)
                (ConT Web.Users.Types.User) 
                (VarT a_1627482920)
  (Fixity 9 InfixL)"

WOOOOH. That is a ton of text!! We’re mainly interested in the Type declaration, and we can get a lot of information about what data constructors are used from the rather nice documentation. Just like AppE is how we applied an expression to an expression, AppT is how we apply a type to a type. ArrowT is the function arrow in the type signature.

Just as an exercise, we’ll go through the following type signature and transform it into something a bit like the above:

fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
~ ((->) a b) -> (f a) -> (f b)
~ (->) ((->) a b) ((f a) -> (f b))
~ (->) ((->) a b) ((->) (f a) (f b))

Ok, now all of our (->)s are written in prefix form. We’ll replace the arrows with ArrowT, do explicit parentheses, and put in the ApplyT constructors working from the innermost expressions out.

~ (ArrowT ((ArrowT a) b)) ((ArrowT (f a)) (f b))
~ (ArrowT ((ApplyT ArrowT a) b)) ((ArrowT (ApplyT f a)) (ApplyT f b))
~ (ArrowT (ApplyT (ApplyT ArrowT a) b)) (ApplyT (ApplyT ArrowT (ApplyT f a)) (ApplyT f b))
~ ApplyT (ArrowT (ApplyT (ApplyT ArrowT a) b)) (ApplyT (ApplyT ArrowT (ApplyT f a)) (ApplyT f b))

That got pretty out of hand and messy looking. But, we have a good idea now of how we can get from one representation to the other.

So, going from our type signature, it looks like we can figure out how we can get the arguments we need from the type! We’ll pattern match on the type signature, and if we see something that looks like the continuation of a type signature, we’ll add one to a count and go deeper. Otherwise, we’ll skip out.

The function definition looks like this:

functionLevels :: Type -> Int
functionLevels = go 0
    go :: Int -> Type -> Int
    go n (AppT (AppT ArrowT _) rest) =
      go (n+1) rest
    go n (ForallT _ _ rest) =
      go n rest
    go n _ =

Neat! We can pattern match on these just like ordinary Haskell values. Well, they are ordinary Haskell values, so that makes perfect sense.

Lastly, we’ll need a function that gets the type from an Info. Not all Info have types, so we’ll encode that with Maybe.

getType :: Info -> Maybe Type
getType (ClassOpI _ t _ _) = Just t
getType (DataConI _ t _ _) = Just t
getType (VarI _ t _ _)     = Just t
getType (TyVarI _ t)       = Just t
getType _                  = Nothing

Alright, we’re ready to get started on that decForFunc function!! We’ll go ahead and fill in what we know we need to do:

decForFunc :: Name -> Name -> Q Dec
decForFunc reader fn = do
  info <- reify fn
  arity <- maybe (reportError "Unable to get arity of name" >> return 0)
                 (return . functionLevels)
                 (getType info)
  -- ...
  return (FunD fnName [Clause varPat (NormalB final) []])

Arity acquired. Now, we’ll want to get a list of new variable names corresponding with the function arguments. When we want to be hygienic with our variable names, we use the function newName which creates a totally unique variable name with the string prepended to it. We want (arity - 1) new names, since we’ll be using the bound value from the reader function for the other one. We’ll also want a name for the value we’ll bind out of the lambda.

varNames <- replicateM (arity - 1) (newName "arg")
b <- newName "b"

Next up is the new function name. To keep a consistent API, we’ll use the same name as the one in the actual package. This will require us to import the other package qualified to avoid a name clash.

let fnName = mkName . nameBase $ fn

nameBase has the type Name -> String, and gets the non-qualified name string for a given Name value. Then we mkName with the string, giving us a new, non-qualified name with the same value as the original function. This might be a bad idea? You probably want to provide a unique identifier. Module namespacing does a fine job of that, imo.

Next up, we’ll want to apply the (>>=) function to the reader. We’ll then want to create a function which applies the bound expression to a lambda. Lambdas have an LamE constructor in the Exp type. They take a [Pat] to match on, and an Exp that represents the lambda body.

bound  = AppE (VarE '(>>=)) (VarE reader)
binder = AppE bound . LamE [VarP b] 

So AppE bound . LamE [VarP b] is the exact same thing as (>>=) reader (\b -> ...)! Cool.

Next up, we’ll need to create VarE values for all of the variables. Then, we’ll need to apply all of the values to the VarE fn expression. Function application binds to the left, so we’ll have:

fn       ~                   VarE fn
fn a     ~             AppE (VarE fn) (VarE a)
fn a b   ~       AppE (AppE (VarE fn) (VarE a)) (VarE b)
fn a b c ~ AppE (AppE (AppE (VarE fn) (VarE a)) (VarE b)) (VarE c)

This looks just like a left fold! Once we have that, we’ll apply the fully applied fn expression to VarE 'liftIO, and finally bind it to the lambda.

varExprs   = map VarE (b : varNames)
fullExpr   = foldl AppE (VarE fn) varExprs
liftedExpr = AppE (VarE 'liftIO) fullExpr
final      = binder liftedExpr

This produces our (>>=) reader (\b -> fn b arg1 arg2 ... argn) expression.

The last thing we need to do is get our patterns. This is just the list of variables we generated earlier.

varPat = map VarP varNames

And now, the whole thing:

deriveReader :: Name -> DecsQ
deriveReader rd =
  mapM (decForFunc rd) 
    [ 'destroyUserBackend
    , 'housekeepBackend
    , 'getUserIdByName
    , 'getUserById
    , 'listUsers
    , 'countUsers
    , 'createUser
    , 'updateUser
    , 'updateUserDetails
    , 'authUser
    , 'deleteUser

decForFunc :: Name -> Name -> Q Dec
decForFunc reader fn = do
  info <- reify fn
  arity <- maybe (reportError "Unable to get arity of name" >> return 0)
        (return . functionLevels) 
        (getType info)
  varNames <- replicateM (arity - 1) (newName "arg")
  b <- newName "b"
  let fnName     = mkName . nameBase $ fn
      bound      = AppE (VarE '(>>=)) (VarE reader)
      binder     = AppE bound . LamE [VarP b]
      varExprs   = map VarE (b : varNames)
      fullExpr   = foldl AppE (VarE fn) varExprs
      liftedExpr = AppE (VarE 'liftIO) fullExpr
      final      = binder liftedExpr
      varPat     = map VarP varNames
  return $ FunD fnName [Clause varPat (NormalB final) []]

And we’ve now metaprogrammed a bunch of boilerplate away!

We’ve looked at the docs for Template Haskell, figured out how to construct values in Haskell’s AST, and worked out how to do some work at compile time, as well as automate some boilerplate. I’m excited to learn more about the magic of defining quasiquoters and more advanced Template Haskell constructs, but even a super basic “build expressions and declarations using data constructors” approach is very useful. Hopefully, you’ll find this as useful as I did.

Providence Salumu