Providence Salumu
The tutorials are written
in C++. My assumption is that the reader is experienced in that
language and in software development in general.
The primary requirement for running the tutorials is a GPU
that supports version 3.3 of the OpenGL spec at least (though some of
the tutorials, e.g. Tessellation, require 4.x support). The code provided by
the tutorials was developed on Ubuntu Linux using NetBeans as a primary
development platform (the C/C++ version is enough to be able to build the tutorials).
You should be able to compile it without NetBeans
by simply running 'make' from the command line. In order to install the
required packages run the following commands:
- On Ubuntu: apt-get install g++ freeglut3-dev glew1.5-dev libmagick++-dev libassimp-dev libglfw-dev
- On Fedora: yum install gcc-c++ glew-devel freeglut-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel ImageMagick-c++ assimp-devel glfw-devel
Another thing that I did on Ubuntu to make my life easier is to run the following command
as root:
ln /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libglfw.pc /usr/lib/pkgconfig/glfw3.pc
The reason is to use the same name for the package config file of GLFW in Ubuntu
as in Fedora. This allows me to work with the same Netbeans project file for both distributions.
Note: since Nov-14, 2013, the source to all the tutorials is provided in a single zip
package, instead of a package per tutorial. The package contains Netbeans projects
for Linux and a Visual Studio solution for Windows (<ROOT>/Windows/ogldev/ogldev.sln).
You can get the source package here.
To decrease the development time I'm maintaining only the 'Debug' build in
both NetBeans and Visual Studio projects. Getting the 'Release' version up
and running is simply a matter of copying the configuration there.
Providence Salumu